Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1398: Relief on the stone wall

Regarding the relationship between the Gu technique in this tomb and that Gu Master, it seems that it is not very important now.

After everyone said a few words at random, they were no longer discussing it. Anyway, there is no conclusion, and there is no need to spend any more words.

However, Xue Rui said before remembering that Zi Xuan said that Tang Feng also knew a lot of longevity techniques. He didn't dare to ask him for confirmation, but with a little smile on his face, he asked Zi Xuan about this.

"Miss Zixuan, you said before that there are many kinds of magic techniques for this longevity, and not every one is as scary as this, right?"

Seeing Xue Rui rolling his eyes, how could Zi Xuan not know his thoughts?

Zi Xuan's mouth curled up slightly and said to him, "You want to ask, is there some way to live long life that can really benefit people?"

Xue Rui didn’t feel embarrassed about what Zi Xuan said about her. He just smiled and nodded and admitted: “This is the goal that everyone has been pursuing through the ages. If there is already a way, why not? Is it known?"

"These methods have existed for a long time, but I just want to achieve them. There are many restrictions." Zi Xuan is also quite refreshed, without turning a corner. "As many people know, cultivation can be ascended, but how many people can really do it? "

After hearing what Zi Xuan said, Rong Guocheng nodded involuntarily, with a look of longing on his face, and slowly said: "If you want to become a Qi refiner, you need not only the roots of wisdom, but also opportunities, and even more. With the training resources and the guidance of an expert, even if all the conditions are met, it may not be able to ascend. What's more, each of these conditions is quite difficult to achieve. Even at the beginning, this ascension is very difficult. Yes, let alone now?"

This truth, without him, can be thought of by others, otherwise it would not be so rare in this world for monks.

A look of disappointment flashed across Xue Rui's eyes.

Zi Xuan looked at him, and then smiled and said: "However, I think Huigen is good. If you want to cultivate, it is not impossible. Although it seems that it is impossible to ascend, but only Stepping into the door of spiritual practice, this life span can naturally be prolonged, and it is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

While she was speaking, the corner of her mouth was still smiling, and she looked in the direction of Tang Feng's back.

What she said was quite obvious.

Among these necessary conditions, Hui Gen was possessed by him, and as for the guidance and resources of an expert, he had them in front of him.

With Zi Xuan's consistent temperament, it is quite rare to be able to say such things and make prompts so well.

She usually doesn't care about other people's things.

It can also be seen that she really took a high look at Xue Rui.

Even if Lin Mengjia walked in front with Tang Feng and did not see Zi Xuan's expression, she could still guess what she was referring to. She could not help but squeeze Tang Feng's hand gently, showing a slight touch on her face. Come with a gossip smile.

Tang Feng also smiled, but did not speak.

He still has a good impression of Xue Rui.

This young man’s brains turn fast and he is very clever. Even if he is a little careful, he has no inherent shortcomings. His character can complement Ji Ning. If he is by his side, Tang Feng will not. What kind of opinions, at least in this usual chat, he must be better than Ji Ning.

And Tang Feng could also see that this Xue Rui's thoughts on Zi Xuan, now looking at it, Zi Xuan did not feel nothing towards Xue Rui.

Zi Xuan had already indicated that she would follow Tang Feng in the future, and it would be a beautiful thing if Xue Rui would do the same.

But this matter depends on my own thoughts.

Ji Ning was always here by the old man of the Ji family, and he himself was quite convinced of Tang Feng, so he would follow Tang Feng with all his heart, and Xue Rui, after all, was still in a relationship.

When Xue Rui was thinking about how to speak to Tang Feng while the iron was hot, he heard Xue Panpan's soft "Huh".

Then, with a slightly surprised voice, she said, "There seems to be something on this wall."

Her words immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone focused on the stone walls on both sides of the passage.

Even Xue Rui temporarily forgot the previous topic and looked at both sides.

The two sides of the passage here are no longer blue brick walls, but brick walls. At first glance, they are relatively flat, but when you look carefully, you can see that there are shallow bumps.

The wall is completely painted black, and the unevenness on it is quite subtle. At first glance, I thought it was caused by the uneven wall, which would not be noticeable.

Because of the steep **** of this passage, everyone's footsteps are quite fast, and they didn't care about what's around them. That is, Xue Panpan, with a little curiosity, looked left and right, only to find the unevenness. The lines are connected vaguely into a picture.

Everyone stopped and moved closer to the stone wall and watched carefully.

Xue Panpan stretched out his hand, trying to touch it to confirm his judgment.

"do not move!"

Seeing this, Black Peony spoke immediately and stopped her.

Xue Panpan's hand was halfway out. Hearing Hei Peony's low cry, he quickly retracted, and then looked at Hei Peony with some incomprehension.

Hei Mudan explained: “In these tomb passages, there may be some poisons that we don’t know about. Don’t touch them if you can’t touch them. Even if you have to touch them as a last resort, you have to wear gloves and don’t use them directly. Touch it with your hands, otherwise in case something happens, it will be in trouble!"

Xue Panpan came to understand and nodded quickly.

When the others heard this, they couldn't help but step back gently, for fear that they were too close, and they would breathe the poison that might be smeared on the wall into their mouths while breathing.

"On this, it seems to be a relief."

After looking at it for a while, Shangguan spoke slowly, with a slight hesitation in his tone.

When the others listened, they nodded slightly.

Everyone can also see that the unevenness of these lines does look like something carved on it, but because it is too shallow and can't be seen clearly, it is not very sure.

Tang Feng's eyes were also looking at these things.

I saw that these lines are quite simple, whether they are protruding or recessed, they are quite rough and there are no details at all. If they are not engraved in these places, perhaps they will be regarded as children scratching casually. It's so average. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (the relief on the stone wall in Chapter 1398). Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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