Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 193 The Glorious Royal Court

Being pierced into the eyes by this legendary silver key, Hardy instantly saw countless light spots in his eyes, and judging from the distribution of these light spots, he recognized at a glance that the place where the light spots were was Ah Cam.

And the light spots among them are the doors of all the buildings in Arkham.

In an instant, Hardy felt a great power coming from the Silver Key, acting on his head, and then he felt that his thinking had been extremely extended at a certain level.

The extended tentacles then connect to half of these light spots.

In the next moment, Hardy felt as if he had successfully entered a network. He could freely travel through this huge network and reach the other end of the network through any road.


When everything was over, Hardy found that his great master had disappeared, and at this time he felt as if he could control everything, and could even say that he controlled half of Arkham.

He clenched his fists and found that his level had reached level thirty-five.

But although he has such a level, almost all his abilities are on the door, so the strength of his body is not too strong, only the same as that of a level 20 ghoul.

In deep thought, he turned to look at the bedside mirror. At this time, he found that his right eye was still black, with a door-like pattern in it.

The dark eyeball of the left eye is filled with countless traveling stars. These stars are constantly moving in it as if they are alive, forming a miniature star map.

"Angular monster... let my janitor Hardy come and meet you!"

Hardy said as he turned around and found that there was a decent black suit on his hospital bed.

There is also a pair of shiny leather shoes on the ground.

Hardy immediately took off his clothes, put on this decent suit, and then combed his dark brown hair neatly.

Suddenly, the nagging mental patient just now turned into a capable young talent.

"Angular monsters, Father God's Redemption Society, with my gatekeeper Hardy here, I will not allow you to do anything that defies the master's authority."

After saying that, Hardy raised his hand and opened his door. When he stepped in, he completely disappeared, and he didn't know where he went.

With the two backup players, Conte and Hardy, ready, Los drove the car south along the road.

His purpose was to visit Dr. Armitage at Miskatonic University.

Regarding the contents of that church and the contents of that ancient mysterious empire, Armitage, the most knowledgeable old man in Arkham, needs to answer these questions.

Now that the rights to all areas of Arkham have been reclaimed by Los, after driving here again after a month, the guard here has a completely different attitude towards Los.

With a look of joy and respect, he helped Los open the door, and even wiped the invisible dust on the hood of Ross' car with his own sleeve.

This is not flattery, but an expression of reverence and respect after what happened a few days ago.

At the same time that Ross entered the university, he was sitting on a seat under the stone tower about fifty meters away from here.

Two young men are sitting here.

One of them is a rich kid lurking in the university, secretly spying on Los and the entire Arkham student circle, Ford Macca.

The other one was none other than Digne Donald, the bishop of God the Father’s Redemption Church who had taken the lead in attacking Conte.

"Has a god come?" Digne didn't even frown after hearing this.

Ford shook his head and said: "I don't know exactly what it is, but everyone believes that the giant who defeated the man-made ancient god that day is God, and Los Arkham is his incarnation."

"These people are really easy to deceive." Digne sneered.

Ford turned around and asked, "You don't believe it?"

"In today's world, gods cannot come at all. As for the giant that day, it could be anything, but it couldn't be a god." Digne said very confidently.

Ford reminded: "I have told you everything that has happened recently. There must be at least one powerful being behind Los Arkham. It is very unwise for you to take action here now."

"Are we afraid of him?" Digne seemed very confident.

"We have reached the entrance of the dungeon maze through the angle hound, but to open that entrance, we need a special blood sacrifice. This blood sacrifice requires one hundred children no more than fifteen years old, and four kinds of animals hidden in Arkham. A special bloodline.”

Digne stretched out his finger: "This kind of bloodline is a special product condensed from the earth's veins, including demons, beasts, love and distortion."

Ford was silent for a moment: "The devil has been confirmed. He is a private detective named Kenneth. The beast can also be confirmed. It is Mark who runs a restaurant. He believes in the cat god, Buster."

"As for kindness and distortion, it's still unclear."

After hearing this, the corners of Digne's lips raised slightly: "Well done, let's take down these two first."

"You'd better be careful! It's not as dangerous here as outside."

Digne stood up and said confidently: "This time we have two master-level superhumans at level 40 and five advanced superhumans at level 30. This kind of power can even sweep half of the empire. However, It’s just a city.”

Ford looked at this childhood friend who had been extremely conceited and arrogant since childhood, and didn't say much.

"Does the prince have any other instructions?"

"Open the door of the dungeon maze, master the maze key, and then bring the White Queen back. The Red King can't wait any longer." Digne said and turned to leave.

Ford looked at Digne's back and sighed: "In this case, if you die, it has nothing to do with me."

Los didn't notice that his target was just in the same school as himself.

After coming directly to the library, Los first took out paper and pen and drew everything he saw in the church.

After seeing these contents, the learned old doctor immediately became interested, and then he quickly took these drawings and began to compare them seriously.

Twenty minutes later, Armitage gave Los a precise answer.

"Mayor, the origin of these patterns comes from a dynasty called the Glorious Court."

"Glorious Court?" It means that there is no knowledge of this dynasty.

Armitage continued, "The Radiant Court was a relatively short-lived dynasty that appeared about four thousand years ago, and the entire dynasty lasted only about one hundred and fifty years."

"But during these one hundred and fifty years, they founded the Radiant Church and preached a theory."

"The radiance that overflowed from the Gate of the World created the entire world."

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