Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 631: Family Forbidden Land

This question is actually what Chang Sun Ying wanted to ask, but she was shocked by Chang Sun Yi’s true qi at the moment, her mind was a little confused, and because of his sullenness, she did not dare to speak much, so she could only stand with her head down. With.

After all, facing the accusations of her elders, the eldest Sun Ying was speechless.

Chang Sun Yi set his gaze on Zi Xuan. He knew that although the little girl in front of him looked charming and cute, her strength was not to be underestimated. It was far above them, and he knew that some of them seemed to be both. Don't know the secret.

Tang Feng's gaze once again looked around the entire ancient building complex, and after retracting his gaze, he faintly said to Changsun Yi: "This place was built by the ancestors of the Changsun family, and the whole family, Have lived here for a long time, right?"

Hearing this, Chang Sun Ying didn't care that she was still bending down to apologize to Chang Sun Yi and the others, she looked at Tang Feng with a stunned face.

She clearly told Tang Feng that her family entered Kunlun during the Han Dynasty and met an immortal who was passed on by this pharmacist. At that time, it was only more than two thousand years ago, and this ancient building complex was clearly at least It has a history of more than three thousand years, how could it be built by the people of the grandson family?

Zi Xuan also looked at Tang Feng with a puzzled expression, wondering why he said such outrageous words.

Chang Sun Yi looked at Tang Feng, although his face was calm, his eyes were a little bit startling, and he said, "What is the origin of your younger generation?"

Later life?

Tang Feng couldn't help but sneered.

He, who has a life span of a thousand years, would be called a young man by a mere hundred-year-old!

Seeing that Tang Feng didn't mean to answer at all, Chang Sun Ying hurriedly bowed to Chang Sun Yi and said respectfully: "Going back to Grandpa, he is called Tang Feng. He is an outsider with extraordinary ability. He is an extremely rare master in Kuan Gu Shuo today. No matter what kind of ability he is, he is far superior to other people in the younger generation. Even the Patriarchs of the Ji family, Zhang family, Zhou family, etc. treat him as a guest of honor and courtesy. There is a plus."

In normal times, the relationship between Chang Sun Ying and Tang Feng has always been quite plain. To Chang Sun Yi this time, she did not hesitate to praise her. It can be said that this rainbow fart has blown a new height.

While listening, Zi Xuan couldn't hide the smile at the corner of her mouth, glanced at Tang Feng from the corner of her eye, and let out a laugh.

Tang Feng naturally knew that Chang Sun Ying’s remarks were not about respect for herself. On the surface, she was complimenting him. In fact,

It was to remind Chang Sun Yi that Tang Feng was not easy to provoke, and don't come to offend him again, for fear that Chang Sun Yi would not believe it, and also carried out the heads of several other big families.

Chang Sun Yi certainly would not believe it.

Even if Chang Sun Ying didn't say this to him, he knew that Tang Feng was not easy to provoke.

Just now six of them attacked Tang Feng. Although they were suppressed by Da Bai as soon as they shot, the worst of the other five is the acquired Wu Xiu, which one is vegetarian?

But under this siege, Tang Feng got away easily and wounded four of them. This strength already made them dumbfounded. In addition to the rhetoric of Chang Sun Ying, Tan sees The gaze towards Tang Feng was already full of awe.

But even so, they still haven't figured out what Tang Feng came from.

"Yingying, are you intimidated by him?" Behind Chang Sun Yi, a person suddenly said.

That person was outside the cave before, who had fought against Changsun Ying and saw her token.

When Zhang Sun Ying heard him call herself like this, she raised her head slightly, glanced at the man quickly, and then bowed her head quickly, saying: "No, I came here with them voluntarily. What I did, I also want to know this Kunlun Inside, what’s the secret? If I don’t admit my mistake, are you the fourth cousin of the second grandfather’s house? You brought the family members into the mountains more than 20 years ago."

The man nodded, and realized that Sun Ying was lowering her head and couldn't see her own movements. He sighed and said, "Yes, that's right. After we entered the mountain that year, we never went out again. I didn't expect this. Years have passed, the younger generations in the family, and some people remember me, presumably, we have become a memorial tablet in the ancestral hall of the family, right? I don’t know the family members, but how are they?"

Chang Sun Ying listened to his slightly sad voice and recalled the changes in the family over the years. She only felt sore in her nose, and her tears rolled down without restraint. She choked and said, "After my cousin and the many tribesmen entered the mountain, The strength within the family is a lot weaker. Although the prestige is still there, many changes have taken place during the period, and even the thousand-year-old treasures passed down in the family have been lost."

When the man saw Changsun Ying's behavior, his face showed a bitter color, and comforted her softly: "We all know about this matter, and your grandfather has already found it. come back."

Chang Sun Ying immediately raised her head, with tears still hanging on her face, her teary eyes looked at Chang Sun Yi dimly.

Chang Sun Yi still looked a little gloomy and said, "No matter what the reason, you, as a family child, should not bring outsiders to come! Let alone tell them the affairs of the family. The affairs of our eldest grandson family should be ours. Do it yourself!"

Long Sun Ying's lips murmured, she didn't dare to reply.

Zi Xuan raised her eyebrows and raised her voice: "What else are you dealing with! Didn't you hear her say it? It is precisely because of you people, every time you enter the mountains, you take away the most powerful clan members in the family, which makes the family increasingly stronger? Decay, it’s good for you. You are practicing in this mountain and advancing by leaps and bounds, but you are suffering from the people outside the mountain. If you can’t get your news, you have to work hard to support you. Sometimes you are bullied and come to the door without the strength to fight back!"

Zi Xuan's string of accusations really uttered what Chang Sun Ying did not dare to say, and it also made Chang Sun Yi's complexion even more ugly.

His gaze became sharp instantly, looking at Zi Xuan, and sternly said: "Our family matters, it is not the turn of outsiders to talk! This is forbidden by our clan, you immediately quit, otherwise--"

"Otherwise, what shall you do? Fight us out? Or kill us? That is to do it quickly, don't talk nonsense, I can't wait." Zi Xuan's face was a little mocking smile. "Or, do you still need to find some more helpers? In my opinion, you people may not be able to protect this forbidden area!"

Zi Xuan's words made the faces of Chang Sun Yi and others red and white. Although it was extremely unpleasant, what she said was the truth. With a few of them, there was no ability to drive these people out. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 631 Family Forbidden Area) reading history and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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