Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1589: Foundation weight

But before Lin Mengjia's breath was finished, Tang Feng continued to say: "However, once the cultivation level reaches a certain level, the consequences will be quite serious. Many people practice improperly and carelessly. If the evil energy moves through the pulse, it will cause a whole body reaction. Some cultivation is completely destroyed, almost crazy, and some may even threaten their lives."

"This, I have also seen this in the novel, will there really be such serious consequences?" Lin Mengjia asked nervously.

Tang Feng nodded and said: "Of course, this is not a joke. The higher the cultivation level, the higher the realm, the more serious the consequences of getting into the devil. I have seen this before. It is a sect. The Sect Master is already a supreme-level figure, but he was assassinated by others. He was not very delirious. In his crazy state, he almost slaughtered all the disciples of his sect. That has been passed on for thousands of years. The pivotal sect became extinct overnight."

Tang Feng's tone of these words is an understatement, but it can be heard in Lin Mengjia's ears, but he is frightened.

She looked at Tang Feng cautiously, and said, "You can't go crazy, right?"

Tang Feng couldn't help laughing "haha", what was in this little woman's mind?

"The mentality of my practice is all about conforming to the way of heaven. There is a gradual process. Once the foundation is laid, there will be basically no problems in the back. And most of those practitioners who get caught up in the devil are for the sake of Coveting the speed of practice, it was caused by walking some sideways."

Tang Feng explained to Lin Mengjia with a smile, and then said: "Leave aside these faraways. Some time ago, when Ji Ning was practicing, he was too impatient and almost went crazy."

"Jining? Isn't he Wu Xiu? How could he?" Lin Mengjia's voice was a little surprised, "Isn't this only for practitioners like you?"

Tang Feng smiled and shook his head, and said: "No matter what kind of cultivation it is, the ultimate goal is actually the same. It is also an advancement with a hierarchical realm. If Wu Xiu is eager to achieve success and goes astray, he will also be trapped here. Among the demons, however, now that Ji Ning has sorted out his own mood, it is certain that this will not happen again in the future."

Lin Mengjia nodded thoughtfully, and murmured: "Then I must be more careful in the future. I must practice by your side. If something really happens, you can stop me. Otherwise, if I go crazy and kill innocent people indiscriminately, what's the matter?"

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia's serious appearance, really a little bit dumbfounded.

Indiscriminately killing innocents? Did she make up her brain into a female devil who can kill?

"With your current ability, it is really difficult to slaughter the Quartet. If you change to Zi Xuan, you may still have a little hope." Tang Feng smiled with a somewhat ridiculous look on his face.

Although in the Northern Star Territory, Zi Xuan's ability is nothing, but on today's earth, she is already very impressive, especially after she has absorbed a large amount of souls, her realm has been soared, and she is now It also possesses a rare cultivation base in the world.

To be honest with Zi Xuan's rapid progress, even Tang Feng felt a little surprised.

But think about it, after all, this soul is conducive to Zi Xuan's cultivation. It can be said that she is extremely lucky to encounter a Nine Nether Realm that has so many souls sealed.

If according to Tang Feng’s guess, there are other Nine Nether Realms in this world, and there are so many souls in them, then Zi Xuan’s cultivation level is afraid that it will rise more quickly, even if Tang Feng’s If the soul cannot be repaired, she may surpass Tang Feng's spell cultivation in a short period of time.

Of course, it is only the magic cultivation base.

Tang Feng's true cultivation was beyond the reach of Zi Xuan, and even if her spell cultivation level surpassed Tang Feng in a short time, she was far from Tang Feng's opponent.

Tang Feng's true realm was set here, not only Zi Xuan, but in this world, no one would want to come, and he would be his opponent.

Lin Mengjia tweeted Tang Feng, and said, "I'm still talking about serious things. When can I be like Zi Xuan? At her young age, she can already have this level of cultivation. Looking at it this way, it seems that she can practice cultivation. Isn't it difficult?"

Tang Feng nodded, shook his head, and said, "Cultivation is difficult, but simple, but it's not easy. Zi Xuan's foundation is pretty good. When her master started, she must have seen it too. This came out, and she practiced since she was a child, and the environment she lived in was simple and simple, without much temptation, and since she was a child, she believed in this path of practice. Therefore, she has such a cultivation level at a young age. ."

Lin Mengjia pursed her lips lightly and turned towards Tang Feng, and said a little annoyingly: "You mean, I am getting older now? Huh, is this disgusting that I am old?"

Looking at Lin Mengjia’s appearance, Tang Feng was even more dumbfounded. He stretched out his hand on her forehead, lightly nodded, and said, "What is going on in your little head? I was talking about practicing. It's been subtle since you were young. How did you make up for this? If you want to compare, you should use Yaoyao to compare. And Wan'er, they are much easier to practice now than you."

Lin Mengjia blinked, tilted her head, looked at Tang Feng, and said with a grin: "Then what about you? Back then, you were no longer a child, right?"

The corner of Tang Feng's mouth lightly picked, and said: "The place where I am is different from this place. It is also due to chance and coincidence that I can make progress by leaps and bounds. Moreover, as I said before, the foundations of people are different. , The speed of progress will also be different, and this is of vital importance."

This is like carving a piece of beautiful jade. What kind of jade can be carved depends on the ability of the craftsman, but the shape and value of the jade itself have a more important prerequisite role.

A small piece of jade cannot be carved into a huge finished product anyway.

The same is true for spiritual practice.

People with the roots of wisdom, even if they put in a small amount of effort, they will work thousands of times and achieve greater success than those with mediocre qualifications.

This seems a bit unfair, but in reality, that's it.

Lin Mengjia looked at Tang Feng with a look of envy.

Such a look was not unfamiliar to Tang Feng at all. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: return to be a dad full text reading address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a daddy mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (the foundation of Chapter 1589), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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