Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1366: Formation on the stele

The two little monkeys were nothing unusual, they just jumped on top of a few branches, looking very excited.

Lin Mengjia also followed Tang Feng’s gaze and said, “Xiao Hui’s perception is quite keen. It has no reaction at all. It seems that there is really nothing unusual around here, even if someone actually designs these things, I want to come. Now, he is not here, right?"

Tang Feng let out an "um".

"Tang Feng, you didn't notice anything, did you?" Zi Xuan's eyes rolled around, and she looked at Tang Feng. There was a bit of disbelief in her tone.

She knew that with Tang Feng's ability, it was impossible to see nothing, even if he had been emphasizing before, that the restrictions in this place were quite strong and could block all breaths.

But that is for people like them. As for Tang Feng, it is absolutely impossible to be ignorant.

Tang Feng glanced at Zi Xuan and said leisurely: "This place is indeed quite clean. Except for the souls attached to the fish, what might you perceive in the rest? In this regard, you are the best at it. ."

Zi Xuan's mouth curled, and said: "There is no soul, it doesn't mean there is no problem, don't tell me, up to now, you haven't thought of the reason for the pile of living dead underground."

"Listen to what you mean, but you have already thought of it?" Tang Feng looked at Zi Xuan with a smile.

Zi Xuan was about to speak, but after thinking about it, she shook her head and said, "I'm not sure."

Seeing Zi Xuan's hesitant to speak, Shangguan's eyes revealed a touch of confusion.

Lin Mengjia also looked at the two of them as if they were playing dumb riddles, and said: "We are just guessing at random. If we have any ideas, it is better to say it first, and we can do it."

Zi Xuan still shook her head, and said, "We should wait to see them before we make any conclusions."

This is not in line with Zi Xuan's usual style. She usually thinks about what to say, and there is no evasiveness. It is rare to be so concealed.

Zi Xuan still looked at Tang Feng and did not respond.

Lin Mengjia had to pin her hopes on Tang Feng, her eyes filled with curiosity.

Tang Feng pointed his finger at the gravel that had been dug out and buried most of the stone tablet, and said, "At least, what are the things carved on it?"

Listening to Tang Feng's tone, he had already thought about it, just want to see if Zi Xuan knew, that way, it looked like a teacher who was questioning students.

This time, Zi Xuan did not avoid the question, but took a look in that direction, and said, "It's a spell."

"Spell? What kind of spell? What did it do?" Lin Mengjia was even more surprised.

In accordance with the usual way of thinking, most of the inscriptions that appeared near the cemetery were texts about the lives of people buried here, or words of remembrance written by masters of later generations. Lin Mengjia originally felt that this stone and those inscriptions It didn't make any difference, it just used a kind of text that they didn't understand.

Hearing what Zi Xuan said, she was wrong from the beginning.

Zi Xuan was looking at Tang Feng’s face, and seeing that his expression was the same, she continued: “The curse above should have something to do with the restriction below, and it is also used to control certain things below so that they cannot leave the tomb. Range."

Hei Peony heard this, with a surprised "Huh", and Fang said: "So, they used this stone tablet to press on the hole, but they used the right method by mistake? Is it because of this reason? , Didn't let the following things be chased out?"

Zi Xuan smiled and looked at her, and said, "The method is correct, but is it really a mistake?"

A shadow passed between Black Peony's eyebrows.

She thought of the words she had said with Zi Xuan before, and suspected that this whole thing was actually designed by others.

Xue Panpan said in a puzzled way: "If someone really wants to use these six people as sacrifices, wouldn't it be better to keep them trapped in the tomb? Why let them escape, and It just so happens that at the exit, there is a curse stone tablet to help them get out?"

Lin Mengjia also followed: "As if letting them into it was just for a death curse, perhaps, this death curse is also part of the sacrifice?"

Everyone couldn't guess the reason, but Tang Feng was still selling the door, and said with a smile: "After a while, everything will be clear."

Lin Mengjia pouted her mouth and said, "What will we have to wait until now? You know it now, and it's a bit of a halt to our appetite."

The rest of the people also had such thoughts, but no one dared to say it. Only when Lin Mengjia said it, they all nodded silently.

Tang Feng still smiled and said, "It was not deliberately concealing it. It was just the first time I encountered such sacrifices. I found it very interesting. Some of them are not very clear to me. Now, I am afraid that there will be Omission."

Looking at Tang Feng, Zi Xuan's mouth moved involuntarily. Obviously, she didn't believe Tang Feng's words very much in her heart.

In her opinion, Tang Feng is omnipotent, what is really something that he can't even be sure of?

But since Tang Feng didn't want to talk, it was hard to ask too much.

"At least, you have to tell us what stage the sacrifice has gone into, and whether the demon spirit inside has the ability to move, we should pay attention to it when we go down."

Zi Xuan stepped back and asked another question.

Tang Feng didn’t say what was going on here, but he naturally knew it when he got down there, but this safety issue was very careful. The demon spirit that feeds inside is not someone else, even if it’s herself. Both feel a little tricky.

Tang Feng smiled and said, "Look at these people around you. If there is danger, can I let them all go down?"

Zi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Feng's words were a reassurance for her.

Let alone Lin Mengjia, Tang Feng felt that it was impossible to let her go to dangerous places. He would definitely not let her go.

Hei Mudan still feels a little worried, and said: "The head of my family said that he didn't know the death curse at the beginning, and he didn't know where the death curse was. If it was touched by accident, would he-- "

"With Tang Feng here, should I worry about it?" Zi Xuan said disapprovingly.

Then, she seemed to think of something, and then said to Tang Feng: "Tang Feng, do you think that in this tomb, everything seems to be related to spells. If I'm not mistaken, the living dead are actually a kind of curse."

With a somewhat appreciative smile on Tang Feng's face, he nodded slightly.

Zi Xuan's mind is still quite brilliant. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this reading (the formation on the stone tablet in Chapter 1366). You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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