Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1388: Horrifying picture

Tang Feng smiled slightly at Lin Mengjia, her eyes were both good and funny, nothing happened yet, she thought a lot, not only scared herself, but she also scared others when she said this. It's not shallow.

Facing Lin Mengjia with a panic face, Tang Feng really didn't know what to say.

Without waiting for Tang Feng to speak, Zi Xuan had already preemptively said, "Madam, don't worry, there is nothing in it. If there was anything down there, I would have felt it a long time ago."

But because of this, Lin Mengjia still looked a little unsure, and looked at Zi Xuan. Although she didn't speak, her eyes clearly showed a little distrust.

When she was in the tomb on the right before, Zi Xuan also seemed to feel that it didn't matter. She touched that eye when she went up, and almost made a big deal.

What she said now, in Lin Mengjia's heart, she wanted to make a discount.

When Tang Feng saw this, he smiled and said: "It's okay, there is really nothing here, just the one in the middle. I also want to figure out what is going on. Don't scare yourself, more importantly. Yes, don't scare others."

Listening to Tang Feng's words, Lin Mengjia finally felt relieved and nodded.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief, showing a relieved expression.

Rong Guocheng didn't hesitate anymore. First, he jumped far from the edge, but it was a distance of more than two meters, which was nothing to him. Then Li Jianming, Xie Huo and others also jumped down one by one.

As they jumped into the pit, there was nothing unusual except that the mud was slightly splashed by being stepped on, and nothing came out from below, or there was a hand sticking out from the ground. This happens by grabbing people’s ankles.

Looking at this situation, Lin Mengjia was even more relieved.

Not long after, several people had already jumped in one after another. In the end, only Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia were left above. Tang Feng also took her and jumped into the pit.

The soil under your feet is harder to step on, it feels as if there is only a thin layer of soil on the top, and the bottom is also masonry, but at this time, no one is in the mood to poke the soil away to see what it looks like underneath. All I thought was to walk past here quickly.

Especially Li Jia.

The last time he saw here was densely packed with people who don’t know whether they were dead or alive, even if they weren’t here now, when he thought that the path he had walked now was those people who had stood before, he would inevitably feel a little disgusted. Comfortable feeling.

In the hearts of others, more or less, there will be such thoughts.

In order to avoid accidents, Zi Xuan walked in the forefront, her footsteps were quick, and she went straight to the table in the middle, and the others followed closely.

No one is in the mood to speak, just hoping to get there quickly to see what the situation is, and then hurriedly walk to the opposite passage, not only did not speak, even the breathing became extra careful, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. It was walking silently.

Because everyone's footsteps are extremely fast, it's just a moment of effort that has already approached the stone platform, as long as you look around here, you can move on.

When everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Xue Panpan suddenly let out a cry of extreme horror.

Just when it was quiet and no one was speaking, there was an "ah" out of thin air, and the rest of the people couldn't help but fight a cold war.

This cry was quite stern, almost the kind of cry that frightened the courage. In this extremely empty space, the cry formed an echo, and it was transmitted several times.

The people around were not mentally prepared. Everyone shuddered when she shouted so, their eardrums were almost torn apart, and they hurriedly looked in the direction of Xue Panpan.

In fact, for this place, there will be any sudden situation that is possible for these people to Xu, but no one expected that this situation will happen to Xue Panpan.

After they entered the tomb, because Xue Panpan could feel the sense of fear, Tang Feng had already placed a ban on her. No matter what happened, even if other people felt it, Xue Panpan should be safe. .

But this time, it happened that Xue Panpan made these heart-piercing screams, and everyone couldn't help but panicked. The first thought was that Tang Feng's prohibition failed. Is it possible?

This idea is really terrible.

In their view, Tang Feng has always been omnipotent. If all the restrictions he placed have gone wrong, can Tang Feng really cope with what other things they encounter in this place?

Even Tang Feng himself showed a somewhat suspicious expression.

He can be sure that his prohibition has not been touched, and Xue Panpan himself has never been hurt in any way, so why did she scream so screaming?

When everyone's eyes were focused on Xue Panpan, she still didn't stop the horrified cry, but now, her voice was a bit quieter than when she was at the beginning.

Her feet were weak, and her whole person was already paralyzed. Fortunately, Xie Huo had been inseparable from her. He had picked her up at this moment, but because of that, Xue Panpan still stared and gasped. The whole person was overwhelmed.

She is like this, so that everyone has a kind of creepy feeling.

Because at this moment, Xue Panpan's performance was definitely not the fear caused by the influence of some spell in her heart, but what she had actually experienced that would cause such a sudden and uncontrollable fear.

What happened to her? Walking together in the same way, why didn't others find anything that scared her like this?

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Xue Panpan tremblingly stretched out his fingers, toward the top of his head, and cried intermittently with a voice that had changed his tone: "There, right there! They are there!" "

Needless to say, everyone has already noticed it. At this moment, Xue Panpan is looking upwards with horrified eyes, and he can't help but follow them together.

Just glanced at it, and in an instant, within this pit, screams almost rang one after another, and the scene fell into chaos.

Not only the women, but even a few men couldn't help but "ah" and their expressions changed drastically.

No one thought that such a picture would appear in front of them.

A terrifying picture.

Just above their heads, in this place about a dozen meters high, there are densely packed, hanging countless people. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1388 Thriller Screen), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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