Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 186 Father God’s Redemption Meeting

Conte felt his whole body stiff, cold inside and hot outside, his skin had lost all feeling, especially his broken arm, which was bleeding a lot.

But all these injuries could not stop him from moving forward, and his inner grief and hatred were driving him forward.

"I must tell the mayor about this!"

"I must!"

Conte gritted his teeth and moved forward with difficulty.

But at this moment, a mocking voice came: "You are really loyal. Are you still thinking about reporting to your master at this time?"

Conte turned around suddenly when he heard this, and saw a young man with long light brown hair and a slender figure with more than a dozen people, who appeared behind him at some point.

"Who are you!?" Conte leaned against the tree and asked with difficulty.

The leading youth said with a condescending attitude: "We are the saviors of your Arkham, the fathers who gave you a new life, and the only true God in your future."

Conte sneered after hearing this: "You? Your hair is as long as hemp rope, and the texture is like the waist rope on the pants of the homeless man next door that is full of shit and urine, full of stench and dirt."

The leading youth's face was slightly gloomy when he heard this: "The police in Arkham are really humorous."

As he said, the young man raised his hand.

The sturdy young man behind the young man pinched forward with his palm.


A shrill scream sounded, and Conte's left leg was directly crushed into a handful of meat paste.

Bone shattered, blood splattered, Conte's whole body was twitching in pain, but he still leaned there and did not fall down.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Conte laughed crazily and roared in a somewhat hideous manner.

"None of you can escape! You self-righteous guys, all of you must die!"

The young man seemed to have no interest in listening to Conte's meaningless threats. He turned around and said, "Crush his other leg. Mason should have started communicating with it now. We only need fifteen minutes to complete the deployment."

"Don't let him die. I'm curious how far he can crawl."

After that, the young man turned and left.

Conte stared at the young man's face with his eyes and said with gritted teeth, "You are in the same group with that old witch!"

"I will repay you a hundredfold for killing my brother today!" Conte said, his eyes faintly red.

The young man looked sideways: "Okay! I'll give you a chance."

"My name is Digne Donald, the bishop of the Father God's Redemption Society. I hope you can stand in front of me one day."


As soon as the voice fell, Conte's other leg was crushed in the same way.

Conte's eyes were red, and he swept his eyes over the eleven people one by one: "I will definitely kill you!"

"We'll wait, hehe!" The strong man who crushed Conte's legs sneered and turned away.


After coming out of the city hall, Los took Hina and drove to the French Mountain.

Twenty minutes later, when the two just arrived at the foot of the mountain, Los instantly felt something was wrong.

"Where are the guards up there?" Hina looked up and found that Conte and the other two who were guarding the upper intersection were gone.

At the same time, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Los looked up at the top of the mountain, and a cold light gradually appeared in his eyes. He thought of a possibility.

At this time, a pale arm like a dead person suddenly stretched out from the bushes on the side, and then a pale head squeezed out from it with difficulty.

"Conte!" Seeing this scene, Hina screamed and ran over in a hurry.

As soon as she touched Conte's skin, Xina felt a scorching heat, as if Conte's whole body was in a high fever.

At the same time, Conte's pale skin had turned red at a visible speed, and then began to swell.

"Mayor!" Conte's eyes were red at this time, filled with terrible resentment and anger, and he said with difficulty.

Just as Xina was about to help Conte up, she suddenly found that Conte's right arm was gone, and his two legs had completely turned into meat paste, drooping weakly behind Conte.

"Damn it! What happened!?" Xina was shocked and angry when she saw this scene, and then quickly pressed Conte's wound with both hands to stop the bleeding.

Los took two steps and one step and came directly to Conte, gently touched his skin with both hands, and asked in a deep voice: "What happened?"

"Mayor! Revenge! Kill those smashers!" Conte said grimly with gnashing teeth.

Los stretched out his hand and placed it behind his back. His pure biological energy was transferred to Conte's body to help stabilize his injuries.


Conte summoned all his strength and described in detail how he was attacked and the massacre on the top of the mountain. Then he was attacked by the Father God Redemption Society, and finally he described in detail Minniesha's actions.

At this point, Xina and the others suddenly felt a chill that made them tremble.

At this time, Los's face was still very calm, as if he was not affected by anything.

But his deep black eyes were full of depth and coldness.

At this moment, it was like an abyss that had been frozen for thousands of years, a desolate and desolate starry sky.

The subtle aura emitted by its divine light during the rotation has already declared Los's attitude towards this matter.

Conte didn't have much strength at this time and added: "The last woman I saw was Minisha from the Witch's House. She seemed to be coerced by the old witch. She wanted to save me."

"When I landed, thanks to the hollow ice crystals under my body, it helped me absorb enough impact. Otherwise, I would not have survived if I fell from there."

"As for tearing off one of my arms, I guess it was to make the old witch believe that she had killed me."

After hearing this, Xina looked fierce and clenched her fists: "The old witch who can control Minisha is, if nothing else, that disgusting guy."

"Father God's Redemption Society? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Ross stood up silently at this time, and blew out a breath from his nose, which turned into two extremely cold currents, forming two lines of white frost.

"Xina, send Conte to a nursing home." Los said calmly.

Xina nodded: "Understood!"

"Tell Morsi that his injuries will be dealt with personally when I return."

Ross reminded him and turned to look at Conte, whose consciousness was already blurred: "You can only be happy if you take revenge yourself."

Xina took Conte and drove away quickly in Ross's car.

And Los put his gaze on the top of the mountain, life and death flowed in his eyes, and the stars were disillusioned.

"Everything you have done today will cost you tens of millions of times in the future!"

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