Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 293: The toughness of Mu Linggen

"Sir, how can we thank you for curing my father." Meng Qiongyun's son looked at Tang Feng and asked excitedly.

Tang Feng, the excited middle-aged man, gave Tang Feng a noncommittal smile.

"This is the deal I made with your father. I cured him. This is part of the deal, so you don't need to thank me." Looking at the middle-aged man, Tang Feng said flatly.


The middle-aged man was shocked, looked at Tang Feng, and then looked at his father.

"Don't ask too much, you will know in the future." Meng Qiongyun shook his hand and said.

The middle-aged man wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Meng Qiongyun.

"Go back and talk."

Afterwards, Meng Qiongyun looked at Tang Feng.

"Don't worry, the time is here, I will notify you in advance." Tang Feng said, looking at the gaze cast by Meng Qiongyun.

Meng Qiongyun smiled and nodded, without asking anything more.

After sending away the father and son of Meng Qiongyun, Tang Feng called Zhou Wan into the lounge, took out a small Yi Bendan, and handed it to her.

Now, taking the pill has become Zhou Wan's daily homework.

Looking at the familiar ammunition, Zhou Wan didn't hesitate and swallowed it directly.

Tang Feng sat next to him, watching quietly.

As Zhou Wan took this third pill, her body had already begun to undergo subtle changes. The thin body began to plump up, especially on the chest, and finally she had some flesh.

A sixteen-year-old girl is just when her body is developing.

Because of Mu Ling's sake, her body development speed was delayed. If it weren't that she was not short, you would really treat her as an eleven or twelve-year-old girl.

After the pill entered the body, Zhou Wan's brows frowned, and a touch of pain appeared on her face.

However, compared to yesterday, it is obviously much weaker.

In other words, the body of Zhou Wan now has adapted to this little Yi Bendan.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a hint of aura flowing from Zhou Wan's body.

That's right, it's aura.

The living beings in the world have to obtain aura from the heavens and the earth, but this wood spirit root can nurture the aura, and it is the purest aura, even purer than the aura in the spirit crystal.

After seeing this trace of aura flowing from Zhou Wan's body, Tang Feng quickly waved his palm and absorbed it into his body.

The spiritual energy bred by this wood spirit root can be said to be a great tonic for the monks.

Especially for the primordial spirit, there are huge benefits.

This came from Zhou Wan's spiritual energy. After entering the body, the silent and damaged soul opened his eyes, opened the small mouth, and swallowed this spiritual energy directly.

After swallowing this trace of spiritual energy, a crack in the soul quickly healed.

The whole process only lasted a few seconds.

Tang Feng looked inside and opened his eyes after a moment.

His eyes turned to the girl sitting in front of him again.

In my heart, an expectation surged.

"Girl, hurry up and grow up." He said softly, looking at the girl who was sitting there with her eyes closed.

Li Wan now has a long way to go to grow up, but as the wood spirit root in her body wakes up a little bit, more and more auras will escape from her body.

With this purest aura, he can repair the damaged soul faster.

In other words, in theory, even on this earth, as long as this girl is around, he can completely repair his soul.

However, this takes a lot of time.

After more than ten minutes, Li Wan opened her eyes.

After opening her eyes, she bowed down and bowed to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng smiled slightly and reached out to help her up.

"Go wash, I'll wait for you in the study." Tang Feng said gently with a smile on his face.

"Yes, teacher." Li Wan nodded, got up, and left the lounge.

Looking at the leaving figure, Tang Feng stared for a moment.

In the study.

Tang Feng sat on the table, furiously writing.

From today, he will officially start teaching Li Wan's medicine.

The basic knowledge of various medicinal materials, the method of distinguishing medicinal herbs, and how to cultivate spiritual plants, etc.

Even for a monk, it takes a lot of time to master all of this. It is precisely because of this that many monks don't touch these things at all and directly buy spirit pills.

However, every major monk, more or less, would dabble in the art of medicine.

In his mind, he stored this massive amount of medical knowledge snatched from the Medicine King Zong, and this knowledge is enough for a mortal to learn for hundreds of years.

Of course, Li Wan is an exception.

With Mu Linggen, she is uniquely endowed with medicinal materials. It can be said that she can understand and enlighten her with just one tap.

In just a short time, Tang Feng has written a dozen sheets of rice paper.

After Li Wan came over, he pushed her in front of Li Wan and began to teach her the most basic knowledge hand in hand.

In a blink of an eye, two hours passed.

Li Wan has all mastered the basic knowledge of the dozen or so pieces of rice paper he wrote down. Although he still can't fully understand it, at least he has already memorized it.

This is the abnormality of Mu Linggen.

"That's all for today's homework. After you go back, study it carefully." Tang Feng got up and said softly.

Li Wan quickly stood up and nodded obediently.

In the study, Tang Feng stood alone in front of the window, looking outside.

Outside the door, a familiar footstep sounded.

Soon, Lin Mengjia walked in.

"Just now, Mr. Zhou called over to inquire about the teacher apprenticeship tomorrow." Lin Mengjia walked in, looked at Tang Feng, and said softly.

"What's the point to ask? Let them come here early." Tang Feng didn't think much, and said casually.

"What they mean is that there will be more people coming tomorrow, and I'm afraid you will be unhappy when you see more people." Lin Mengjia said with a smile.

"Also, we should notify some people from time to time."

Hearing the question from his little lady, Tang Feng thought for a moment.

"The Ji family, the Zhang family, the Zheng family, the Chen family's side, let's let me know." After thinking about it for a while, he said.

If you accept disciples yourself, there are not few witnesses yet.

If there is not even a witness, it will be somewhat lacking.

"Well, then I'll call some of them later." Lin Mengjia said as she walked over.

As the little woman walked closer, Tang Feng stretched out his hand to embrace the thin waist.

"In the past few days, I'm afraid that there will be big moves on the Sun's side, so try not to go to the company side." Tang Feng said softly, holding his little woman.

Lin Mengjia raised her head, those beautiful eyes looked at him, smiled and nodded. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 293 The Power of Mu Linggen), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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