Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1595: Writing mind

He Jun scratched his hair and smiled a little bit embarrassedly: "Research is not enough, but my father likes to feed flowers and plants. In normal times, I often see that he also learned a little fur from him. I know some flowers and plants, but I don’t say that the flowers here, sir, have been seen with my own eyes, even if I have never seen them in books, I have never even heard of them."

He looked quite frank, and Tang Feng could tell that he was not telling lies.

Tang Feng smiled and said, "These flowers are relatively rare varieties. They are indeed rare. They can purify the air and increase the oxygen content. Planting them here can improve the whole The air quality in the gardens and villas."

"No wonder, after I came back, when I entered this yard, I felt the air was unusually fresh, and the whole person felt refreshed. It turned out that it was the effect of these flowers!" He Jun nodded again and again with a suddenly realized appearance. I couldn't help but took a few deep breaths, with a very intoxicated look on his face.

The corners of Tang Feng's mouth rose.

For ordinary people like He Jun, there is no need for him to explain aura to him. This kind of air purification is indeed the simplest and easiest explanation to bluff.

Fortunately, He Jun didn't know much about the flowers and plants, and he was not as knowledgeable and thoughtful as Zhou Xiaohai, so he believed Tang Feng's words very easily.

Seeing what He Junxin thought it was true, the smile at the corner of Tang Feng's mouth became more obvious.

He likes things like He Jun, simple mind and simple mind, and will not have too many messy thoughts. Staying in this villa, doing his own things peacefully, will not inquire about anything that has nothing to do with him. The reason.

He Junmeng thought of another question, his eyes widened, and he hurriedly asked Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, these flowers are so rare and have such wonderful effects. They must be of great value. Right? Just plant it in the garden, what if it gets damaged by the wind and sun? And how to maintain it during the week? Do you need more water or less? What kind of fertilizer is usually needed? Seeing that the weather is starting to turn cold, do you need to build a greenhouse for these flowers?"

Seeing He Jun’s worried look, Tang Feng couldn’t help but smile: “These flowers and plants are not so delicate and tender. You don’t need to pay too much attention to them normally. Just pour some water every day. As for the cold and warm weather, treat them all. Without the slightest influence, their vitality is still quite tenacious."

He Jun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, Mr. Tang, I know, the more precious this flower is, the harder it is to raise it. Unexpectedly, this kind of flower is so precious and easy to raise. It is really rare. Treasures."

Before, he heard Tang Feng say that these panacea were so good, he was really nervous.

His duty in this villa is the work of guarding, and Tang Feng also entrusted him to handle the affairs in the garden. Once something goes wrong with these precious flowers, he can hardly escape it. Blame it, if he is asked to compensate, the money he earned is afraid that he will not be able to lose a flower in his life.

He Jun felt relieved after hearing what Tang Feng said.

When I thought that I would live in this garden in the future, there are also these precious flowers and plants that can purify the air, and the air he usually breathes is different from outside, and his mood has also become quite good.

When Tang Feng and He Jun were talking in the garden, the two babysitters who were out shopping for vegetables also came back. When they saw Tang Feng, they said hello, and then hurried to prepare lunch.

Normally, the little girl and Zhou Wan spend a lot of time eating at school. If they want to come back to eat, they will tell them in advance that they will prepare lunch or dinner.

Today, Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia both came over. They knew that at noon, everyone must have dinner at home. At least, Tang Summit had dinner at home, so they were busy going to Zhang Luo.

Tang Feng was also in the study.

Of course he didn't do it for reading, but just to find a quiet place to be alone.

Tang Feng found paper and pen inside the desk in the study, and sat behind the table, and wrote down the mental formulas of spiritual practice in order from simple to difficult.

There are simply countless mental methods about this practice.

Just in Tang Feng's mind, there are so many that are difficult to calculate.

These mental mantras are different from good to bad, and the direction of emphasis is also different. They are not suitable for everyone in the practice.

If some people didn't get a good mentality when they first started to practice, they might have to take a lot of detours, and even worse, they would get nothing.

At this time, Tang Feng selected the entry level from the mental methods in his mind, which can be the fastest and most effective, and can lay the deepest foundation. According to Zhou Wan's actual situation, different mental methods were tailored for them.

These mental methods also determine the path of cultivation they will take in the future.

Before, Tang Feng asked the three people to practice the same mental methods in the initial stage. The little girl and Zhou Wan also supervised each other and improved each other.

However, after that, there will be different branches.

This is determined by the different paths of practice and the different focuses they will embark on in the future.

Among the three, Zhou Wan's path at this moment is the clearest.

She possesses the wood spirit root, and the wood spirit root is the most important foundation for practicing medical skills. Whether it is curing diseases and saving people, or refining pills and medicines, this wood spirit root can make Zhou Wan do more with less.

And Zhou Wan is now following Tang Feng, that is, she is learning medical skills. Therefore, her path of cultivation is based on medical skills, and all mental skills are also for improving these skills.

Regarding the little girl, Tang Feng also had a plan.

Since he is the daughter of Star Lord Ziwei, after returning to the Northern Star Territory, she has become the overlord of one party. Therefore, the mental method of this little girl's practice is also quite domineering, focusing on the two-way practice of Qi and body, combining the two sides. Both, both physical and spiritual, will be greatly improved.

When Tang Feng wrote the mental method for them, he had taken these things into consideration in his mind.

The mental formulas he set for the two people for the next step are also different, and there are already quite clear differences in the future practice. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1595 Writing Mind) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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