Chapter 320 Chen Jiulang

"Seven days ago, I held a banquet in Deyue Tower to entertain Jiulang. But when he came back, he fell ill."

"Miracle doctor, is my illness caused by Chen Jiulang? I treat him as a friend in vain, but he actually harms me?" Yang Yunchang said angrily.

"You should have a good rest!"

After looking at him, Xu Junming didn't say much.

He walked out with his apprentice.

"Miracle doctor, this is the old man's wish. I hope the doctor can accept it!"

Yang Zhonglin sent over the silver coins he had prepared in advance.

The number looks like fifty taels.

This gift is not too light.

"Xin'er, take it."

Qiao Shouxin nodded, took the silver and put it into his sleeve.

Of course, the sleeves were just for cover, there was a green gourd given to her by Xu Junming specifically for storage.

"Miracle doctor, I have prepared the meal. I hope the two miraculous doctors will move on."

"Thank you for the hospitality. I just had lunch at lunch. It hasn't been long now, so there is no need to eat anymore."

"Now that Mr. Ling is awake, my master and apprentice will take their leave."

Without giving Yang Zhonglin a chance to stay, the master and apprentice quickly left the Yang Mansion.

Seeing Qiao Shouxin hesitant to speak.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Master, didn't you tell me that ascetics should always accumulate virtue and do good deeds? Why do we still accept money from others?"

"Xin'er, Master wants to ask you. If you didn't practice Taoism and were still an ordinary person, and you had warm clothes and enough food every day, would you still think about making money yourself?"

He didn't say anything about spiritual pursuits, because the biggest wish of the people at the bottom of this world is to have enough to eat every day.

Qiao Shouxin shook his head after thinking for a moment.

The purpose of making money is to eat enough. If you can eat enough, who would want to work hard and humiliate to earn hard-earned money.

"If people get used to being taken care of by others, they will become lazy. In the same way, if we give things for free, over time, they will be taken for granted."

"Our Taoist accumulation of virtue and good deeds do not encourage laziness, greed and other unhealthy tendencies."

"So, in addition to the widows, widows, lonely people, the elderly, the sick and other vulnerable groups, we all need to be rewarded for doing good deeds and slaying demons. Moreover, the rich will receive more and the poor will receive less, but we have to accept it."


Xu Junming looked solemn. This was the reason why his eyes were entrusted to him when he first started practicing Taoism.

"Master, I remember."

Patted her little head.

"And the money collected can be used to help those orphans and widows who really need money to live, such as Grandma Chen in Qiaojia Village and Shuan Zhu's family."

Qiao Shouxin's eyes were bright and she nodded vigorously.

Xu Junming has a smile on his face, and Qiao Shou is kind-hearted. As a master, he must carefully protect this kindness, and at the same time, not let others take advantage of him.

"Master, where should we go next?"

"Go and meet that Chen Jiulang. A villain who uses snake silk poison to harm people cannot be left in the world."

After that, he tapped the soul-catching bell on his waist, and the pendulum of the bell turned into an arrow, guiding the master and apprentice through the streets and alleys to the outside of a house in the east of the city.

Compared to the wealthy Yang family, the Chen family is much more dilapidated.

Half of the courtyard wall made of rammed loess fell down, but it was not rebuilt. Instead, it was bundled with hay branches and blocked.

The courtyard gate, which had been eroded by wind and rain, smelled of decay. The tiles on the roof had fallen off, and the gaps were filled with weeds.

"Master, the smell is so strong."

Qiao Shouxin wrinkled her little nose.

"It's snake silk Gu."

Satisfied with the little apprentice's alertness, he patted her little head.

"Be careful when you go in."


He pointed like a knife, his true energy bursting out, and the iron chain locking the door broke instantly.

Accompanied by a slightly hoarse friction sound, Xu Junming pushed open the courtyard door.


It was extremely subtle, but to Master Xu Junming's ears, it sounded like the sound of thunder. Countless green filaments flew through the air.

At the same time, the pungent fishy smell became stronger and stronger.

"Master, I'm coming."

Xu Junming, who was about to take action, stopped.

Qiao Shou pinched his heart with his fingers, his face was solemn.

"Fire Ring Technique."

Flames emerged from under the feet, spinning, rushing over the head like a storm, and then spraying out in all directions like a high-pressure water gun.

In an instant, all the snake silk Gu were reduced to ashes under the fierce fire.

However, despite the raging fire, the dilapidated courtyard door was not damaged at all. It can be seen that Qiao Shouxin has superb control over the magic.

"well done."

Hearing the master's praise, Qiao Shouxin finished laughing.

Walking around the screen wall in front, you can see three dilapidated adobe houses in front of you.

At the door of the main hall, a young man wearing a green gown and a scribe's scarf, with a slender face and a gloomy temperament looked at the approaching master and apprentice Xu Junming with an unkind expression.

"Who are you? Don't you know that not only is it disrespectful to come in without telling you, but it can also easily make the host family angry and cost you your life?"

Speaking of which, his words already contained murderous intent.

"Are you Chen Jiulang?"

Chen Jiulang secretly became wary.


"Did you cast the snake silk poison on the third son of the Yang family?"

"Were you brought by Yang Yunchang to deal with me?"

"He regards you as a close friend, why do you want to harm him?" Xu Junming answered the question inappropriately.

"Best friend? Haha, what a bullshit best friend. What bothers me the most is that he is aloof and acts like a rich man. Every time he lends me some silver, it's like giving away money. I've had enough of it for a long time."

"...Why is it that he is not as knowledgeable as me and can even pass high school exams? And I am obviously better than him, but I fail in repeated tests? Isn't it because he has a good father and can bribe the county magistrate of Tongzhou?"

After finishing speaking excitedly, Chen Jiulang took a deep breath with a crazy smile on his face.

"However, no matter how good his background is, he is still not as good as me. I have already stepped into spiritual practice, and he will always be just an ordinary person."

Looking at Xu Junming, the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

"You actually stood up for him, so go to hell."

With a flash of inspiration, countless black snake silk Gu came overwhelmingly.

The number was more than ten times greater than when they were at the door just now.

Xu Junming stood with his hands behind his back and made no unnecessary movements.

A scream sounded beside him.


The three-foot-sized fireball, with its billowing flames, instantly drowned the densely packed snake silk Gu.

Xu Junming had a flash of inspiration.

A spatial barrier instantly isolated the entire courtyard from the outside world.

The flame went out, and Chen Jiulang still stood there, but his face was a little shocked.

There is a black flag in the hand that moves automatically without wind. Judging from the aura, it is a top-notch magic weapon.

"Black evil flag!"

Chen Jiulang waved the black flag in his hand.

Three lines of black mist as thick as a bucket, like snakes, twined towards Xu Junming and the two of them.

"Fire Palm!"

Qiao Shouxin clapped her small hands, and under the influence of the magic power of creation, the ordinary flame palm instantly turned into a five-foot-long sky-holding giant palm.

The huge palm stretched across the sky, and the flames were like billows.

The three pieces of black mist were unable to resist and were smashed to pieces.

"Spare your life, I am the Black Heart Cult...!"

Before he could finish his words, he was beaten into pieces by the giant flame palm.

The scorching flames exploded, and the three earthen houses were instantly razed to the ground by the tyrannical giant palm.

Looking at the charred and slightly glazed land in the middle, Qiao Shouxin lowered his head, as if he had made a mistake.

"Master, I...I killed someone!"

Seeing his little apprentice looking like he was about to cry, Xu Junming sighed slightly.

He reached out and touched the soft black hair on her head.

"Don't be sad, you are not wrong. For an evil person, killing him is not a fault, but a merit. Otherwise, if you let him go out of kindness, countless good people will suffer."

"What's more, Chen Jiulang practices Gu magic and secretly harms people, so he deserves to die. By killing him, you can save many people like Mr. Yang who should have been killed by him."


Qiao Shouxin raised his head and asked in surprise.

He raised his hand to wipe the tears from her face.

"Of course it's true. Remember, in the future, as a layman, whether it's killing demons and killing demons or saving lives and healing the wounded, you just want to have a clear conscience."

"Nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to be ashamed of!"

After nodding heavily, Qiao Shouxin's face was solemn.

"Master, Xin'er remembers it!"

Patted her head.

"Tidy up this place, we should go."

After that, Xu Junming made a move with his right hand, and a grain of yellow rice flew from the ground into his palm and disappeared.

Because of the space barrier he set up, the fighting here did not affect the people around him.

As for what will happen after the two of them leave, Xu Junming doesn't care.

At night, Xu Junming did not go back to Dihuang Mountain. Instead, he casually built a house in the wild and used earth escape skills to sleep in the open air.

Qiao Shouxin was meditating next to him. Xu Junming looked at it for a while. After seeing that his breathing was still stable and that he had no inner demons due to what happened in the afternoon, he felt relieved and took out the yellow rice containing Chen Jiulang's soul.

The memory, which was not long, was quickly read by him.

"The Black Heart Demon Cult seems to have been seen in the memory of the Sirius King."

Touched his chin.

He casually threw Chen Jiulang's soul into the Huangquan River.

Millions of souls have gathered in this turbid river.

Most of them are the originally refined military souls of the Zhao army in Changping and the military souls of the Qin army in Mobei.

Originally, Xu Junming planned to refine the evil spirits on them and then send them to the underworld for reincarnation.

Unexpectedly, when he recovered from his injuries and prepared to implement this plan, the underworld suddenly lost contact with the human world. In desperation, he left these souls in Yimeng Huangliang.

As for the underworld of this world, he has never come into contact with it.

"Demon fox Hongyu, there are quite a few people interested in you."

From Chen Jiulang's memory, we learned that the reason why he came to Guyang County with his master was because they followed the secret order of the sect and came here to look for traces of the demon fox Hongyu.

Chen Jiulang stayed in the county town, and several of his senior brothers and sisters stayed in several surrounding towns.

Master Heisha Taoist was originally also in the county town, but for some unknown reason last night, after giving him a few words, he suddenly left.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Junming urged Yi Gua.

The destiny talisman aura bloomed in Dantian and stopped after a long time.

He sighed slowly.

He used the Yi hexagram to calculate the location of the demon fox Hongyu, but except for Xiajiang City, he could not get any more information.

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