Become a disciple of Huashan, but the Sword Sect!

Chapter 3 Little Immortality Secret

"That's it?"

Yan Bugui waited for a while and found that no changes occurred in the space. His disappointment was palpable.

The golden finger that we have been waiting for for three years is actually an analytical machine!

If you don't say you will reward me with one hundred and eighty years of skill, at least you can give me a gift package for newbies.

As expected, people will die when comparing with others, and goods will be thrown away when comparing goods. How could he, Yan, be such a miserable person?


With a depressed sigh, he focused his attention on the mental formula again.

"To be completed."

The meaning of these three words is not difficult to understand. Yan Bugui probably can use other internal skills to supplement the Huashan Mental Technique.

But the question is where can he find it?

"I'll make up for it with the ball!" Yan Bugui couldn't help but be speechless for a while. If he could find other martial arts, would he still need to worry about the future?

If you want to steal "Zixia Secret Book", it would be better to commit suicide.

"Wandering in the Dantian..." Yan Bugui sat down with a frustrated face, and studied the Huashan Mental Technique in the air without interest.

No matter good or bad, life has to go on.

the next day.

Because Yan Bugui was thinking about the mysterious space in his mind, he was a little distracted while practicing, and was severely criticized by Lin Qingping.

In the evening, he meditated and practiced Qigong as usual.

Not to mention, relying on the annotations in the space, Yan Bugui had a deeper understanding of Huashan's mental method than before, and his inner breath movement became much faster, but it was still a drop in the bucket.

"If your heart is as pure as ice, you won't be surprised when the sky falls, and you will remain calm despite all changes. You will feel happy and calm..."

Yan Bugui recited the "Bing Xin Jue" from the comics, intending to use this to calm his mind and get rid of the young ladies who were passing by.

However, there are only formulas and no specific methods for operating the exercises, so they are of no use at all.

After barely completing tonight's homework, Yan Bugui entered the mysterious space again.


Yan Bugui suddenly discovered that there was an additional text next to the Huashan Heart Technique, and the content was surprisingly "Bing Xin Jue".

Then there was a flash of golden light, and Bing Xin Jue turned into a ball of light and merged into the Huashan Heart Technique.

"No way?" Yan Bugui's eyes widened in shock: "This is also okay!!!"

In an instant, the content of Huashan's mental method has been increased, and upon closer inspection, the way of luck has also changed.

"The sky will never stop me!" Yan Bugui was ecstatic: "If you do this, I won't be sleepy."

He still remembers a lot of these fragmentary martial arts formulas, which he memorized from reading novels and TV series.

If Bing Xin Jue works, then the others should work too.

"The way of heaven is to make up for the excess when there is more damage. Therefore, the virtual overcomes the real, and the insufficient overcomes the excess."

Yan Bugui tentatively recited the classic beginning of the "Nine Yin Manual". In his expectation, light surged in the air again, and the golden characters slowly emerged, integrating into the Huashan mind method. .

"People in the world only know that sitting, resting and thinking is the merit of advancing virtue, but they don't know that the most advanced people have perfect concentration and wisdom, and practice both body and function. They can be still and move, and even if they are stunned, they are calm." This is the Yi in the "Nine Yin Zhenjing" The Strengthening of Muscles and Bones was also manifested but there was no movement.

"When the great road is first built to open the nine orifices, it first rushes through the soles of the gushing spring... locks the pass and goes down the magpie bridge, and descends into the palace with twelve heavy towers." This is "Quanzhen Dao Song".

it works!

"When the mind is concentrated, emotions will be forgotten; when the body is weak, the luck will flow; when the heart is dead, the spirit will be alive; when Yang is strong, Yin will disappear." This is the internal skill that Ma Yu taught Guo Jing in the desert.

it works!

"Let him be strong, let him be strong, the breeze blows on the hills. Let him be unruly, let him be unruly, and the bright moon shines on the river. If he is cruel, he will be evil, and I will be full of breath. His strength will only hinder my fur, and I have already meant it. Into his bones.

Support it with both hands and penetrate it with one breath. If the left side is heavy, the left side will be weak and the right side will be gone. If the right side is heavy, the right side will be weak and the left side will be gone. "This is the Nine Yang Manual.

it works!

"These left and right, tsk, I almost forgot about this one. When you need the left, you go forward, and when you need the right, you go back. Three emptiness and seven reality, creating something out of nothing." This is the martial arts of "Holy Fire Order".


"The Qi of the five elements regulates yin and yang, damages the heart, lungs and liver and intestines, separates the internal organs and essence, and makes the soul feel confused. The three energizers together reverse the soul and fly away." This is the general outline of "Seven Injury Boxing".


"The Dantian should always be like an empty box, always like a deep valley, like a hollow bamboo, like a solid and permanent void. The empty box can store things, and the deep valley can hold water." This is the "Star-Absorbing Technique".


"What else... there is, the wind blows into the pines and the thunder does not move, the vitality of the spirit is strong in the Dantian. The anger is deep and thousands of pulses are reflected in the cold, and the roar reaches the sky." This is Nie Feng's "Wrath of the Wind God".


"With Junior Sister Feng, what is the content of Senior Brother Yun's Wuqi Yi Jue? Hmm... It seems that something is mixed into the heaven and earth, and the Taoism naturally moves in reverse. The snow surge changes the world by itself, and the open mind is like a valley without cliffs. If the great success is lacking and full, if it is overflowing, all things will be unified and self-transformed.”


"By the way, there is another one. It starts from one and ends at nine. The lower one keeps the form, the upper one keeps the spirit. God is like a god, and the sign is like moving. The movement of the machine is inseparable from its emptiness. This emptiness is very empty, but it is not empty. Empty. Quiet and subtle, its coming cannot be met, its going cannot be pursued. Welcome it and follow it, reconcile it with unintentional intention, and the mysterious way is initially formed." This is Fu Cailin's "Nine Mysterious Methods".

it works!

"The eight meridians flow into the sea of ​​qi, and the power of a single thought is as powerful as a mountain. The sea accepts hundreds of rivers and accommodates emptiness, and the Dantian is full like emptiness. Four ounces are used to divert the yin and yang forces, borrowing some points from each other to return some points." This is the "Emperor's Classic Book" .

"There is no mind and no self, no thinking, no distinction, no attachment. People have no self, law has no self, self has no self, others have no self, everything becomes empty." This is "The Thoughts of Gods and Demons" by Miyamoto Souji.

These two are useless!

"Think again, think again..." It was about the future. Yan Bugui racked his brains and tried to find the memories of the past.

After scratching his head and thinking about it for a while, he really gained something.

It was a relatively unpopular TV series, with a very average plot that was hard to describe in a single sentence, but the headline-grabbing name left a deep impression on Yan Bugui.

It was actually called "Feng Yun Zhan Hegemony", which made Yan Buhui think that "Feng Yun" was the third part, wasting a lot of emotions.

"The essence returns to the Dantian, and the torrential rivers draw in all the rivers. Movement and stillness, movement and stillness, yin and yang, are transformed into each other. Uh... what's coming next?" Yan Bugui patted his forehead hard, and reluctantly remembered the last part of "Dongfeng Xuan Gong" A thought: "Return...return to nature, return to true nature, return to sail."

This works.

The golden words shimmered, illuminating the entire space as bright as day.

Yan Bugui couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment: "Tsk~ I can remember so much, I'm really a genius!"

Facts have proved that interest is indeed the most powerful motivation for people to make progress. .

He memorized so many useless things, but he had already returned all the texts he memorized when he was in school to the teacher.


Yan Bugui breathed a long sigh of relief. All the inventory in his memory had been plundered.

Maybe in the future, a flash of inspiration or emotion will help him think of something again, but that depends on fate.

The golden light shimmered more and more intensely, firmly attracting his attention.

As for those formulas that were not integrated, Yan Bugui thought that it might be that Huashan's mental method had reached its limit.

For example, the Bone Forging Chapter of the Book of Changes.

The Huashan Mind Method is purely a static exercise. Without the content of dynamic exercises, it is impossible to develop a specific cultivation method of "comprehension, concentration, and wisdom, dual cultivation of body and use, that is, stillness but movement, and tranquility despite being disturbed".

After a while, the light returned to calm.

A brand-new internal energy and mental method has been released, the length has more than tripled, and the content is more complex and profound than before.

Lin Qingping told him before that the internal strength of each sect in the martial arts is basically divided into two parts.

One is the mental formula, and the other is the route of the true energy in the meridians. Both are indispensable.

Among these, the former is particularly important. The more sophisticated the mind, the more powerful the martial arts will be.

What Yan Bugui just memorized was all mental methods, and there was not a single sentence related to the way of exercising.

Except for the first level of "Nine Mysteries", "Quan Zhen Dao Song" and "Bing Xin Jue" which are complete, the rest are still fragments.

But those formulas are all from the unparalleled magical skills of the martial arts. Even if they are just a few words, the essence contained in them is enough to elevate the internal strength of the Huashan Sect to a new level.

It is definitely not as good as Jiuyin Jiuyang, Wuxiang Xiantian, Yijin Taixuan, Beiming Bahuang, Shenzhao Longxiang, but Yan Bugui thinks it should be possible to give Zixia Hunyuan a try.

Fortunately, the new inner strength formula comes with its own annotations, otherwise with his current ability, he might end up in a difficult situation.

The night is getting deeper, the bright moon is hanging high, and the cold moonlight comes in through the window.

Yan Bugui slowly opened his eyes on the bed, with a look of uncontrollable joy on his face.


Agitated emotions are a taboo in practicing internal martial arts. Yan Bugui couldn't help but take deep breaths. It took him a long time to calm down the excitement in his heart.

After a while, he silently recited the mantra and began to meditate again.

This time, his mind was easily focused, and all the distracting thoughts before disappeared as soon as they appeared.

The energy in his Dantian was glowing again, moving with his thoughts, and he was successful in one fell swoop.

Yan Bugui couldn't help but be extremely surprised.

Not being able to overcome the distracting thoughts in his mind was his biggest problem at the moment, but he didn't expect it to be solved so easily.

"Bing Xin Jue" really works wonders!

The demonic nature of madness can be contained. Although his is not genuine, it is just a mere distracting thought, and it is no problem to deal with it.

It is no longer appropriate to call this brand new internal skill Huashan Mental Technique. It should be given a new name.

After some thinking, Yan Bugui got inspiration from the "Nine Mysterious Laws".

"Let's call you Little Immortality Jue."

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were able to master the Taoist treasure "Secret of Immortality", which was indispensable to the "Nine Mysterious Methods", and the internal strength of the Huashan School also belongs to the Taoist lineage.

It's time to seek good luck.

After all, these two martial arts are one in the sky and one on the ground. They are not on the same level at all. Calling this name is somewhat suspected of gaining popularity.

Once the serious trouble in his heart was solved, Yan Bugui's worries about the future were relieved a little. After finishing his work, he lay on the bed, crossed his legs with satisfaction, and his thoughts began to spread again with the dangling toes.

"By the way...what is the formula for Brother Hou'er's great immortal formula?"

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