"Jiuyang, let me help you set up the formation, so that we can go faster." Uncle Jiu volunteered.

""Okay, with your help, Master, we can set up the Beidou Kuixing Tiangang formation!" Qin Jiuyang said.

This formation is an extremely sophisticated formation. Even if Qin Jiuyang wanted to set up the formation himself, it would take more than ten minutes.

Now with Uncle Jiu's help, he is confident that he can set up the formation within one minute.

After all, Uncle Jiu is very powerful and has a high level of attainment in formation.

After setting up the formation, Qin Jiuyang asked Qiu Sheng and Wencai to hide, and then he and Uncle Jiu left the backyard of the police station and came to the front hall.

"Zombies, there are zombies!!"

"Help, help!!"

As soon as the two arrived at the hall, the captain Awei, whose clothes and pants were torn, rushed in shouting.

With him was the patrolman who had escaped before.

Uncle Jiu and Qin Jiuyang frowned at the same time. They looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

They did not sense the corpse qi. The zombies clearly did not come, but Awei and others were scared like this.

"Uncle Jiu! Uncle Jiu, help me!!!"

When Ah Wei saw Uncle Jiu, he felt like he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

Then, he took many patrol officers and hid behind Uncle Jiu as soon as possible. It seemed that only behind Uncle Jiu could they feel safe.

"Are you sure you saw the zombies?" Uncle Jiu frowned and asked

"Sure, we saw it all, two zombies, one big and one small, flying in the sky." A Wei said in shock.

"Yes, Uncle Jiu, the captain did not lie, we saw it with our own eyes"

"Yes, there was a big one and a small one, flying in the sky, it was so scary"

"If we hadn't run fast, we might have been bitten to death by them."

Everyone echoed, speaking with details and evidence.

"Two zombies, one big and one small, flying in the sky?"Uncle Jiu's sharp brows were tightly locked together,"Jiuyang, what do you think?"

He has been fighting demons for many years, but he has never encountered such a strange thing as tonight.

Two zombies can fly, aren't they flying zombies?

The appearance of one of these zombies is a big deal, let alone two.

Moreover, if they encountered flying zombies, Awei and others would have died long ago.

Flying zombies can not only fly, but also suck blood from a distance.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if ordinary Taoists encounter them, they will not have a chance to fight back, let alone escape from the flying zombies.

Even Uncle Jiu himself did not dare to guarantee that he could deal with flying zombies.

"It shouldn't be a flying zombie." Qin Jiuyang said in a deep voice.

There couldn't be a flying zombie in Renjia Town, let alone two of them. He didn't know what they were, after all, he hadn't seen them with his own eyes.

In short, Awei and the others were definitely wrong.

Even if there were flying zombies, the corpse aura of the flying zombies was so strong that he and Uncle Jiu would have sensed it long ago.

"I don't think so either." Uncle Jiu nodded and said

"Someone is coming."

Suddenly, Qin Jiuyang's ears moved.


A Taoist priest wearing a yellow Taoist robe, a Yin-Yang Bagua hat, and two oil-paper umbrellas under his armpits, who looked thief-like, appeared.

Seeing this Taoist priest, Qin Jiuyang was instantly happy.

Isn't this Mao Shanming? He actually came to Renjia Town.

The two zombies, one big and one small, that Awei and the others saw, couldn't be Dabao and Xiaobao raised by Mao Shanming.

Sure enough.

After Mao Shanming entered the patrol bureau, two little ghosts dressed in Qing Dynasty costumes followed him in. The two ghosts were dressed like zombies. I don't know who Mao Shanming took them to deceive, and he didn't even have time to change his clothes.

If the two ghosts were flying in the air at night, and they happened to be seen by Awei and the others, it would seem normal to mistake them for zombies.

""Here they come, here they come, the zombies are coming."

Ah Wei screamed in fear.

"Stop yelling, it's not a zombie, it's a ghost." Uncle Jiu said with a sigh of relief.

Although he knew it couldn't be a flying zombie, he was still prepared for the worst. Now that he saw Dabao and Xiaobao, he was sure that there was no chance of a worst-case scenario.

"Haha, Second Senior Brother, I haven't seen you for many years, you are still as handsome as before!" Mao Shanming came to hug Uncle Jiu with a playful smile.

Uncle Jiu waved his right hand, swept away Mao Shanming's open hands, then turned him half a circle, letting him face the door of the police station, and said in a deep voice:"Don't call me Senior Brother, we are not familiar with each other. It's really shameful for Maoshan to have a disciple like you."


Mao Shanming was not angry. He turned around and said with a thick face:"Brother, you are still as playful and naughty as before. This time I came back to help you make a fortune."

"You want to help me get rich? You're not trying to cheat me out of my money, are you?" Uncle Jiu glanced at Mao Shanming and said unhappily,"You're just ignorant and know nothing. You only know how to play tricks."


Mao Shanming smiled awkwardly and said flatteringly:"Brother, how dare I cheat you of your money? I really want to help you get rich. You know Tan Baiwan from the provincial capital? His house is haunted, so he asked me to exorcise the ghost.

I happened to pass by Renjia Town, so I came to see you. If you and I join forces, we can definitely make a lot of money."

"I'm not interested. Go wherever you want and don't interfere with us in dealing with the zombies." Uncle Jiu said impatiently.

Who among his fellow apprentices didn't know what kind of personality and temper Mao Shanming had?

Because he was uneducated and unskilled, he was expelled from Mao Shan a long time ago. Later, he went around cheating people by pretending to be a Mao Shan disciple.

No one bothered him because of their former friendship, but now they were targeting him.

They said they were joining forces, but who knew what traps were waiting for him.

He didn't believe that Mao Shanming was so kind that he would come to see him.

"Dealing with zombies?"

Mao Shanming puffed out his chest and said proudly,"I can do it. Dealing with zombies is my specialty."

"Just you?" Uncle Jiu smiled.��

"The present is different from the past. The current Mao Shanming is no longer the Mao Shanming of the past." Mao Shanming put his hands on his waist and said in a low voice:"Dabao and Xiaobao, give him a fierce look!"



Dabao and Xiaobao made claws with their hands and let out low, wolf-like roars with ferocious faces.

But in Qin Jiuyang's opinion, this roar was just that of a sled dog, commonly known as 'Erha'.’

"Okay, I'll leave it to you later."

Uncle Jiu smiled and shook his head, and took Qin Jiuyang to the side,"Jiuyang, let's take a rest first."


Qin Jiuyang nodded.

It goes without saying that Uncle Jiu wanted to teach Mao Shanming a lesson and make him suffer.

With Mao Shanming's ability, even Dabao and Xiaobao couldn't deal with him, let alone the zombies that were about to arrive.

And Mao Shanming, shamelessly holding a peach wood sword, stood facing the gate of the police station, ready for battle.

Dabao came to Mao Shanming with some concern, and whispered in his ear:"Uncle Ming, why don't we just forget it? This is a zombie, Xiaobao and I can't handle it."

"I have to do it no matter how hard it is. You have seen that my brother looks down on me so much. I must save face this time!" Mao Shanming said firmly.

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