Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 600: Proud white

After leaving Sleepy Dragon Pond, Tang Feng took a Guben Pill halfway down the road. After conditioning it, he gradually recovered his spiritual power. If it weren’t for this, he would come back faster. Those who attacked may not have yet Going far, you can probably get more clues.

However, for Tang Feng, to appear in front of Lin Mengjia with such energy, not to worry her, is far more important than finding those people.

Lin Mengjia took a closer look at Tang Feng again, and smiled when he saw that he was really nothing.

Rong Guocheng listened for a long while, with a look of surprise on his face. Seeing that everyone was silent, he hurriedly asked Tang Feng, "Mr. Tang, has this dragon been wiped out by you?"

Tang Feng said lightly: "With my current ability, I can't destroy its soul yet."

Rong Guocheng couldn't help taking a breath, and said hurriedly: "Then it is now--"

"Although it can't be destroyed, I have already received it and sealed it entirely. For a while, it will not be able to set off any storms."

Tang Feng said that it was an understatement, but everyone who listened to it was dumbfounded.

The ancient sacred beasts said that they would accept it, and they still looked relaxed. Such things are really not something that anyone can do.

Xiang Chuan was also listening to the side, and seeing everyone eating almost the same, he was busy taking the others to clean up.

Seeing this, Meng Qiongyun said, "Mr. Tang, now this obstacle has been cleared, and I have figured out the road. I just need to go towards the cave. Just on this road, please take care of me."

As he spoke, there was a cloud of sadness on his face.

Tang Feng knew the worries in his heart, and said, "Professor Meng, don't worry, I will not hurt you."

"Yes, thank you Mr. Tang." Even though he said that, Meng Qiongyun still felt a little uneasy.

Standing behind him, Meng Zhong frowned tightly.

He has always been extremely filial. Although his physical fitness is not very good, he is worried that his father is in danger, and he will follow him desperately. Now he knows that the other party wants to target Meng Qiongyun. In his heart, he is better than Meng Qiong. Yun is more anxious.

Tang Feng waved to Da Bai.

Da Bai immediately jumped up, wagging his tail, ran to him, looked up at him, with a look of excitement on his face.

Tang Feng took out a small Yi Bendan, shook it towards Da Bai, and said, "This is for you, and you will protect Professor Meng well all the way down the road. When we get back safely, we will reward you with another one. ."

Dabai nodded immediately, keeping his eyes light, staring closely at the pill in Tang Feng's hand, turning around him non-stop, with a flattering look, if it weren't for the dignity of his spirit beast, I was afraid it was. It's time to stand up and make a decision.

Tang Feng raised his hand and threw the pill up. Dabai immediately took it firmly and swallowed his stomach. Only then did he pace slowly, and when he reached Meng Qiongyun's approach, he raised his head and screamed at him. .

Meng Qiongyun had seen Da Bai's greatness, so he immediately relieved his heart, but when faced with Da Bai, he was a little flustered. After all, communicating with animals is different from communicating with people. Even if he knows that Da Bai can understand people, he still feels Somewhat awkward.

Meng Zhong hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully to Dabai: "Mr. Dabai, my father will ask you for help from now on, thank you for your care."

Da Bai raised his head proudly, and lightly nodded, quite a bit of style.

Seeing it like this, Tang Feng was really angry and funny, but didn't want to pay much attention to it, got up next to Xiao Hui, picked it up again, and put it on his shoulder.

Xiao Hui was covered by the little girl's clothes for a while, and Da Bai was pressed against it. At this time, the temperature on her body was extremely high, and her fur was soaked in sweat, but she was motionless and still sleeping soundly.

When Zhou Wan saw it, she couldn't help showing a worried look, and said, "Master, Xiao Hui has been sleeping like this. There is nothing wrong, right?"

"Don't worry, it needs snake gall bladder to dissolve the toxicity and medicinal effect before it can be used by itself. This sleepiness is a way for it to protect itself. When the effect of the medicine is over, it will be fine. We will probably leave here. Before Kunlun, it won't wake up." Tang Feng looked at the little monkey on his shoulder and said with a smile.

This little guy is usually greedy and naughty, but at a critical moment, he can sacrifice his life to save himself. It is really valuable. When he wakes up, he needs to give him some more rewards.

When she got up, Zi Xuan muttered to herself: "This calamity in Kunlun, does it mean the dragon's soul?"

She was just talking to herself and didn't expect anyone to answer, but Tang Feng said: "But it's not impossible."

"What?" Zi Xuan's eyes lit up and asked immediately.

"The dragon’s soul is trapped in the dragon bone. When the dragon cultivating, he will send his inner alchemy into the dragon bone. It seems that this method can be used to obtain the maximum dragon energy, but it is firmly held by the dragon’s soul. He controlled the inner alchemy, and even this Jiao’s every move, if the dragon wanted to control it, it would be effortless."

Tang Feng frowned slightly. Thinking of the situation at the time, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Zi Xuan was stunned. For a long while, she slowly said, "You mean, this Jiao is not only raised by the dragon, but will be invaded by its soul in the future and become a new body. Even now, it is not complete. The freedom of the dragon is just a puppet of the dragon?"

Tang Feng nodded, and said: "It has been deliberately hiding this dragon in this mountain for many years, and it has probably long since been impatient. This dragon has already had a horn on its head. It will be a matter of time if it weren't for us. The arrival of this time disrupted its plan. I am afraid that within two years, it will be able to successfully attach to the body of this dragon. Moreover, this dragon has already entered the magical way and will not have good thoughts. At that time, things are not as simple as they are now."

Zi Xuan's hand clenched her fist tightly, her expression nervous.

Not only her, but everyone around her felt cold and sweaty.

If an ancient mythical beast, or a beast, is truly resurrected, it not only possesses powerful mana, but also has more than ten thousand years of wisdom.

But today’s earth is far less prosperous than it was when there were monks everywhere, and other masters among the stars would also come here while traveling, perhaps to surrender the dragon. Now the earth is lacking in aura and has long been abandoned by practitioners. Even if this dragon disaster is raging, there is no divine condemnation, and we can help.

Now that Tang Feng entered the trapped dragon pool and sealed the keel, he didn't know whether it was a coincidence, or a destiny. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 600 Proud White) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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