Borg, who gave the performance, naturally knew everything and said everything.

"I came into contact with this organization when I was in the capital. They seemed to be rooted in the upper class and aristocratic circles. I once attended one of their rallies. Although I couldn't see the appearance of the members clearly, I could tell from the gestures and the tone of their words. , it can be determined that these people are highly educated nobles.”

When Ross heard this, he suddenly felt a little troublesome. This kind of organization is rooted in the upper class and must have a lot of resources and rights. If they want to curb the development of Arkham, then this group of people will be a huge obstacle. .

"What is their purpose?"

Borg shook his head and said: "I don't know much about this. I was only a peripheral member at the time. They only told us a lot about mysticism, but rarely told us what their purpose was."

"But inadvertently, I discovered a problem."


Borg's eyes flashed and he said: "Their core personnel or founders seem to be descendants of a certain family in the past history, and this descendant is likely to be a royal family in a certain period, and still controls huge amounts of money now." energy."

"Why do you see it?" Ross became interested.

Borg expressed his analysis.

"When they were imparting knowledge to us, they once inadvertently mentioned a title, Maharaja."

"Maharaja?" Loss frowned slightly. He had no special understanding of this title because of his complete knowledge.

Borg continued: "Before, in order to study alchemy, I had a very in-depth understanding of the mysterious dynasties that were submerged in history."

"There are two important alchemical symbols in it. One is called the perfect red king, which represents sulfur and the sun. The other is called the brilliant white queen, which represents mercury and the moon. These two symbols represent the two most extreme forms of alchemy. Symbols and levels.”

Ross nodded: "I know this."

Borg continued: "But at a certain period of time, above these two titles, there was a special title that completely dominated these two elements. It was called the supreme monarch, which represented the foundation of all things, ether. ”

"The Supreme Monarch..." Los lost in thought. He had never heard of this name.

Borg continued: "This is a very mysterious and sacred symbol. I conducted a detailed investigation of this symbol out of curiosity and found that there was a hidden dynasty between about five thousand to seven thousand years ago."

"In this dynasty, the king is the name given to the ruler. This dynasty seems to have not existed for a long time. I don't know when it was wiped out by the Russell Empire."

"Russell Empire? I remember that alchemy began to rise from the Russell Empire, right?"

"Yes, and it was at that time that the perfect Red King and the dazzling White Queen were proposed."

Borg said with a serious face: "I suspect that the true origin of alchemy is that special dynasty that was hidden by history. After that dynasty was destroyed, their rulers hid themselves and founded the Alchemy School. And This organization has been passed down to this day, and later the God the Father Redemption Society was established.”

Hearing this, Los fell into deep thought.

Although most of these are conjectures and subjective conjectures, there does exist a certain logical relationship.

The most important thing is that those self-righteous super humans are more likely to reveal some inadvertent flaws in front of these ordinary people.

Borg said seriously: "Mayor Arkham, with your wisdom and resources, you should be able to investigate the destroyed dynasty. If we can figure out the relationship, maybe we can be more effective when facing the Redemption Society of Father God. Take the initiative.”

After hearing this, Ross was very satisfied and said with approval: "Very good! Borg, this information is very crucial!"

"It's an honor for me to be able to help." Borg said happily.

At this time, the door of the operating room was opened, and Morsi came out with a bad expression.

"How's Conte?" Los asked.

Morsi whispered: "His legs are completely useless. After amputation, we are going to use the blood of angels to regenerate the severed limbs, but... Conte is an ordinary person, and his current abilities cannot support him. Such a massive rebirth.”

"what about others?"

"Frostbite on the skin is not a big problem. It will take about half a month to fully recover," Morsi said.

Los shook his head: "Half a month is too long. Conte is qualified to witness all this and take revenge with his own hands."

Morsi sighed: "I'm sorry, young master, with my current ability... Unless you give me another drop of the ancestor's blood, I can turn Conte into a high-level vampire."

Ross smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Don't blame yourself. This matter is indeed beyond your ability, but this is also a rare learning opportunity for you."

"Study opportunity?" Morsi was stunned, and then his eyes lit up: "Do you want..."

Los rolled up his sleeves and said, "Don't limit your sights to this one possibility. We have countless development possibilities!"

"Go and inform Kurvin to help me prepare three hundred kilograms of steel, twenty kilograms of pure silver, and three liters of mercury."

"Okay!" After hearing these materials, Morsi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he turned around and took Borg out with him.

Ross walked into the operating room. For some reason, Conte had already woken up.

His swollen eyes looked at Los with difficulty.

"Mayor..." A weak and hoarse voice came, full of stubbornness and struggle.

Los sat on the edge of the operating table and bowed his head and said: "Conte, don't worry, I'm here, you won't die."

Conte tried to clench the fingers of his left arm: "Mayor... can you... give me... strength?"

Los said calmly: "I just want to tell you this. Although your injuries are very serious, I still have a way to let you recover your limbs and live an ordinary life."

"No... ordinary people are too powerless... I want to have that powerful power!" Conte said with difficulty.

Los replied: "This is a very painful process, and... after the transformation is completed, you will completely get rid of the human form. Have you thought about it? This is a road that cannot be turned back."

Conte tried to open his eyes wide, with a blazing flame in them: "I don't care, Mayor, you can transform me into a hideous monster, I don't care! I just want to kill all those lunatics now!"

Los smiled and nodded: "Very good, then Conte, from today on, you will become the ancient god mechanical war police who protects our Arkham!"

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