Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1310: Between dilemmas

Faced with Zi Xuan's dignity and Lin Mengjia's worries, Tang Feng just smiled, unable to see how nervous he was as the focus of the discussion this time.

"It's just a deduction of destiny, and it's not a big deal. If it weren't for some minor problems with me now, things in the future wouldn't be what it is now."

Tang Feng spoke slowly, his tone very relaxed.

Lin Mengjia was a little confused about the situation, her face was a little confused, and she looked at Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan still shrank in the sofa, pouting her mouth, and did not speak.

Zi Xuan didn't know what cultivation level was needed to be able to deduce the fate, but she knew that it was definitely not something ordinary monks could achieve. Tang Feng's tone was so relaxed that she deepened her guess about him.

Tang Feng didn't want to struggle too much with this issue.

After all, with his previous ability, it is not difficult to deduce destiny and the like, it is just limited by the current situation.

He still doesn't know who the people in the dark are.

He couldn't be sure about whom that person wanted the demon spirit to deal with.

Perhaps as Lin Mengjia said, he still has an extremely powerful opponent, or as Zixuan said, that person's ability to predict the future can know that he will become his opponent in the future, so he started to prepare two years ago. Deal with him.

Regardless of the possibility, the situation is not optimistic.

If it is the former, there are these two hidden masters in this world. Even if they don’t know why they are facing each other now, they can be evenly matched, and they must both have the ability to at least subdue the demon spirit. Those two people, in the future, All Tang Feng will face.

After all, the world is so small, and the masters will meet sooner or later, but what will happen after this meeting is not known now.

If it is the latter, it is the person who has clearly targeted Tang Feng.

Both of these speculations made Tang Feng understand that what he needs to do most now is to repair his soul as soon as possible and improve his ability to deal with potential crises.

However, of course he would not say to Lin Mengjia about such things, let alone show the slightest in front of her, lest she would worry.

After pondering for a moment, Tang Feng went on to say: "Zixuan's thought, although it sounds weird, it's not impossible if you think about it carefully."

"Then you, what can you do?" Zi Xuan leaned slightly towards him when she heard Tang Feng finally speak.

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "I also think that there are some permissions, but what is the situation? We have to wait until we reach the mausoleum to find some clues."

Lin Mengjia sighed and said quietly: "I suddenly regretted it a little."

"Why do you say that?" Tang Feng smiled at her slightly, his eyes revealed a touch of tenderness.

Lin Mengjia looked at him very seriously, and said softly: "If we hadn't come here, we wouldn't be caught in these things, as if we were here and sent ourselves into a trap. You have come to face so many dangers. We don’t even know where that person came from. He is in the dark, we are in the light. Now we go to the ancient tomb, which is almost equivalent to the door. What does he want to do secretly, we totally no idea."

Listening to Lin Mengjia's words, Tang Feng smiled and said, "So what? Those little moves, even if they don't know in advance, they can't help me."

Lin Mengjia sighed at Tang Feng, with worry in her eyes, and said, "I really don't want you to commit a risk with your own body."

Zi Xuan shook her head slightly and said, "Madam, that's not what it said. If the other party really intends to treat Tang Feng as an opponent, then even if we don't come to him, he will come to us sooner or later. Things are going to happen sooner or later, it is better to preemptively, at least, still take the initiative."

Tang Feng also smiled, and said, "No matter who is in this tomb or what conspiracy is in it, we are all going. Have you forgotten our purpose?"

Lin Mengjia still had a faint sadness on her face, and a somewhat complicated entanglement, and she nodded gently.

She naturally remembered that in that tomb, the elixir called Qingyingzi was not only the key to curing Li Jia's illness, but also the essential medicinal material for curing her mother's illness.

If you don't go to the ancient tomb, you won't be able to get this Qingyingzi, and her mother's illness will last for long.

But going to the ancient tomb now, invisibly, brought danger to Tang Feng.

There is a dilemma between Lin Mengjia's mother on one side and his beloved man on the other.

Tang Feng stretched out his hand, patted Lin Mengjia's shoulder gently, and said, "Jiajia, we must go to this grave."

"I know." Lin Mengjia also stretched out her hand and took Tang Feng's hand with a helpless smile, "What you decide will never change. It used to be, and it is even more so now."

"I am willing to make changes for you, but this matter can only be solved if we take a step back." Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia's gaze, with a trace of firmness in his gentleness, "not just for Qing Yingzi, this whole thing has reached this point, and I have to figure it out."

Lin Mengjia gave an "um" and smiled at Tang Feng, and said, "No matter what decision you make, I will follow you. Wherever you go, I will accompany you and never separate from you."

Seeing the scene in front of me, from discussing things, it suddenly became a show of affection, Zi Xuan was a little bit overwhelmed for a while, she looked at the two of them, and her face was speechless.

Seeing that in the eyes of these two people, only each other was left, she stayed here, it was a super dazzling big light bulb.

In order to prevent the single dog from being squeezed with dog food and suffering serial injuries, Zi Xuan stood up, stretched her waist, and said, "I haven't had a good rest in these two days. I have to get up and go out tomorrow. I will go back to sleep. Up."

She thought that at least the two of them could get up and send her off, but she didn't expect anyone to care about her at all.

The two of them still sat in the same place with their eyes facing each other. In their world, no one else existed at all.

Zi Xuan rolled her eyes, and when she was about to speak again, Tang Feng had already raised her hand and didn't look at her, but waved her hand to her, beckoning her to go out quickly.

Single dogs have no human rights!

Zi Xuan's face was crying without tears, she could only make a grimace towards Tang Feng, and then walked towards the door boredly, opened the door by herself, and had to return to help others close the door. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1310 Dilemma) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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