Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1256: The magic weapon of gathering spirits

This painting is well painted, and the basic skills make people want to give a thumbs up, but this painting, after all, is not a handed-down work, but a portrait for identification.

To put it simply, this is similar to the simulated portrait on the wanted order when there is no photo when the police wanted a criminal.

This kind of portrait does not require beauty or painting skills. The only requirement is the image, which can be recognized at a glance.

And this is why everyone wants to vomit blood.

The man above the portrait is tall and thin. If the painting is more realistic and he doesn't increase the height inside or outside, looking at this proportion, the real person is at least 1.9 meters tall.

As for the situation of this increase, it cannot be seen in the painting.

The man wore a large black burqa, which was tightly blocked from head to toe, and his state was like the dress of women in certain areas.

However, those women will show a pair of eyes outside, and the person is painted, even the eyes are blocked.

Looking at this painting, a group of people waited with big eyes and small eyes, and no one said anything, and they were almost suffocating internal injuries.

It's not that I don't want to talk, but that I feel powerless to complain.

On this, except for a thin and tall shape that allows people to infer that this person has a stick figure, everything can be seen, and this figure is actually inaccurate, after all, the robe is tightly blocked. Maybe he stepped on stilts under his robe.

After a long while, Zi Xuan, who was finally unable to hold it back, spoke first. She pointed at the portrait and said, "As far as the painting is concerned, you and I said it was a piece of cloth covered on a tree, I believe it."

Lin Mengjia also nodded, and said to Lu Jingchen: "Sect Master Lu, do you take this painting for your disciples to recognize? If this person changes clothes, it has nothing to do with this painting. No more."

Yiwen hurriedly said: "During the years when this person fought against my sect, every time he appeared, he was dressed like this, without change, and never showed his true face."

Xue Panpan gave a "Huh" and said, "You haven't even seen his face, how do you know that he is always the same person?"

Yiwen seemed to have never thought of being asked such a question, and for a while, he stared and didn't know how to answer.

He wasn't being asked, but this question was really superficial. The Qing Hongzong played against that Gu Master for so many years, and with his breath and methods, he could know his identity, and he would never admit his mistake.

Xue Panpan is not a cultivator, and can't guess the various reasons. Her question is just as ridiculous as letting people prove that you are you.

Lu Jingchen laughed and said, "Naturally, you can't make a mistake. The aura of the enchanting body is something other people can have, and you will be clear when you meet it."

Xue Panpan wanted to ask something more, Xie Huo had already winked at her.

She knew immediately and stopped talking.

Tang Feng had been listening to the people's speech, and had no interest in the portrait, but his eyes were in the entire garden, and he looked around again.

Shi Cai Zixuan's words also reminded him.

That Gu Master took a risk and came to Yucheng Mountain, which really didn't make sense.

At the beginning, Tang Feng thought that the other party's Nine Evil Gu had reached the final level, and perhaps he felt that his ability was enough to deal with the entire Azure Rainbow Sect to make such a behavior.

But it is not appropriate to think about it carefully.

Although Lu Jingchen and Yiwen didn’t elaborate on the process of their fight with the Gu Master, he could guess that the Gu Master caused the Qinghong Sect’s disciples to suffer a lot. Skilled, fighting alone, Xu is that few sects are his opponents, but after all, he only has one person, and the Qinghong sect has the advantage of the number.

After this Gu master has refined the Nine Evil Gu, he will have an indestructible body. At that time, slowly spend time, seize the opportunity to destroy the Azure Rainbow Sect one by one, which is the best choice, definitely not directly. The truth of confrontation with the entire Qinghongzong.

This Gu Master has been around for nearly two hundred years and has been tempted near Yucheng Mountain, but he is trying his best to avoid conflict.

This situation is really like what Zi Xuan said, he is here to find something, even if he knows that it is dangerous, he must do this.

What could it be?

When Tang Feng was thinking like this, he also looked at Lu Jingchen. There was not much expression on his face, just looking up and down.

With his eyes, the Sect Master of the Azure Rainbow Sect was a little hairy in his heart.

Think of his majestic suzerain, even if the Qinghong Sect does not have the glory of its heyday, he has been aloft for hundreds of years since he became the suzerain. When will anyone dare to look at him like this, and can see him again? Feeling flustered?

Lu Jingchen coughed softly, concealing the feeling of inadequacy in his heart, pretending to be relaxed and said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, what's the problem?"

Tang Feng looked at him with a faint smile, and said, "You can gather such aura within your sect. It's not just because of the formation method, right?"

Lu Jingchen was startled slightly, and said vaguely: "What do you mean by this sir?"

Tang Feng stood up from the stone bench casually, raised his head slightly, and looked into the sky.

Everyone didn't know Tang Feng's intentions, and they also followed his way, looking upwards.

The night was fine, the moon was white, and the surrounding stars were bright and dazzling. Sometimes there were a few thin clouds swimming slowly above the night.

There is very little pollution in the mountains, and the sect has a formation method to exclude those filth. Such places are really refreshing.

After watching for a long time, apart from the extremely beautiful starry sky, everyone couldn't see anything special, so they could only look at Tang Feng with puzzled eyes.

The same thing, in Tang Feng's eyes, is of course different.

He could see that there was spiritual energy flowing slowly in the air.

The aura is like a thin mist, with a faint green light shining in it, like a jade belt that appears from time to time, forming a trajectory in the air.

The spiritual energy from all directions converged towards the inner position of the sect.

Based on Tang Feng's experience, he had long guessed that in this Azure Rainbow Sect, besides the spirit gathering formation, there must be other magic weapons for gathering spirits. This magic weapon is still a living thing.

The entire formation was built around this magic weapon.

It is not that this formation has gathered a lot of aura, but that the effectiveness of this magic weapon is maximized.

Tang Feng looked for a long while, then smiled suddenly, pointing to the direction where the aura converged, and said to Lu Jingchen: "Where is it inside?" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: txt download address of Longevity Return: Dad: return to be a dad to read on mobile phone: In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1256 The Magic Weapon of Gathering Spirits), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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