Soon, night fell.

People from all over the village had finished their meals and returned to their homes.

The Taoist priest who was performing the ritual also left after instructing them on some precautions. They would come again the next day. There would be three rituals in total, one each day.

It was around eight o'clock in the evening.

Qin Jiuyang, who was in the room, suddenly felt his ears move, and he stood up and looked to the southeast.

""Here he comes!"

Having reached the late stage of the Transfiguration Realm, he could detect any disturbance within a radius of ten miles.

He had already sensed the aura of the fortune teller.

It was an evil aura, and it was obvious that he was not a decent person.

"Brother Jiuyang, are you sure?"Qingqing looked at Qin Jiuyang with some concern.


Qin Jiuyang nodded heavily, without any hesitation, turned around and walked out of the house.

When he got outside, he jumped up, stepped on the treetops, and quickly disappeared into the night.

"Fox demon, take us there quickly."Qingqing urged the fox demon anxiously.

With their speed, how could they catch up with Qin Jiuyang.

The fox demon did not hesitate, and immediately transformed into its original form, and chased Qin Jiuyang with the three women.

As for Qin Jiuyang's brothers and sisters in the house, they were shocked again.

A beautiful woman turned into a giant fox.

The other three might also be demons.

No wonder she is so beautiful, it turns out to be a female demon.

Only their sixth brother Qin Jiuyang has this ability, directly taking the female demon as his wife.

In their opinion, Ren Tingting and the other women are Qin Jiuyang's wives, otherwise why would they bring them together and behave intimately.

On the other side.

After Qin Jiuyang left, he came to a dense forest.

In front of him, an old man with a hunched body and a gloomy face, exuding black mist


The fox demon came with several women.

""Okay, okay, I didn't expect that you are not only brave, but also very lucky. You dared to come alone to fight me, and brought so many beauties to watch the battle. After

I kill you, I will capture them all and let them see the power of my Yin-Yang Hehuan technique, hahahaha."……"

The old man didn't take Qin Jiuyang seriously at all, and laughed sinisterly.

"You killed my parents, didn't you? It seems like we just met for the first time. I don't know how I offended you, so that you wanted to attack my parents and kill me."Qin Jiuyang looked at the old man calmly and asked

"Yes, I killed him. This is indeed the first time we met, but you have offended me thoroughly.

I will skin you alive, remove your tendons, remove your bones and suck your marrow, and then fry your soul in a frying pan hundreds or thousands of times!" The old man gritted his teeth and grimaced, as if he had an irreconcilable feud with Qin Jiuyang.

After a pause, the old man took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and said,"You may be wondering why I said you have offended me thoroughly.

You know Ren Weiyong from the Ren family, right? I have worked hard for twenty years to lay out my plan, and it was about to be accomplished, but it was destroyed by you!!"

"Twenty years! How many twenty years does a person have in his life?"

The old man's eyes were red, and his body was shaking with anger."If it weren't for you, Ren Weiyong would have turned into a zombie and was controlled by this old man. He has a three-yin body, and he is so powerful after the transformation. What a pity, what a pity!!"

"At first, I thought it was your master Lin Fengjiao who did it, but because of Lin Fengjiao's strength, I didn't dare to take action.

Later, I found out that it was you, the little beast, who not only ruined my plan, but also caused my apprentice to die tragically in prison."

"It turned out that it was you who asked Master Ren to move his grave twenty years later, deliberately allowing him to be bullied and give up the position of Qingfeng Zhenren!"Qin Jiuyang suddenly understood.

No wonder the old man hated him so much, wishing to eat his flesh and drink his blood. He now completely understood what was going on.

"Yes, it is me!!"

Qingfeng Zhenren nodded. At this point, there was no need for him to hide his identity. Moreover, he did not want to hide it.

"Unfortunately, it's not you who will kill me tonight, but I who will kill you." Qin Jiuyang sneered and said,"As you said, I will make you live a life worse than death."


Master Qingfeng laughed wildly, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world,"Just you? You are just an ant in the late stage of the Shapeshifting Realm, and you dare to kill me! Do you know what realm I have reached? If no one helped you today, I would have killed you without a burial place during the fight.

Originally, I was a little worried that you would lead that group of people to attack me, but what I never expected was that you were so brave that you dared to fight alone."

"I am enough to deal with you alone."

Qin Jiuyang smiled confidently, and did not tell Master Qingfeng that today's fight was done by him alone, not a group of people.

Qingqing and the other girls might not be able to see Master Qingfeng's realm, because they were too weak.

But how could Qin Jiuyang not see it? Judging from the evil spirit on Master Qingfeng, Master Qingfeng was a Taoist master in the early stage of Chuan Yin Realm. From the late stage of the Shapeshifting Realm to the early stage of the Shapeshifting Realm, it seems that there is only one realm, but in fact, this realm is like a natural chasm and cannot be crossed.

It is no exaggeration to say that Master Qingfeng can easily kill more than ten or twenty Taoist masters in the late stage of the Shapeshifting Realm. This is the gap of one realm.

Therefore, being able to fight across levels is already very evil, and being able to kill enemies across levels is even more of an evil among evils.

Master Qingfeng was unlucky and happened to meet Qin Jiuyang who could kill enemies across levels, and he was an existence of many levels.

"You ignorant little bastard." True Man Qingfeng was full of disdain, his whole body was filled with evil energy,"Tonight I will let you see the difference between the early stage of the Chuan Yin Realm and the late stage of the Yixing Realm.

Don't think that just because you have an innate Taoist body, dealt with a zombie, and solved a few little ghosts, you can challenge the majesty of the Taoist masters in the Chuan Yin Realm!!"

He had secretly investigated Qin Jiuyang and knew that Qin Jiuyang had an innate Taoist body, otherwise he would not have known where Qin Jiuyang's parents lived. Although he had investigated, he did not investigate in depth.

However, it was useless to investigate in depth, because the only people who knew Qin Jiuyang's ability were Uncle Jiu, Wencai, Qiu Sheng, Taoist Simu, Taoist Qianhe and others.

They could not tell Qingfeng Zhenren about Qin Jiuyang's ability.

It happened in a flash. In the blink of an eye.

Qingfeng Zhenren suddenly jumped up, his hands turned into claws, and he grabbed Qin Jiuyang with lightning speed.

This claw was accompanied by a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

He had full confidence that Qin Jiuyang would be killed in an instant, without even a chance to react or fight back.

Because the speed of the early stage of the Chuanyin Realm is far beyond the reaction of the late stage of the Yixing Realm.

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