Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1383: The stuff in there

Everyone was taken aback by Zi Xuan. Although they didn't know what happened, they were all taken aback. Thinking of the sudden coldness and fear of Shi Cai, they all involuntarily stepped back.

Tang Feng tapped the corner of his mouth and smiled faintly at Zi Xuan: "I have repaired the curse forbidden formation here."

Zi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. She was squatting on the ground, touching the stone gate that had fallen into the ground. At this moment, she straightened up, first collected the soul beads, and patted her heart. She was still shocked. Look like.

Seeing her doing this, Tang Feng couldn't help but smile again, a little bit narrow.

Zi Xuan gave him a white look, and said: "You are still laughing! Shicai almost scared me to death! Next time, you should say a little bit, don't deliberately scare people, okay? Wait a while, I'm afraid my heart will jump out. Up!"

Seeing Zi Xuan unabashedly saying that he was afraid, Xue Panpan looked surprised and said, "Miss Zi Xuan, what happened?"

Zi Xuan only noticed that her face was pale at the moment, but Xue Panpan was safe and was about to ask questions, but she suddenly thought that Tang Feng had imposed a restriction on her before, so that she would not be affected by any foreign objects. .

Xue Panpan was a blessing in disguise, and he did not feel what had just happened.

Zi Xuan took her gaze back from Xue Panpan's body, and said: "The souls trapped in this tomb are more than we thought, at least tens of thousands, but they are all limited by the spell. Live, just when I entered this tomb and broke the spell, they rushed out in an instant."

"No wonder, I just suddenly felt a sense of extreme fear, but I felt terrified for no reason." Lin Mengjia sighed, her face improved slightly.

At that moment, she felt that the world was spinning, almost everything in front of her was distorted, making her dizzy and almost immediately falling to the ground.

Fortunately, Tang Feng on the side seemed to have anticipated something long ago. He stretched out his hand and hugged her so that she did not fall. But between the sparks and flints, she also felt a sense of panic in her heart. Although it was only a short moment, it was also quite uncomfortable.

It can be seen that the rest of the people are also the same.

The short-lived, unprovoked but rather rapid sense of fear had already let them know how Xue Panpan felt before.

However, they felt it at this moment, but it was much stronger than Xue Panpan's.

Xue Ruiqiang cheered up and said to Zixuan, "Miss Zixuan, what is this gaze? Isn't it amazing?"

Seeing Zi Xuan's flustered look just now, he knew that this must be not easy.

Zi Xuan took a lingering look, Fang said: "All the spells in this tomb have formed a forbidden formation. The entire forbidden formation, including the spells in it, is controlled by this eye, and the setting of this eye , Quite ingenious, the curse inside is to trap the things inside, but once someone breaks the eye of the formation, the forbidden formation will be broken and the contents inside will be released."

"This is to prevent someone from invading?" Xie Huo already understood what Zi Xuan meant. "The formation eye and the surrounding forbidden formation are also in a balanced state. If someone can approach, it will invalidate the spell and release it. What is trapped, turn to deal with the intruder?"

"Well, that's it," Zi Xuan nodded vigorously, "When I just entered, as I walked around, the airflow in the tomb chamber changed, which made the eyes instantaneously invalid. Fortunately, Tang Feng repaired it in time. "

Thinking of the matter just now, Zi Xuan shook her head slightly. At this moment, she still had some fear in her heart, otherwise the souls would rush out in an instant, and she would have no way of resisting it.

A faint smile crossed the corner of Tang Feng's mouth, and said, "You should thank yourself. Fortunately, you didn't touch the eye, otherwise, all the spells in the entire forbidden formation will be disrupted. For a while, I It can’t be repaired quickly, and you have to think about the consequences.”

Zi Xuan couldn't help but fought a cold war.

She had never expected that there would be so many souls in this tomb.

If Tang Feng hadn’t had time to stop the earth-shaking situation, she would really not dare to think about what would happen next. At least, she knew that there were none of these people present, except Tang Feng, including herself. Opportunity to escape.

At this moment, what is more fearful than Zi Xuan is that it belongs to Li Jia. When they came last time, they failed to open the stone gate. Everyone was extremely upset at the time. Now it seems that this matter is rather serious. Fortunately.

Otherwise, if they opened the stone gate and they saw the jade inside, they must have come in and have a look. What happened when Zi Xuan entered into the Shimen, they also saw what happened. If this happened at that time, all of them, almost In an instant, they would be swallowed by those souls, and there was no chance to even shout.

Thinking of this, Li Jia's face turned pale, her lips trembled slightly, and she did not speak.

Hei Mudan also realized this, and looked at Li Jia with a very lucky look.

Tang Feng went on to say: "Now you can't move the eyes, otherwise all the spells in it will be chaotic, and the consequences will be unimaginable. I can only take it away after I break all the spells here."

If they were placed before, these spells would not be a problem for Tang Feng at all, but this spell is related to spells. Now Tang Feng’s soul has not been restored, and his spells are only restored to the point of construction. In the base stage, the person who set up this formation has at least the ability to transform the gods, even if Tang Feng can crack it now, he has to take his time.

During this process, accidents are prone to happen. Tang Feng wants to protect himself. Naturally, it is not a problem. But there are so many people around him, especially Lin Mengjia is also there. Tang Feng can’t let them take the risk. The safest way is to temporarily maintain the stability of the entire forbidden formation before gradually breaking the spell, and the most important thing is not to move the eye.

After hearing Tang Feng's words, Zi Xuan showed a slightly surprised expression, and couldn't help but say: "Take it away? What are you going to do with this thing? Isn't it used to calm this forbidden formation? Is there something else? usefulness?"

"There is something in there." Tang Feng just said lightly.

"Something? What is it?" Zi Xuan's curious expression on her face added a little bit, and she blurted out immediately. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (the stuff in Chapter 1383), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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