Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 271: Terrible venom

He opened the blue liquid casually, and smelled the weird smell between his breath.

He stretched out his hand, after touching the blue liquid with his fingers, he closed his eyes slightly, and carefully felt it. After a while, a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes.

In the blue liquid, he clearly felt the strong toxicity, and this toxicity should come from some kind of extremely distant poisonous tongue and fangs.

In addition to this snake venom, it seems that another toxin has been added.

And when these two toxins are mixed together, a brand new toxin is produced, and this toxin is difficult to handle even for a martial artist with a higher cultivation level.

Looking at the mini-transmitter with needles, and then at the bottle of blue liquid, he already knew what the other party was planning to do.

The other party's purpose is very clear, that is, to take the opportunity to use the launcher to shoot the toxin-contaminated needle into Shangguan's body.

Not only that.

Perhaps the opponent's goal is not Shangguan, but him.

Because these days, he was by Lin Mengjia's side, today, if it were not for Lin Mengjia's insistence, he would still pick up Lin Mengjia.

Thinking of this, the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

This toxin can't kill him naturally.

Although his primordial spirit was damaged, his physical body was still tyrannical, and even the most powerful toxins in a place like the earth couldn't kill him.

But even if this toxin can't kill him, but the other party has the desire to kill him, which makes him intolerable.

For those who want their own lives, he never relents.

During the time he was thinking about it, several police cars came swiftly.

The police car at the front came close and slammed the brakes and stopped in front of him. After that, the door opened and Zhao Yue, a beautiful policeman in police uniform, appeared in front of him.

Seeing the police appear, Tang Feng frowned involuntarily.

Now that the police intervene, the following matters are more troublesome.

In his original plan, he contacted Rong Guocheng and asked him to bring people over and take these unidentified people away. Then, he digs out the black hand behind the scenes from these people.

But after the police intervened, it would be difficult for him to ask what he wanted to know from these people.

The other party was able to procure this toxin, which was a huge threat to Wu Xiu, from abroad. The energy was naturally not small. It was not difficult for a few people to shut up obediently, or to evaporate from the world.

And among the people who have hatred with him, there are not many who have this energy.

It was nothing more than the Sun family, Yenching Zhou family elders, and another Lin family who had never veiled his face before, but also his father-in-law.

All three parties have suspicions, and the suspicions are huge. You can't guess who it is just by guessing.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that the Sun family is most suspicious.

"Doctor Tang, let's meet again." After Zhao Yue got out of the car, she looked at Tang Feng and said with a smile.

Looking at the bright smiling policewoman, Tang Feng chose to remain silent.

"Fighting in the street, it seems that Mr. Tang and Miss Lin have to come back to the bureau with us." Zhao Yue didn't even look at the five young people under Shangguan's feet, and said directly to Tang Feng.

Lin Mengjia, who was standing by, actually regretted it the moment the police arrived.

"Tang Feng also just came here. This matter has nothing to do with him. You have no reason to take him to the police station." At this time, she kept absolutely calm and spoke.

"Miss Lin, don't worry, we won't wrong a good person, but since Doctor Tang is here, then follow us back to the bureau, so as to cooperate with the investigation." Zhao Yue narrowed her smile and said sternly.

Lin Mengjia wanted to say something, but was stopped by Tang Feng.

"Okay, let's go with her to the police station. I really want to take a look. Tonight, who can't wait to make a move." Tang Feng leaned into Lin Mengjia's ear and said in a low voice.

Lin Mengjia raised her head and looked at him. After thinking for a while, she nodded obediently.

"Mr. Tang, Miss Lin, please." Zhao Yue said with a smile.

In this way, the three Tang Feng and the five brawny men were all invited to the police station.

Inside the police station.

The transcript has not yet started, and several groups of people have come over in succession.

Zhao Yue had a small plan. Although she wanted to keep Tang Feng, she was helpless because the pressure from all parties was too great. Even the director of the city bureau had come in person, and she could only let them go.

After all, all the evidence showed that Tang Feng came later and didn't do anything at all.

Inside the police station's lounge.

Seeing the old man Ji reappearing, Tang Feng was quite speechless.

He found that this old man seemed to be very idle, very idle.

He just had an accident on his side, his front foot had just arrived at the police station, and his back foot appeared. This speed is really not so fast.

"Your news is well-informed." Tang Feng said, looking at the old man Ji sitting in front of him.

Hearing Tang Feng's somewhat mocking words, Old Man Ji smiled.

"Sir, I just learned from home that Ji Ning, the kid, mobilizes family power to find all kinds of precious medicinal herbs. Are you planning to refine the pill again?" Old man Ji did not say what happened today. Instead, he talked about Ji Ning's search for medicinal materials.

The most important thing is that when talking about this, the old man's eyes clearly shined brightly.

You don't need to guess, this old man is paying attention to the pill again.

"Yes, what does that have to do with you." Tang Feng looked at the old man with a stomach full of bad water, and said angrily.

"Mr. Tang, we're all so familiar too, don't you be so stingy." Old man Ji moved his body, moved towards Tang Feng, and said with a smile.

"The pill that you refine over there are as many as the little old man."

Lin Mengjia, who was sitting next to Tang Feng, looked at the skinless and faceless look of Old Man Ji. In an instant, she felt that her worldview had been subverted, and the tall image of Grandpa Ji in her heart collapsed in an instant.

Tang Feng thought for a second, then nodded rare.

"Every time you prepare ten medicinal herbs, I will give you a pill. Don't think that I take advantage of you. This refined pill is for Ji Ning and the others." Tang Feng said.

Seeing Tang Feng's agreement, the smile on Old Man Ji's face became brighter.

As for the fact that ten parts of medicinal herbs get one pill, he doesn't feel that he is at a disadvantage, but he feels that he has taken advantage of it, and that he has taken a big advantage.

Herbs are dead things, as long as you spend a little money, you can always get them, but the pill that can improve your cultivation is invaluable. Looking at China today, I am afraid that there is no second person who can refine it. . The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 271 Terrible Venom) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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