This night, it was extremely quiet.

Tang Feng's ability to sleep in the tent with his wife and children with peace of mind proves that he has a bottom line in his heart. If there is really any situation outside, he is undoubtedly the most vigilant person.

With Tang Feng sitting in town, anyone feels extremely safe in their hearts and sleeps securely. Even staying outside at night seems to be just a formality.

Ji Ning and Shangguan sat outside the tent, looking at the night sky.

In the summer night, when the sky is full of stars, it is just like the ancients said: the sky is as cool as water at night, lying down to watch the star of the Morning Glory and Vega.

In the mountains, the starry sky will be clearer due to the light air pollution.

But at this moment, the night sky was dark, not to mention the stars, even the moon was not visible, only the black sky was shrouded in it.

The only light in the darkness was the campfire in front of the tent.

Shangguan was sitting in front of the bonfire, and the flames were beating, reflecting on her face, and as the flames swayed, the light and darkness flashed non-stop.

Da Bai was lying in the snow, except for occasionally shaking his tail, he remained motionless, as if he had fallen asleep.

Under the dark night, there was only the sound of wind blowing through the treetops and falling snow.

Ji Ning whispered: "If you are tired, go back and rest. If Dabai is with me, nothing will happen."

Shangguan shook his head slightly, and said softly, "I'm not tired."

After that, the two stopped talking and just sat quietly.

If it weren't for the fire, seeing their bright eyes would almost make people think they were asleep.

After midnight, Rong Guocheng took them to replace the two of them, and the two went back to their tents to rest.

In the second half of the night, nothing happened. After the two shifts, it was dawn calmly. However, due to the snow, the mountains were still cloudy even after dawn.

After everyone got up, they ate breakfast hastily, put away the tent, put everything in one place, and then watched them disappear into Tang Feng's hands.

Xiang Chuan's eyes widened, and he was very uncertain towards Rong Guocheng: "Brother Rong, does this Mr. Tang still perform magic tricks?"

Rong Guocheng was already too shocked to speak.

This completely surpassed his cognition.

He knew that Tang Feng was not an ordinary person, and he also knew that Tang Feng used unknown means, but before him, all things were changed, which still caused a strong impact on his Three Views.

What was even more shocking was naturally Meng Qiongyun and his son.

No matter what they said, they were all people who had seen Tang Feng's power, but these two ordinary people were really scared, and the whole people were dumbfounded, almost thinking that they were dreaming.

Meng Zhong even said to Meng Qiongyun: "Father, this Mr. Tang, is he a god?"

If you can make a scientific researcher like him ask such things, you can know how shocked he is.

Lin Mengjia looked at the dumbfounded look of the people around her, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Although she herself was very surprised at this, she still felt funny in her heart.

By the time they set off again, the speed of everyone was much faster than the day before.

After all, knowing that someone is rushing to act before him, everyone is a little anxious, wanting to catch up quickly, knowing what is happening to the other party, especially Tang Feng, unconsciously, speeds up his pace.

Fortunately, the physical fitness of this group of people is super strong, even if they are rushing to the road, they are not a problem, and they can do it with Tang Feng's speed.

However, this is suffering for the father and son Meng Qiongyun, especially Meng Zhong. The fatigue of the previous day has not been relieved, and he has to go ahead with high intensity, and he is still on the snow-capped mountains with relatively thin oxygen, which really makes him overwhelmed.

Upon seeing this, Xiang Chuan and Zhao Yanzhi went up to support them so that they would not fall behind.

After continuing to walk for more than two hours, he could no longer see the road at all, relying on the memory of Meng Qiongyun to distinguish the distance.

Meng Qiongyun pointed to the front, panting, and said, "This road exists on the map, but it has already disappeared after thousands of years. When we arrived last time, there was no road here. We went straight from here. Go through the woods."

Tang Feng looked in the direction pointed by Meng Qiongyun, a dense forest, unable to see the side at a glance, the wind blew past, and all the trees made noises. At this time, the snow had already accumulated on the ground. On the first floor, even if I stop now, crossing this dense forest is still not a simple matter.

"If you want to bypass this forest, it will take two days."

Meng Qiongyun added, hesitated to look at the little girl and Zhou Wan who were standing not far away. He was a little worried whether the two children could have the strength to pass through here.

Naturally, Meng Qiongyun would not have thought that the physical strength of these two weak-looking young girls was many times better than he did not know.

Tang Feng said: "No, let's go straight over, Da Bai, you go and see the situation over there first."

Dabai immediately gave a "Wow" and ran towards the depths of the forest.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Hui also followed, jumped onto the branch, and turned into a white spot as if flying in the air, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lin Mengjia asked Tang Feng, "Is there any danger in this?"

"Except for some animals, there is nothing else in it, and there is no breath of that flood."

Tang Feng smiled at her slightly. Although Tang Feng asked Da Bai to explore the way, he had already released his true thoughts, and simply checked some places nearby, but he did not perceive the existence of anything.

He knew that Lin Mengjia was not afraid, but worried that the little girl and Zhou Wan would be in danger.

As a mother, even if she knows that the abilities of the two children are not under her, she still instinctively wants to protect them and prevent them from being harmed.

Lin Mengjia breathed a sigh of relief when Tang Feng said this.

With a smile on her face, Zi Xuan walked over and said, "The surrounding area is very safe, but the temperature in the woods is low and it is not easy to camp. You have to go out before dark and find a flat place to rest. "

Hearing Zi Xuan's words, the people around looked at her and couldn't help fighting a cold war.

All the people present, only she and Tang Feng, were still wearing ordinary clothes, and it seemed that they could not feel the cold at all.

Tang Feng wore a single coat and a pair of trousers, while Zi Xuan, who only wore a knee-length skirt, stepped on the snow with her bare legs. She was not cold, but everyone else looked at her and felt her teeth trembling. .

At this moment, Zi Xuan was still talking about the low temperature, which naturally made other people feel even colder. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 546 has no way) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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