Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1224: Stepped over

Upon seeing this, Ji Ning frowned, and said, "Where did Zhao Xiaoshan provoke them? He is obviously just an ordinary person, so how come he has become an evildoer?"

Shangguan also nodded and said: "From the way Zhao Xiaoshan is speaking, I can't see any lies. No matter how you look at it, he is just an ordinary mountain man. With his ability, there is probably nothing that can withstand such a big offense. A sect."

"But listening to the meaning of their words, it's like they took Zhao Xiaoshan, there is no way at all, but they can't find it when they want to find it, but they can't catch it when they want to catch it, and they can only curse a few'monsters' to relieve their anger. "

Rong Guocheng squeezed his chin, his face also showed a very incomprehensible expression.

Rong Guocheng's words uttered everyone's incomprehension.

Although they didn’t have much contact with Zhao Xiaoshan, they were all aware that he was really just an ordinary person, but because he had been in the mountains for a long time, he was more familiar with the routes in the mountains, and his skills were agile. Are these people so jealous?

Thinking like this in their hearts, everyone looked at Tang Feng together.

They just don't think they can see anything unusual about Zhao Xiaoshan, presumably Tang Feng can.

But Tang Feng looked as usual, just nodded, and said, "Zhao Xiaoshan is indeed an ordinary person."

"This is weird. The masters in this Qinghongzong are like clouds. Is there really no way to take a Zhao Xiaoshan?" Xue Panpan looked puzzled.

Xue Rui also nodded and said: "Don't say it is these people, even if it is me, I can easily clean up Zhao Xiaoshan. Besides, if he has any great skills, he still needs to use these methods to frame us. ?"

Zi Xuan frowned. She was annoyed by her patronage before and didn't think too much. Now when everyone talks about Zhao Xiaoshan, she is also thinking about it for a moment, and said: "With Zhao Xiaoshan alone, maybe this is not the case. Energy, there must be others behind him."

Li Jianming was still puzzled: "Even if there are others, they may not be the opponents of such a big sect."

Rong Guocheng agreed, saying, "Don’t underestimate the Azure Rainbow Sect. This is the biggest sect in the Huaxia Kingdom in the legend. The disciples in this sect are definitely more than these people. There are rumors. If this kind of sect is born, it can destroy a small country in an instant."

"This is no exaggeration. With these people, they do have this ability." Tang Feng's eyelids picked up, and he faintly responded, but then he said again: "But this doesn't mean they are invincible. "

"Mister means--" Rong Guocheng was puzzled.

Tang Feng made a silent gesture to him, and pointed out of the mirror again.

The Sect Master still looked a little embarrassed, sighed, and slowly said: "After all, this person is a descendant of Master’s deceased person, even if he is a heterogeneous monk, but since Master has already approved it and can become friends with him. , We definitely have no reason to attack them directly without asking questions."

Jingjie frowned and said, "Brother, you also said that Master is a friend of the old master of the mirrorless mirror, and it is the person who recognizes him, but not his younger generation. The old master sees that he can associate with the master. There must be something extraordinary, but his younger generation does not necessarily have it. Moreover, the master and his elders did not expect that we will meet his deceased's younger generations today, right? It may not be certain of this person's character, right?"

He said a lot of things in a roundabout way, and he made it clear that there was only one meaning, and that was that everyone should not be let go.

Obviously, there is no good intentions, and the partial students want to speak openly.

Moreover, the disciples behind him made it clear that most of them agreed with him. Although they didn't say anything, they all nodded gently, and looked at the master with a very expectant look, just waiting for him. Open up.

"It's really weird. These people don't even know much about the people of other sects, so they have prejudices." Rong Guocheng shook his head, with a bit of emotion in his tone.

Xie Huo said: "They feel that our arrival is to **** the resources of their sect, and in addition to being with Zhao Xiaoshan, they instinctively feel that we are enemies, like when we were mixed on the road, if there were other people Our first reaction when stepping on the boundary is actually the same. Now in their eyes, we have stepped on the boundary."

Stepping on the boundary can be regarded as the most taboo thing in their underground world.

Usually in their world, each power has its own realm, and everything from other powers to the realm of another power, especially the big bosses in the power, must say hello in advance.

Without saying a word, he went to the realm of other forces, and also made some actions, such as doing business or dealing with incidents, whether it was on the surface or in the dark, it was an act of stepping on the boundary.

If two forces have a dispute because of this, then no matter what the reason is for the one who has stepped on the boundary, it will be an unreasonable one. If the two forces have hired a middleman to hold justice, then the middleman will definitely condemn the step The other party ordered them to apologize and compensate the other party for their losses.

Xie Huo and Rong Guocheng are both bigwig-level figures in the underground world. Of course, they are all very clear about these things.

Rong Guocheng frowned when Xie Huo said this.

In this respect, people like them are really irrational.

"We are just here to have fun. Who knows there is a sect here? Even if there is a sect, is it possible that they still wrap up the Yucheng Mountain? Who stipulates that they are only allowed to practice here? Others Is it impossible to enter? They can't catch all the tourists who come here, right!"

Zi Xuan curled her lips, her tone was very unkind.

Her remarks can only be regarded as irrational.

These people are either monks or martial artists, and some of them are quite high-level. No matter who sees them, they won't think they are ordinary tourists.

The Sect Master did not directly answer Jingjie's words, but said indifferently: "What do you think?"

Obviously, he was asking those disciples.

These disciples looked at each other, exchanged glances, and looked at Jingjie again. Seven or eight of the people inside naturally agreed with Jingjie.

Jingjie turned around and saw this situation, even though everyone could not see the expression on his face, they could still guess it, and he must be quite proud.

"Yisu, you are a senior, so it's up to you to talk about it."

Sect Master spoke in a deep voice, already clicking the name of one of the disciples. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1224 Stepping over the boundary), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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