Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1350: Play pig eat tiger

Everyone also looked towards the mountain.

They are not experts in this area, and they don't go deep into the cause of the landslide, but with a worried look on their faces, they all look at Tang Feng, waiting for his next decision.

Tang Feng didn't answer directly. He looked around and said, "Where is Xiao Hui?"

When they set off, Xiao Hui and Xiao Tao were in Zi Xuan's car. Zi Xuan was also watching the excitement on the side of the road this time, but the two little monkeys were missing.

Tang Feng didn't believe that, these two guys who hadn't been in peace for a moment could stay in the car honestly at this moment.

There are no figures of them jumping up and down here, I am afraid that they are not here at all.

Zi Xuan replied, "I asked them to go ahead and see the situation. I always feel that this landslide is unusual."


Tang Feng repeated these three words and looked at Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan frowned and said, "This landslide didn't come early or late, but when we went up the mountain, it was really strange. I always thought it wouldn't be such a coincidence, right?"

While speaking, Zi Xuan looked at Tang Feng with a slightly inquiring look, expecting him to give an answer.

But Tang Feng just smiled faintly, did not say anything, but turned to Li Jia, and then asked him, "How long will it take to reach the destination?"

Li Jia understood what Tang Feng meant and wanted to walk over.

The stone here blocks the road. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to turn over. However, these people in front of him are not ordinary people. Not to mention that they can fly over the walls, they are almost the same. Such a situation is not for them. problem.

Under these conditions, walking through is the best way.

But Li Jia scratched his hair, showing a very embarrassed look, and said, "It's not too far away from that place. Even if it's walking, one hour is enough. It's just that the car is parked here until we come back. I can’t turn my head back when I’m in."

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Shangguan looked down and kicked off a few stones. After a long time, there was a sound of landing. Hearing what Li Jia said, he turned to look at the car on the roadside and nodded silently.

The car was parked on the side of the cliff, and there was only one distance left on the side of the road for only one person to walk. It was almost impossible to turn around.

In addition, this is a mountain road, even if you can turn around and meet the car that comes up when you go back, neither side will be able to go any further.

Lin Mengjia has also got out of the car, looking at the situation, agreeing: "If there is a repair car coming from behind, our cars will be blocked in front, I am afraid that we can't get close."

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "Although this landslide is not long, it seems to be more than ten hours old. If there was a car before, it was already in a state of dilemma. This section of the road must be very desolate, I am afraid it will last for many years. There are no vehicles passing by, not to mention that someone will rush to repair them in time. As for these cars, when we come back, I will have my own solution."

Zi Xuan heard this, her eyes lit up, and she whispered in her mouth, "Is that formation useful for the car?"

When they encountered an avalanche in Kunlun, Tang Feng used the teleportation method to move them to a safe place. Seeing that Tang Feng said such an understatement, naturally it was not a problem to transfer these cars.

Even without using this formation, Zi Xuan would have thought that Tang Feng must have other methods.

Li Jia didn’t know Tang Feng’s ability, but listened to him like this, and it’s hard to say anything. It’s just that there’s no other way but to nod and go back to his car. Together with Black Peony, they took some objects necessary to enter the tomb and carried them on their backs.

Others also returned to the car one after another, took their belongings with them, and were ready to go.

Lin Mengjia didn't have much to take. Seeing everyone's movements, she was a little confused, so she leaned close to Tang Feng and whispered to him, "You have a way to get these cars past, right? Why don't you do it now? You have to wait. Come back?"

She knew in her heart that such a small matter was not a problem at all for Tang Feng.

Moreover, even if you don't move the car over, but clean up the slippery rocks here, it is definitely not a difficult task with Tang Feng. Perhaps, without Tang Feng, others can completely solve it.

But Tang Feng proposed to leave the car here, and they walked first, which seemed to be the most unreasonable suggestion.

Tang Feng's gaze swept around without a trace, and he said in a low voice, "Zixuan is right. This slippery **** is indeed weird. If someone wants to target us, he must have a peep at this moment. I don’t want to show the bottom right now, because they discovered our details too early, otherwise, wouldn’t it be too boring if we were scared away?

While Tang Feng was talking, the corner of his mouth was already smiling, and he blinked his eyes with a narrow look.

Lin Mengjia knew what Tang Feng was thinking, and smiled slightly.

It seems that Tang Feng is now in love with the cat-and-mouse game. At the beginning, he pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger, let the other party relax his vigilance, and then slowly tease.

Lin Mengjia remembered that when Tang Feng first came back, it was not like that, she just stared at every turn, and looked strange and scary. Now she added a bit of playfulness, but this is more in line with Lin Mengjia's mind.

She felt that Tang Feng like this seemed more like the humorous Tang Feng at the beginning. With him, she had that familiar feeling again.

In a short while, everyone was ready, and they all arrived in front of the stone blocking the way.

Except for some Li Jia and his wife, who had a little more and everything, the others were ordinary small objects, which caused the couple to show a bit of surprise on their faces.

But the two of them didn't say much.

Standing in front of the stone, Li Jia had clearly seen this situation a lot. He pointed his hand to the top with experience, and said, "These falling rocks look very solid, but actually the structure inside. A problem has already occurred, and perhaps a slight bump will form a secondary landslide. If you step on it accidentally, you will be taken directly by the landslide and rolled down the mountain."

Everyone can imagine this kind of situation.

The intensity of the landslide is quite astonishing, and the speed is extremely fast. Even if they can get out of it, it will take a lot of effort.

Ji Ning said to him: "What good do you have?"

Now that Li Jia has brought it up, he must have a way to deal with it.

Unsurprisingly, Li Jiayou pointed to the cliff and said: "We climbed across from here."Longevity Returns The address of the latest chapter of Becoming Dad: Returns Full text reading address of Dad: Return to be a Dad txt download address: is back as a cell phone Read: the convenience of reading next time, you can click The \"Collection\" below records the reading record of this time (Chapter 1350 Plays as a Pig and Eats a Tiger), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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