Chongshan lives in a quiet room.

Xu Junming sits high on the head, Taiyi True Lord Xu De sits on the left, Xuanyuan True Lord Chen Xuanzang sits on the right.

The disciples are arranged in order below.

Futian Great Sage Qin Zhong, Wuji True Monarch Lin Zhengying, Kongsang Fairy Qiao Shouxin, Qiu Bearded Sword Saint Yan Chixia, Ice Phoenix Fairy Xu Huang, Wuyue Zhenren Zhuge Wolong.

Chen Lin, the founder of Taiyi Hunyuan, and Miao Chufang, the Holy Mother of Red Flowers.

Hao Tianzhen is a trader with Taizhen, and Xuanhuang Zhenjun is Pan Nao.

Yue He, the general of Zixiao, Li Shoujing, the Taoist priest of Hesha, and Zhang Junbao, the son of Sanfeng.

Xu Fei, the golden cannon boy, and Li Chunfeng, the yellow crown boy.

Eighteen disciples of the second generation of Chongshan Academy.

Except for Sun Er, the six-eared macaque in the Chongshan world, Sun Shi, who was still enlightened in the Qilin Pavilion of Yuntai Immortal Sect, and Xu Heshou, who was not yet born.

All the disciples are here.

After many years of practice, with the blessing of the bronze mirror on understanding, all the disciples' understanding of the great road has entered the realm of Daluo. The only lack is the magic power.

Although Hunyuan Shenmen, a great spiritual treasure that conforms to the way of time, can slow down time a hundred times, it must be the deity.

The Hunyuan divine gates in the Dantian of all disciples are all projections.

Second-generation disciples can only obtain ten times the time flow rate.

It is of great help to practice, but in the end it is still far behind.

"See Master (Uncle Master)."

"Just get up."

Xu Junming said loudly.

His majestic eyes swept over everyone, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that you have not slacked off in your cultivation, and your magic power and realm have improved."

"Thanks to Master for giving me the elixir and teaching me hard, otherwise I wouldn't have achieved what I have achieved today." Qin Zhong said respectfully.

As a second-generation disciple, he set an example for all the disciples, so he naturally had to speak first at this moment.

Of course, this is what he said sincerely. If his mentor hadn't given him a large amount of elixirs and spent his magic power to cut off his hair and cleanse his marrow, he would never have achieved his current level of cultivation.

After nodding slightly, Xu Junming continued.

"My Chongshan lineage is now expanding rapidly, destroying countless countries, and the land and population under its control are growing rapidly. Although the major factions are afraid of the strength of your sixth uncle, they dare not take action. But when conflicts accumulate to a certain extent, they will become more It exploded with violence.”

"Although your sixth and fifth uncles are strong, you can't beat the four with two fists. What's more, we are not only facing the resistance of the major sects in Nanzhan Buzhou, but also the prying eyes of the Buddhist sect in Hezhou, Xiniu."

"So, the sect needs you to stand up at critical moments, and you must stand firm."

The expressions of all the disciples were different.

As disciples of Chongshan, it is of course their duty to do so at critical moments. But with their current cultivation, they can resist one or two in front of many Daluo, but it will undoubtedly be difficult to completely defeat them.

"If you want to withstand the impact of the major sects, you must have great Luo cultivation. Now, you have reached the realm, but your magic power has not reached it. Therefore, I have called you here today to wish you a helping hand to survive the catastrophe. , achieve great success."

When they stopped here, the disciples who had been quiet just now suddenly became uproar.

This is Da Luo, the real power in the earthly immortal world.

The realm they have dreamed of, practiced hard, and been pursuing.

"Uncle, with so many of us, can we advance to Da Luo together?"

Xu Fei, a golden canzi with an out-of-touch personality, was the first to ask.

This child was hatched out of Xu De's own essence and blood, as well as the pupa of a six-winged golden silkworm from ancient strange insects.

Considered his heir.

Of course, he also inherited Xu De's tendency to drink and be greedy for money, and to have an out-of-touch personality.

"You brat, please be quiet. You don't have any concentration at all. What are you thinking about?" Xu De lectured dissatisfiedly.

Xu Fei is both his son and his only disciple.

"Hehe, just asking, just asking."

Xu Fei shrank his head and said sarcastically.

Although they were father and son, Xu De would not be lenient when he beat him after making a mistake.

Seeing the expectant looks in the disciples' eyes, Xu Junming smiled lightly.

With a wave of his sleeves, the Hunyuan Divine Sect shines brightly.

The next moment, everyone was in the void in the Hunyuan Divine Gate.

The Hunyuan Divine Sect is now a five-level forbidden medium-grade Daluo Lingbao, and the void world inside it extends to millions of billions of miles.

The spacious space is enough to accommodate tens of millions of people to survive the tribulation at the same time.

Under everyone's eager gaze, Xu Junming spread his left palm, and a heavily sealed white jade box appeared in front of everyone.

The seal was opened bit by bit, and the rich inspiration of creation gradually became stronger.

Wait for Xu Junming to finally open the lid of the box.

A powerful inspiration of creation spreads out.

After everyone sensed it, they felt that the magic power was lively, the spirit was clear, and the condition was as good as ever.

"In the beginning, the fundamental energy of creation was created innately."

After seeing the milky white liquid in the box clearly, Qiao Shouxin blurted out in shock.

She majored in the Avenue of Creation, so she was recognized at a glance.

Xu Junming glanced at her and smiled.

"Yes, this is the most precious treasure of heaven and earth that I got by chance. The divine object of the universe, the 'Fundamental Qi of Innate Creation in the First Beginning'. A mortal can become an immortal instantly with just a trace of it."

"With your current cultivation level, just one ray can instantly replenish your mana and advance to Daluo. Moreover, this thing can also improve your qualifications and understanding. At the minimum, it is the body of Taishi's innate spirit."

Hearing this, all the disciples were excited.

Although they have practiced for thousands of years and have achieved the status of Taiyi Golden Immortal, except for Xu Huang's innate ice phoenix body, the only ones who can be called innate gods are Chen Lin, the Patriarch of Taiyi Hunyuan, and Jin Canzi 'Xu Fei', 'Qingtian Great Sage' Sun Shi and 'Tongtian Great Sage' Sun Er.

Not counting Xu Heshou, the eighteenth disciple who has not yet been born, there are only so many innate spiritual bodies among the second generation disciples of Chongshan.

Moreover, Xu Junming searched several worlds to put this together.

This shows how rare it is.

With a flick of the finger, the bell rang directly into the soul.

When all the disciples heard the mysterious sound, their original joyful emotions instantly calmed down.

"Calm down and hold Yuan Shouyi."

Upon hearing this, all the disciples quickly sat cross-legged and meditated, their energy dropped from their Dantian, and their expressions calmed down.

Xu Junming reached out and grabbed it.

Fifteen rays of the fundamental spiritual energy of creation flew into the bodies of all the disciples.

Seeing that one-third of the 'Taichu Innate Creation Fundamental Qi' was instantly lost in the palm of my hand, I couldn't help but sigh.

Good things never last.

After each disciple received spiritual energy, their Dantian suddenly surged, their mana surged, their qualifications improved rapidly, and the practice of Taiyi Golden Immortal was instantly completed.

Especially the early disciples such as Qin Zhong, Lin Zhengying, and Qiao Shouxin, whose cultivation level is only a small step away from perfection. Now that they have suddenly passed it, the catastrophe is coming in an instant.

With a wave of his sleeves, the fifteen disciples were instantly moved thousands of miles away without interfering with each other.

Then he stopped caring about it and let them go through their own tribulations.

Over the years, he has invested a lot of resources in these disciples, not to mention elixirs and magical weapons, bronze mirrors, Hunyuan Divine Sect, and no sect in the entire earthly immortal world can provide similar conditions.

If he can't survive the Great Luo Heavenly Tribulation, it won't be worth his continued training in the future.

Soon, mighty thunder rang out in the endless void.

The three of them looked at it for a while and then looked away.

"My dear, your Qi refining cultivation has already been perfected, and your martial arts body is just a hair away. Why haven't you made a breakthrough yet?" Chen Xuanzang asked.

"That's right. Seeing that you generously gave away so much of Taichu's innate creation energy today, you don't seem to be stingy." Xu De said.

Of course Xu Junming would not be stingy with himself. In fact, after he pushed his martial arts cultivation to the peak, he had the intention of breaking through Daluo in one fell swoop with the help of Taichu's innate fundamental energy.

But just before he started, he had to stop again.


Something moved in my heart.

A copper mirror with a divine pattern engraved on its back, a greenish color throughout, an obscure and mysterious aura, and a layer of rust covering its surface, appeared three feet above its head.

The bronze mirror is Xu Junming's most important treasure, his companion, and his true foundation.

The two looked at each other for a moment, but there was nothing unusual.

"Nothing different?" Xu De said in surprise.

"There is no difference. However, when I tried to break through the realm of Daluo, I instinctively felt that this mirror would undergo major changes, and it would also affect me."

Xu De and Chen Xuanzang looked solemn.

They all know that Xu Junming has advanced the path of destiny to the realm of Da Luo.

He has an extremely strong sense of his own misfortune and fortune.

Since he sensed it, the bronze mirror would definitely change drastically when he broke through Da Luo.

It should be noted that the bronze mirror is the most important treasure of Chongshan and must not be lost.

"Have you calculated the secret?" Chen Xuanzang asked.

Xu Junming nodded.

It’s a matter of great importance to yourself, so of course you can’t neglect it.

"What's the result?"

"There are only two words 'Kunlun'."



Chen Xuanzang and Xu De looked at each other.

"Could it be referring to the Kunlun Mountains in the prehistoric world?" Chen Xuanzang asked.

"It may also refer to Chanjiao. Isn't Yuanshi Tianzun's dojo located in Kunlun Mountain?" Xu De said.

"Unfortunately, there is too little information. I don't know whether it is Kunlun Mountain or Chanjiao."

Xu Junming sighed.

For a moment, the atmosphere fell silent.

Treasures named after Kunlun, and monks who occupy Kunlun Mountain to practice, are all possible.

The name is not too broad, but it is certainly not easy to guess.

"Is it possible that it is the 'Kunlun Mirror'?"

Chen Xuanzang said slowly.

"I also guess that it is the Kunlun Mirror. After all, the bronze mirror looks like it is like the Qingping Sword. It seems to have suffered heavy damage."

"It would be normal if Kunlun Mirror was the other half." Xu Junming said.

According to rumors, the Kunlun Mirror is the top treasure in the prehistoric world. It conforms to the way of time and space and has powerful power.

Back then, the Queen Mother of the West relied on this mirror to survive from the Chaos Bell of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. However, Dongwanggong, who was also the head of the male immortals, died on the Penglai Immortal Island even though he had a dragon-headed staff.

"What if it's not the Kunlun Mirror?" Xu De said, "And even if it's the Kunlun Mirror, what's the connection between the Kunlun Mirror and the bronze mirror? Or is this the Kunlun Mirror that suffered heavy damage?"

Xu Junming and Chen Xuanzang frowned.

Xu De's guess is not impossible.

"No matter what the word 'Kunlun' means, I am not suitable for a breakthrough now. At least I am not suitable for a breakthrough until Chongshan Academy has withstood the impact of Buddhism, Demonism, and even Taoist sects and completely established a foothold. "

Chen Xuanzang and Xu De nodded.

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