"If the alchemy liquid is still clear, it will be easy to succeed in adversity. Only by understanding Yin and Yang can you achieve good fortune!"

Xu Junming, who was explaining the Tao of Creation, sighed inwardly when he looked at Qiao Shouxin, whose face was full of enlightenment.

"As expected, he is a spiritual seed with great merits and a natural fit for the path of creation. He can draw inferences from one example and understand the truth as quickly as I did with the blessing of the bronze mirror."

Of course, he felt very lucky to have such a disciple to pass on his Taoism.

After a while, Qiao Shouxin opened his eyes.

"Are you aware of this?"

"Thank you Master, I understand."

Xu Junming nodded, palmed his hands, and a jade slip appeared in his palm.

"This is the 'Tiangong Lu' compiled by me. It contains three chapters on alchemy, weapon refining and alchemy. You can go back and study it. If you are interested, choose one of them to study and practice."


Qiao Shouxin stretched out his hands and took them respectfully.

Taoist practice has always been about cultivating both life and life. Talismans, divination, waiting for gods, alchemy, and sacrificial vessels are all practiced simultaneously. Although you may not necessarily be proficient in them all, you must understand them and there must be no shortcomings.

Although Qiao Shouxin has extraordinary understanding and has made rapid progress in the cultivation of the Tao of Creation, he still needs to understand other branches.


"Disciple resigns."

Qiao Shouxin left the quiet room, went to his room on the second floor of Chongshan Residence, and began to study the 'Tiangong Lu' given by the teacher.

Ignoring her, Xu Junming came to the alchemy room, looked at the orchid and musk-like alchemy energy on the Bagua alchemy furnace, and nodded slightly.

"This furnace of Seven Yellow Pills has been practiced for three months, and it is finally almost done."

Just when he was about to continue making alchemy, a warning sign came to his mind.

His face changed slightly.

"not good."

In a dream, yellow beams instantly transform into bluestone bridges.

"Void Divine Movement."

Hundreds of miles passed in the blink of an eye.

When the vision became clear, a two-hundred-foot-long fire dragon pressed down overwhelmingly.

The nine-colored divine light behind Xu Junming's head flashed in the air, and the fire dragon disappeared.

A Toutuo, who was wearing a bright red Taoist robe and a fierce look on his face, and was neither a monk nor a Taoist, appeared in mid-air.

In the palm of his right hand, he held a red ball wrapped with flames, as big as a fist. From a distance, he could feel the essence of boiling fire on it.

Judging from the breath, it should be a first-rate magic weapon.

But the grade is not high.

"Who are you?"

Toutuo looked at Xu Junming in surprise.

His 'Red Chi Pearl' is a magic weapon with two forbidden treasures. A monk who has just entered Nascent Soul and has no magic weapon can still compete with it.

But the fire dragon that was enough to defeat most golden elixirs just now was easily taken away by the opponent.

"You go." Xu Junming said calmly.

Vivian nodded, flapped her wind and thunder wings behind her, and flew away in an instant.

"Leave me alone!"

Toutuo roared angrily, and the red chi bead shone brightly.

In an instant, hundreds of giant fireballs ten feet in diameter appeared in the sky.

As the Toutuo moves changed, these fireballs were as fast as meteors, hitting Xu Junming and Vivian overwhelmingly.

Toutuo thought that he could defeat powerful enemies in one fell swoop and avenge his apprentice with this huge meteor shower.

A nine-color divine light, like the morning sun rising in the east, filled the world with vast brilliance in an instant.

For a moment, it seemed as if there were only nine colors left in the world.

The divine light flashed and then disappeared, and all the fireballs disappeared.

Toutuo's eyes were bulging, his mouth was wide open, and his face was full of disbelief.

"How can it be?"

Xu Junming didn't waste any time. He activated his magic power, and the nine-color divine light came back and shot towards Toutuo.

But after swiping it, it was not successful.

Looking at Toutuo flying quickly towards the distance.

"The escape method is so fast, no wonder it can catch up with Vivian's Wind and Thunder Wings. However, no matter how fast the escape method is, it cannot compare to my Jutian Technique."

With one step, he crossed a hundred feet in the next moment and arrived in front of Toutuo.

The range of the nine-color divine light was several times stronger than the first time.

"Senior, spare your life...!"

The divine light flashes and disappears.

Although this Toutuo had perfect cultivation of golden elixir and a magic weapon in hand, he could only be suppressed when he arrived in Dihuang Mountain.

Two thousand miles of rivers and mountains are pressing down on you, and unless you have a strong soul, you will have to lie down.

"Come out!"

Dozens of feet below, an earth-colored light flashed, and a middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe, with a short figure and two mustaches on his lips emerged from the ground warily.

He glanced at Xu Junming and quickly bowed and saluted.

"Shi Da, the fifth-rank inspector of Xiajiang Province, Xuanjing Department, met Mr. Xu."

"Go back and tell your Lord Ye that I am not an enemy. Stop wasting time and following these clones of mine."

After saying that, his figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

After checking with his spiritual sense three times and finding no trace of him, Shi Dacai breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect that the famous casual cultivator 'Fire Dragon Tutuo' would fall into such a trap! However, this Master Chongshan is really strong. A strong man like Huolong Tutuo who can compete with Nascent Soul was defeated in just two moves by him. Capture is truly worthy of being able to compete with the Sirius King."

"No, I have to pass the news to the commander as soon as possible."

Living in a quiet room in the Chongshan Mountain of Dihuang Mountain, Xu Junming played with the fist-sized ‘Red Chi Pearl’ in his hand.

Although the two treasure forbidden fire magic weapons are good, he doesn't want to be distracted by cultivating treasures other than his own magic weapon now.

With a casual throw, the red chi beads rotated, carrying a string of firelight, and sank into the body of Toutuo, who was wearing a red Taoist robe next to him.

The fingers in his palm flew, and countless eclipse words flew into the sea of ​​​​Toutuo consciousness.


Toutuo, who had his eyes closed at first, opened them instantly.

The mana on his body is increasing step by step, almost the same as when it was at its peak.

There is no doubt that this fire dragon Tutuo was turned into a puppet by Xu Junming.

"Go to Dingyang County."

Fire Dragon Tutuo nodded and flew away from Dihuang Mountain.

Since he understood the soul talisman to the purple realm, he can control seventeen puppets.

Counting the Fire Dragon Tutuo who had just been practicing, there were exactly seventeen people.

But all the puppets are Jindan monks, not a Nascent Soul.

This kind of configuration was fine in Uncle Jiu's world, but after coming to this world, it was a bit stretched.

In the past few months, while controlling puppets, killing demons and monsters, and accumulating merit, he had already encountered four situations like Fire Dragon Tutuo where the puppet's clone could not deal with magic weapons.

Fortunately, Xu Junming used the 'Void Divine Movement' after he advanced to the magic weapon of Meng Huangliang, and he arrived within three thousand miles in an instant, otherwise at least half of his puppets would have died.

"It's also time to plan a few Nascent Soul-level puppets."

As he spoke, a spiritual light rippled in front of him, like a mirror, reflecting the figure of the Sirius King.

"Is the news confirmed?"

"Shi Da witnessed with his own eyes the scene when Xu Junming rescued Fairy Fenglei and suppressed Fire Dragon Tutuo, and the other party also admitted that Fairy Fenglei was his clone." Liu Zhifei said.

The Wind and Thunder Fairy is Vivian. Because the Wind and Thunder Wings not only fly very fast, but can also use the Wind and Thunder Taoist technique, and are beautiful in appearance, she was given the title of 'Feng Lei Fairy' by the Xiajiang Cultivation Circle.

"Being able to control sixteen clones shows that Xu Junming also has a high level of cultivation in the puppet world." Ip Man Xiao said.

"My lord, I'm afraid it's not sixteen, but seventeen."


"I just received news that Huolong Tutuo killed nearly three thousand bandits in the 'Heiyun Village' outside Dingyang County. The leader of the Black Cloud Village, 'Dragon Slayer' Xie Qing, was the eldest disciple of Huolong Tutuo. If he hadn't been sacrificed, After training to become a puppet clone, he would never do such a thing."

Ye Wenxiao nodded, looking excited and curious.

"I am becoming more and more interested in meeting this Xu Junming in person."

"Sir, the Xiajiang Chief Envoy, the Inspection Envoy, and the Imperial Censor have visited the Yamen many times, asking us to kill the 'monsters' in the spiritual world who caused cholera in the officialdom and caused local unrest. If we do nothing, I'm afraid they will I won’t let it go.”

"Don't worry about them. I'm not clean under my butt, but I'm saying that others are wrong. If I weren't in the officialdom, I would kill all these corrupt officials without Xu Junming's intervention."

Liu Zhifei, who knew his master's temperament, wisely did not continue the question.

"Sir, I have always felt that Xu Junming hates evil so much. Is it too much?"

Glanced at him.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."


After responding, "I am afraid that under the guise of slaying demons and demons, he will secretly do mysterious things."

Ye Wenxiao frowned.

"What evidence was found?"

"That's not true. But in just a few months, thousands of people have died in his hands. Even if these people have the means to die, such a crazy move is too much."

Ye Wenxiao nodded, pondered for a moment, and murmured to himself.

"It seems that I need to meet this person as soon as possible."

"Master, where are we going?"

Xu Junming touched his little apprentice's head.

"Master will take you to slay demons!"

"Slay demons? Can I do that too?"

Qiao Shouxin's eyes were full of expectation.


After smiling and nodding.

"Xin'er, do you really want to slay demons?"

"Yes. Master said that if you want to become a true cultivator respected by everyone, you must kill those demons who do evil, accumulate merit, and maintain peace in the world."

"Xin'er is so smart. But not all demons in this world are demons and ghosts; many times, people with demon hearts are more terrifying than demons."

The smile on Qiao Shouxin's face faltered, she slowly lowered her head and whispered.

"Is Master talking about someone like my mother?"

Seeing her like this, Xu Junming sighed.

"Do you hate her?"

After thinking for a moment, Qiao Shouxin shook his head.

"Don't hate."


"Although she doesn't love me, she at least gave me life and allowed me to live until now. So I don't hate her. However, I don't want to see her again from now on."

He touched her head comfortingly.

"Good boy. If you think so, it's not in vain that Master will take you in and teach you. Remember, don't hate your mother. Just like you said, even if she is not, after all, she gave you life and raised you. You are so big."

"Yes, Master, I remember."

Qiao Shouxin said solemnly.

Xu Junming smiled and nodded. He didn't want Qiao Shou to grow up with hatred in his heart, otherwise he would inevitably die if his inner demons attacked him in the future.

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