Become a disciple of Taoist Priest Four Eyes

Chapter 771 Battle of Liangshan, Holy Heart Xuandu

Chapter 771: Battle of Liangshan, Holy Heart Xuandu

The highest peak of Liangshan Mountain is called Guanchao Peak. Every April, the turbid waves of 80,000 miles in Onoze tower into the sky, and the mountains roar and tsunami is spectacular.

In the past, the arty bandits in Liangshan River often liked to come here to watch the tide. Among them, Song Jiang is the most popular.

He even spent some money to build a "Sea Viewing Pavilion" covering an area of ​​half an acre on the top of the mountain.

Now after accepting the imperial edict, he led everyone from Liangshan to Bianliang. The Guanhai Pavilion also became lonely.

But in this empty sea-viewing pavilion, six Taoists were sitting cross-legged.

It is Zhang Chongyang and Zhang Shaoyang of Tianshi Dao.

Shenxiao Dao Wang Wenqing and Lin Lingsu.

Li Wuji of Chunyang School and Zhu Haozhi of Kongtong School.

Suddenly, Zhang Chongyang opened his eyes, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.


Everyone subconsciously followed his gaze, and sure enough, where the clouds and sky met in the distance, a faint star glow appeared. It started out as just a little bit, and quickly became huge.

The light escaped as fast as lightning, coming at the speed of lightning.

But after a moment, they came to the sea-viewing pavilion and revealed two figures.

The one on the left is wearing a white robe, a feather fan and a turban, with a face like a crown of jade, and a gold-painted folding fan in his hand. He looks like a noble man from troubled times. He is the Lord of Penglai Mountain, the Sanren of the Sacred Heart.

On the right is a middle-aged man wearing a soap-colored robe, holding a bamboo staff, wearing a golden crown, and three strands of long beard on his chin.

It is Taoist Xuandu who is the master of the three overseas mountains "Xuandu Mountain".

A master whose cultivation level is higher than Zhang Chongyang's and has reached the stage of Golden Immortal's Small Perfection.

The four realms of immortals are heavenly immortals, true immortals, mysterious immortals, and golden immortals.

Each level has four major realms and twelve small levels.

The four major realms are called initial stage, middle stage, late stage and perfection.

Each large realm has three small realms.

That’s it for the early, middle and late stages. The state of perfection is the most special. The three smaller stages are called ‘small perfection’, ‘perfection’ and ‘great perfection’ respectively.

To make it easier to understand, the Golden Immortal Small Perfection is the ‘Tenth Level of the Golden Immortal’, the Golden Immortal Perfection is the ‘Eleventh Level of the Golden Immortal’, and the Golden Immortal Dzogchen is the ‘Twelfth Level of the Golden Immortal’.

Seeing the two of them, Zhang Chongyang and others quickly stood up and greeted them.

In their happiness, they never noticed that Penglai Mountain is in the East China Sea and Xuandu Mountain is in the South China Sea. How could they come here at the same time?

"The Central Plains Taoist Sect would be very grateful to you two Taoist friends for coming."

Headed by Zhang Chongyang, the six people clasped their fists and saluted, showing great respect.

After Sanren Shengxin and Taoist Xuandu looked at each other, the former said: "Six fellow Taoists, you are so polite. This is a great catastrophe of heaven and earth, and all races are in silence. How can we stay out of it?"

"What fellow Taoist Xuandu said is true. I, like Qi Lianzhi, will create a prosperous Taoist kingdom belonging to our Taoist sect. As a disciple of the Taoist sect, how can I stay out of such an extraordinary thing?" Taoist Xuandu said.

"The two Taoist friends are eager to do justice and have a high moral integrity. We really admire them. Please lower your jade toes." Wang Wenqing said.

"Dare to disobey orders."

The two put away their escape light and landed in the sea-viewing pavilion nearby.

With everyone's attentiveness, they were allowed to sit in the middle.

"Six fellow Taoists urgently summoned me and me here, but are you preparing for a decisive battle with the Lord of Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin?" Taoist Xuandu asked.

"Exactly." Zhang Chongyang nodded, "Zhao Kuangyin has been secretly planning for many years. Now Liangshan's 108 magic stars have fallen into his hands. If he doesn't take action in advance, let him use these magic stars to eliminate the turmoil in the world and reunite With the Dynasty Dragon Qi and the Taiyi Circle, we have no chance of winning." Zhang Chongyang said solemnly.

After the Sacred Heart disciple nodded, "How are you going to take action?"

"Of course we should go straight to Bianliang, destroy the Liangshan bandits first, and then kill Zhao Kuangyin." Wang Wenqing said.

"The Taiyi Circle in Zhao Kuangyin's hand is the number one spiritual treasure in this world. It is so powerful that even if eight of us attack at the same time, we may not be able to defeat him." Taoist Xuandu said.

"Although the Taiyi Circle is powerful, it may consume a lot of mana to drive this thing. Zhao Kuangyin is no more than a late-stage Golden Immortal monk and can only use it a few times. As for the Dragon Qi of the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, it was destroyed by Zhou Peihong a hundred years ago. Now there are three major bandits that are limiting it. Compared with the heyday, it is less than 50%. With our strength, if we join forces to fight against the enemy, we have at least a 70% chance of winning." Zhang Chongyang said.

Taoist Xuandu and Sanren Shengxin nodded after hearing this, and they exchanged vague glances.

Suddenly, they all turned their heads and looked into the distance.

His face changed drastically and he exclaimed in surprise.

"Zhao Kuangyin!"


Zhang Chongyang and others subconsciously looked into the distance.

next moment.

Xuandu and Shengxin waved their bamboo sticks and folding fans, and struck Zhang Chongyang and Wang Wenqing next to them like lightning.

Something happened suddenly and it turned into an elbow and armpit.

No one expected it.


The bamboo sticks and folding fans were full of magical power, which hit Zhang Chongyang and Wang Wenqing hard in the back of their hearts.

Even though the Taoist robes worn by the two of them were themselves high-grade immortal weapons, without using magic power to activate them, only 20% to 30% of their power was exerted.

In comparison, bamboo sticks and folding fans are both top-notch artifacts.

In addition, there is mental arithmetic but no intention.


Vomiting blood, he was instantly knocked several hundred feet away and fell into a pool of water.


Zhang Shaoyang and Lin Lingsu were shocked and immediately became furious.

Before they could take action, Xuandu and Shengxin had already attacked.

Heavy staff shadows and endless strong winds roared towards him.

Zhang Shaoyang, Lin Lingsu, Li Wuji, and Zhu Haozhi took action at the same time.


a bolt from the blue.

The magic power of the light explosion tore Guanhai Pavilion into pieces.

Even the tide-watching peak at your feet is missing.

The Sanren of Xuandu have reached the stage of Little Perfection of the Golden Immortal, and the Sanren of the Sacred Heart are in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal. The two of them attack with all their strength. It directly knocked away Zhang Shaoyang, Lin Lingsu, Li Wuji and Zhu Haozhi.

Two embarrassed figures flew out of the water, it was Wang Wenqing and Zhang Chongyang.

At this moment, the two of them have long lost their original celestial spirit.

The Taoist robe was in pieces, the back was bloody, the face was pale, the chest was stained with blood, the temples were messy, and he was in an extremely miserable state.

"Senior brother."

Zhang Shaoyang and Lin Lingsu flew over quickly.

Li Wuji and Zhu Haozhi followed closely behind.

Sacred Heart San and Xuandu Taoist stood in mid-air and did not fight again.

After taking the healing elixir, their breath became more stable, but Zhang and Wang, who were seriously injured, had lost the ability to fight again.

Wang Wenqing stared at Taoist Xuandu with an angry and sad tone.


He could never understand why the other party would take action against him after thousands of years of friendship.

Taoist Xuandu looked calm.

"Because I can give them more."

Following the domineering and majestic voice, two rays of light came flying towards him.

When they got closer, Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Pu appeared.

After sweeping his eyes over Zhang Chongyang and others, he said calmly: "Help you Four Daomen deal with me, but you will only get a few fiefdoms, and even if you succeed in the end, it will definitely be the four of you who finally sit on the throne of the Human Emperor. Avenue Gate, and then it’s their turn.”

"But, I am different. By destroying your four great sects, I can completely distribute your sphere of influence to them and get more. And after I attain the Tao and ascend, it will then be my turn to take charge of the world, my fellow Taoist Xuandu. It’s several times faster than with you.”

"The most important thing is that if we join forces with you, the outcome is unpredictable. But with me, the chances of winning are greatly increased. Smart people know how to choose."

"As for your thousands of years of friendship? Haha, in the face of the road, you can abandon your wife and children, let alone you?!"

Looking at the silence of Taoist Xuandu and Sanren of Shengxin, it was obvious that everything was as Zhao Kuangyin said.

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