Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 944: Lin Mengjia shot

When Lin Mengjia moved, Kong Qinghua didn't react at all. When she heard the harsh scream, Kong Qingrong was already embarrassed.

Fortunately, the cosmetics she uses are all high-end products, the makeup effect is good, and the red wine is only half a glass. Even if she was splashed over her face, she did not suffer from severe smudging. However, under these circumstances, it is enough to attract attention. People are paying attention.

"You, you, you!" Kong Qingrong pointed at Lin Mengjia with his hand, trembling all over.

There was nothing strange on Lin Mengjia's face, neither excited nor angry, her expression was unexpectedly calm, but her eyes were slightly cold, and her voice was cold and said, "I wanted to leave some for each other on this occasion today. Face, but since you don’t want this face, you don’t blame me."

"Lin Mengjia, you hateful woman! You humiliate the entire Lin family, and dare to be so arrogant!" Kong Qingrong barked his teeth and danced his claws, his face twisted, "In the circle of Yanjing, who doesn't know your mess! You are staying in Yanjing. I didn’t go down until I arrived at Pingyang. People here don’t know about you, but I know everything!"

Kong Qinghua stepped forward and pulled Lin Mengjia with a disdainful sneer, and said: "Jiajia was in love with others, and at that time the male and female were unmarried, unmarried, and honest, how could the family be ashamed? Where are the two people willing to choose? Life, that’s their business, what do you do with others? It’s that some people are shameless, ganging up with married couples and giving birth to illegitimate children, they are truly shameless, and they are not ashamed or embarrassed, even this illegitimate child. The small wild species lack education, and they are really strong with proper genetics."

Kong Qinghua actually wanted to keep things quiet, and didn't intend to make trouble with this occasion too ugly. With so many people around watching, and Kong Liangji was also there, she had to scrupulously point the Kong family's face.

But Kong Qingrong, this woman, is simply bad and stupid. She made her face shameless and not only spoke harshly to her, she even dared to insult Lin Mengjia.

With the friendship between her and Lin Mengjia for more than 20 years, can she tolerate Kong Qingrong's slurs here?

Even if Kong Qinghua occasionally faced Lin Mengjia with a little bit of sourness, it was only between the two of them. The least she saw was someone bullying Lin Mengjia.

Back then, Lin Mengjia was purely kind-hearted, and Kong Qinghua was the only one who was in her early career when she had anything to do. Kong Qinghua had long been accustomed to this.

She was not polite to Kong Qingrong, and directly exposed her old bottom and pointed directly at her death.

Kong Qingrong let out a weird cry of "Oh" and rushed towards Kong Qinghua angrily.

Lin Mengjia would never give her this opportunity.

Now that she had torn her face in public, she no longer cared too much, and threw the cup in her hand directly at Kong Qingrong.

Now Lin Mengjia’s ability is no longer an ordinary person. Not only does she possess super strength and sensitivity, she also learns all martial arts from Shangguan. Although she has not much actual combat experience, this foundation is already solid. real.

When she threw the cup to Kong Qingrong, she had already used skill. On the surface, it seemed that when an ordinary woman threw something in a fight, she had used ingenuity secretly.

Kong Qingrong had already pounced on Kong Qinghua, leaning forward, looking full of momentum.

Lin Mengjia smashed this cup towards her forehead.

When the cup touched Kong Qingrong's forehead, she felt a huge force, as if a person reached out and pushed her forehead heavily.

She was leaping forward, and immediately turned into backwards, backed up a few steps, and then fell heavily towards the back.

Fortunately, before Wu Qiu found Kong Qingrong screaming, he hurried over and was behind her at this moment before catching her.

However, this strength is really too great, Kong Qingrong, together with Wu Qiu, both staggered and fell to the ground.

The red wine glass fell on the thick carpeted ground and rolled a few times, but it was not damaged in the slightest.

The women who came to participate in these occasions were all wearing formal dresses. Wu Qiu and Kong Qingrong fell on the ground like this, the wide skirts were lifted up, and the scenery under the skirts was unobstructed.

Wu Qiu supported Kong Qingrong and stood up from the ground.

When Kong Qingrong saw Wu Qiu's arrival, someone supported him and became more arrogant, so he raised his voice again and shouted to Lin Mengjia: "You, you dare to beat me! Are you tired of living? Don't think you can do it with the Lin family Nonsense! You are from the Lin family, and I belong to the Kong family! You are just a daughter who was swept out by the Lin family, so why fight with me!"

When Kong Qingrong was so aggressive, everyone had arrived.

Ruan Kangde rushed forward and smiled at Kong Qingrong: "Miss Kong, please stay calm. Is it because my poor hospitality here makes Miss Kong dissatisfied? If you have any questions, Miss Kong just tell me."

Kong Qingrong raised his chin slightly, his nostrils turned into the sky, and his face was majestic and majestic, and said: "Sir Kant, I came to this dinner because of your face. Now the Lin family actually beat me in public, you see. How to deal with it?"

Kong Qinghua's mouth curled slightly, revealing a touch of ridicule.

Kong Liangji was invited by Ruan Kangde.

Even Kong Shuchou came now because of Kong Liangji's sake. Kong Qingrong and her junior high-ranking mother are all borrowed, but now they have to say so confidently, even Kong Qinghua blushes for her.

But Kong Qingrong was not ashamed at all.

The ladies of the Confucian family had to learn all kinds of rules since childhood, but when Kong Qingrong was a child, he grew up with Wu Qiu.

After entering the Kong family, in order to cater to Kong Liangji and Kong Shuchou, Wu Qiu also secretly reminded Kong Qingrong to pay attention.

However, her nature is inferior, and her childhood personality is already formed. In normal times, she can barely pretend to be. Now, under furious, even speaking to Ruan Kangde is rude.

Ruan Kangde's gaze turned to Lin Mengjia. Just when he wanted to speak to her, he saw that Tang Feng had slowly entered the crowd, and he was standing behind Lin Mengjia.

He did not rush forward because of Lin Mengjia's conflict with others, but just stood there with a cold smile on his face.

It makes one look at it, but it feels cold to the bones.

Lin Mengjia looked at Kong Qingrong with a chill, and said faintly: "This is a matter between you and me. It has nothing to do with the Lin family or the Kong family." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: txt download address of Longevity: Returning to Be a Dad: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 944 Lin Mengjia shot), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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