Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 457: One question and three questions

Tang Feng looked at Zi Xuan like an idiot.

If I knew the whereabouts of Wansheng Fox, what else would I do with her?

He really didn't bother to care about her, did not answer, carried the box, and started to leave.

Seeing this, Zi Xuan hurriedly asked him: "The pharmacist of the grandson's family is going to Kunlun Mountain with us?"

"Do you still know the pharmacist?" Tang Feng asked with some sarcasm.

He was still a female monk, and only knew about expensive jewelry and brand-name clothes and bags.

"Our Gutian School is also the sect of North Kunlun anyway. How could it be possible that even the pharmacist didn't know it?" Zi Xuan curled her lips, showing some dissatisfaction with Tang Feng's attitude towards him, with her hands on her waist, loudly. Retorted.

Tang Feng couldn't help thinking, and asked, "What else do you know?"

Listening to the meaning of Zi Xuan's words, it seems that she knows a certain connection between the pharmacist and Kunlun.

In this case, the words of Chang Sun Ying are also confirmed from the side.

Zi Xuan shrugged and said, "The pharmacists of the Changsun family seem to be connected to certain sects in Kunlun. However, I only know that there are our sects and Yangshan sects in North Kunlun. Their family is with us. The two sects have nothing to do with each other."

"That means, within Kunlun, there are other sects?"

When we first met, Tang Feng asked Zi Xuan about their sect, but she knew very little and did not provide any clues Tang Feng wanted.

Zi Xuan pinched her chin with her hand, and said thoughtfully: "According to the truth, it should be like this. Since the Changsun family is related to a certain sect in Kunlun, this sect is not ours. With Yangshan Sect, there must be other sects within Kunlun, but I have spent a lot of time in North Kunlun. Except for Yangshan Sect, I have never seen other sects. Maybe they Maybe it’s already gone."

In this situation on the earth today, the large sects are gradually declining, and eventually the sects are destroyed. It is not a strange thing. The "Wonderland" mentioned by Changsun Ying is probably also a sect according to Tang Feng's thoughts. There is no one now. Up.

Tang Feng frowned and asked, "Before you said that Yangshan Sect is the same as your sect, and there are very few people left? How many people are there?"

Zi Xuan recalled: "The last time I saw, there were three other people, but their suzerain was very ill at that time. Looking like that, if you can't get medical treatment, I'm afraid that time is running out. I don't know. Whether he is still alive or not, if he passes away, there will be two disciples left, the realm of which is equal to mine."

"Your master, and them, are all in Kunlun now? You should have been cultivating in the sect, why are you alone in the outside world?"

Tang Feng had long felt a little curious about this matter, but he had never found a chance to ask Zi Xuan about it. It happened to be here today, so he inquired clearly.

Zi Xuan sighed, a look of sadness appeared on her face rarely, and said: "Back then, the master said that Kunlun would encounter a catastrophe. We stay in the sect. We will definitely not be able to escape. Leaving the sect and taking refuge in the world is not only the case with Master and Yangshanzong. The last time I saw Yangshanzong, it was Master who brought me to their sect to discuss this matter."

Tang Feng raised his eyebrows: "What disaster is it?"

"I don't know this anymore. Master didn't say." Zi Xuan shook her head, her face full of melancholy. "Actually, I want to know, but when I asked Master, he shook his head and said nothing. With a bitter face, I dare not ask more."

Hearing Zi Xuan's use of this word to describe his master, Tang Feng only felt that her head was covered with black lines. If her master knew about it, she wondered if the expression on her face would be more bitter.

He reluctantly suppressed the urge to vomit from the bottom of his heart, and then asked: "In other words, you have five monks in total, and you left North Kunlun at the same time?"

Zi Xuan shook her head and replied, "I left first. Master said they still have things to do and let me go first. As for whether they left or when they left, I don't know."

"Why do you want you to go first?" Tang Feng faintly felt that this matter seemed to have some inner affair, but for a while, he couldn't think of it.

Zi Xuan still shook her head and said, "I don't know, Master told me to go first, so I will go first. How dare you ask so much?" However, if it is based on the results of my Master's discussion with Sect Master Yangshan, they should be there. Within three days after I left, I all entered this world, but I am not sure if the situation of the Yangshan Sect Master at that time was able to leave North Kunlun alive. "

Tang Feng frowned slightly.

He originally thought that after asking Zi Xuan, he would be able to understand the current situation of these sects in Kunlun Mountain, but unexpectedly, there were more and more questions at this time.

Why did these two sects with few people left suddenly leave North Kunlun? What is the calamity that Master Zi Xuan is talking about? If there is a disaster, and you can leave together, why should you send Zi Xuan away first?

It is by no means an ordinary monk who can deduct the heavens and the earth and calculate the calamity of the future, but seeing Zi Xuan's appearance now, Tang Feng can hardly imagine that her master will be a great monk who can see through the secrets of heaven.

"Your master, what realm is it?" Tang Feng looked at Zi Xuan and asked the question in his heart.

I thought this question should be quite simple, she could answer it without talking, but Zi Xuan was at a loss, shook her head, and said, "I don't know."

This answer made Tang Feng almost vomit blood. He fixedly looked at Zi Xuan and wanted to see if she was lying, but seeing her appearance, she was telling the truth.

As a disciple, you don't even know the realm of the master?

Tang Feng began to think that Zi Xuan might not look like an idiot, but she is an idiot at all, right?

Seeing Tang Feng looking at herself, Zi Xuan said somewhat unconvinced: "His realm is higher than mine, I naturally can't see it. Is this weird? I can't see your realm now!"

This explanation is really impeccable.

Looking at Zi Xuan's speech, Tang Feng shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, I see, you can do your own thing."

"Then, when are we going to catch that fox demon?" Zi Xuan's eyes began to shine again.

Tang Feng really didn't want to say a word with her any more, carrying the box, and leaving without looking back.

Standing in place, Zi Xuan stamped her foot and said loudly: "You have to count your words. After you catch the fox demon, you can't go wrong!" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: txt download address of Longevity: Returning to Be a Dad: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 457 One Question and Three Questions), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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