Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 57: Ask Zhao Dajinghua

When Zhao Yue received a call from an unfamiliar number, she didn't think much about it. The answer sounded, and she asked politely: "Hello, who are you?"

"Tang Feng." In the phone, a very calm man's voice came.

Zhao Yue froze for a moment, and did not react for a while. When she wanted to understand who Tang Feng was, her voice suddenly rose by an octave, as if Tang Feng was standing in front of him, and said loudly: "What are you going to do?"

The other police officers in the office looked at her with a very suspicious look. Zhao Yue stood up quickly, walked out quickly in the direction of the door, and lowered her voice to the mobile phone and said, "Why do you have my mobile phone number? ?"

Tang Feng did not answer her question, but still said calmly: "Tell Lin Mengjia, I was with you last night."

"What?" Zhao Yue was stunned again, and his mind paused for about three seconds before turning around. She raised her voice again dissatisfiedly, "What do you mean? What did you mean by being with me last night?" How do I know what you did last night! If you go to kill again, wouldn't I give you false testimony?"

"You don't need to perjury, you just need to confirm this to Lin Mengjia, no matter what method you use." Tang Feng's voice couldn't hear the slightest emotion.

Zhao Yue could guess that when he spoke, he must have been expressionless. She couldn't help but feel angry and said, "Why should I help you!"

"You know."

I know a fart! Zhao Yue wanted to explode this **** very much, but when the words came to her lips, she stopped abruptly. After a long pause, she said in a very annoyed voice: "Is it great to be skilled? Innate realm can command casually. Do I do things? Even if you are Wu Xiu, it doesn't mean that I will help you unconditionally do anything! You don't think I am—"

"Count me owing you a favor." Tang Feng's voice was still very calm, interrupting Zhao Yue's words, "If you have trouble in the future, I will definitely help."

Zhao Yue originally had a series of words that he wanted to yell at Tang Feng, but when he heard these words, there was no voice immediately.

Even if Zhao Yue couldn’t see what kind of realm Tang Feng was, he would have long been certain that he was above all the martial arts he had seen. He gave himself such a promise that she could not refuse it anyway, but Tang Feng’s The attitude made her feel very depressed, thinking that if she agreed to this way, she felt like she had eaten the food.

While Zhao Yue was still struggling, Tang Feng had already hung up the phone.

Zhao Yue looked at the phone in her hand, her pretty face flushed red, and she gritted her teeth as if she was about to eat the phone.

Seeing her like this, the passing policemen all avoided and reminded each other: "Is sister Yue broken in love? Look at her like that, it seems that Xiaosan called her to write down the war."

"Don't be funny, where's sister Yue's boyfriend, how can any man dare to fall in love with her? I think the bank card was stolen and all the belongings were gone. I just received the SMS notification."

"What? Sister Yue can still save money? Didn't all her salary be paid back to the credit card?"

"You said, Sister Yue doesn't have a boyfriend, she doesn't dress up or buy clothes, why would she spend so much money?"

Zhao Yueyi's stomach fire was not coming out, staring at them, looking at them, and shouting: "Is it idle and nothing to do? Go and clear all the cases in the archives! Give you a one-week deadline, at least three breaks Case!"

The little policemen immediately changed their faces and ran away dingy.

Lin Mengjia hugged her shoulders and looked at the busy R&D personnel in the laboratory. It seemed to be no different from yesterday. But when she got closer, she would find that her eyes were wandering and her mind was not in the laboratory at all, she did not concentrate on yesterday. Look like.

Just as Shangguan looked at Lin Mengjia tangledly, thinking about what it was like to return to the villa tonight, Lin Mengjia and Tang Feng met again, Lin Mengjia's mobile phone rang.

Lin Mengjia's body trembled. It was obvious that she was a little bit out of the sky. The ringtone of her mobile phone surprised her. She connected the phone and gave a "hello".

"Miss Lin, hello, this is Zhao Yue."

"Oh, Officer Zhao, what's the matter?" Lin Mengjia became nervous when she heard Zhao Yue's voice. Is the police already suspicious of herself?

"Miss Lin, we have something to learn from you. Is it convenient for you to speak now?"

"Convenient. If you have anything, just ask." Lin Mengjia was very nervous, but her voice remained calm.

"We are investigating a case in the past two days. There was a man named Tang Feng who appeared on the scene at the time of the case. It was the man you gave him bail last night when he was at the police station. I asked him to come to the police station to make a transcript. He claims that his current identity is the private bodyguard you hired. I want to confirm it to you."

"Last night?" Lin Mengjia raised her eyebrows, her focus was not on Zhao Yue's issue at all, but instead asked, "When was last night?"

"He arrived at the police station at 11:30 in the middle of the night, and when he left it was around 3 in the morning. I'm really sorry. The case is urgent. Although this time is very inconvenient, we can only ask him to do the transcript immediately."

Zhao Yue spoke nonsense seriously, although her voice sounded nothing unusual, and she was doing business, but at this time her face was full of entanglement, and she looked unhappy.

Lin Mengjia couldn't see Zhao Yue's expression, so she believed it to be true, and hurriedly asked: "Officer Zhao, what is the case? Is it related to Tang Feng? Is he a suspect?"

"Of course not. He is just an eyewitness. If it is a suspect, how can we let him leave so quickly? As for the case, Miss Lin, I'm sorry, this needs to be kept confidential. You have not answered my question. This is called Tang Feng’s man, is your personal bodyguard?"

"Yes, he is." Lin Mengjia answered quickly.

"Okay, Miss Lin, I'm sorry to disturb you, thank you for your cooperation." Zhao Yue hung up the phone, letting out a sigh of relief.

Lin Mengjia took the phone, turned her head, looked at Shangguan, her face was very complicated, some surprises, and a little shocked, and said: "It's Zhao Yue's call. I thought it was for Zhang Jinshuo's business."

The corner of Shangguan's mouth twitched. Just now, she was still wondering why Tang Summit asked her for Zhao Yue's mobile phone number. He really has the ability to make Zhao Yue lie for him.

Seeing Lin Mengjia like this, the Shangguan asked knowingly, bewildered, and said, "Is there anything else?"

"She only said that Tang Feng was an eyewitness to a case, and asked him to testify and ask me if he was my bodyguard." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: The txt download address of Longevity Return: Dad: Back to be a dad to read on mobile phone: the convenience of next time To read, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (see Chapter 057 for help from Zhao Dajinghua), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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