The divergent thinking without a head quickly helped Los find the other party's true purpose and the key to this incident.

"It seems obvious that the reason why the Church of Glory placed an angle monster here. The dungeon maze buried under Arkham cannot find the entrance in the normal form, but this is not necessarily the case for this monster with hound blood."

"Although it is a mixed blood, after years of breeding, the special form of the angle monster can resonate with the entire earth vein of Arkham, thereby obtaining some special powers, and this power naturally has the ability to directly cross space to the entrance of the dungeon maze."

"In other words, the purpose of this group of guys is to open the dungeon maze."

Thinking of this, a few flashes of lightning flashed in Los' mind.

"But the door of the dungeon maze is not so easy to open. Their current purpose should be a way to open the door."

"In other words, they will not leave for the time being, which is easy to deal with."

Thinking of this, Los's heart was filled with a strong murderous intent.

"This matter has just begun."

After thinking it through, Ross put his head back on his neck under the horrified gaze of Dr. Armitage, and turned around and said: "Doctor, thank you very much for your help."

Armitage blinked, barely came back to his senses and said: "It is my honor to help you."

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Armitage turned around and said: "Come in."

Then the young man Ford walked in, and just when he walked in, he happened to see Ross standing beside him.

This sudden meeting made Ford stunned, and then he said respectfully: "Mayor Arkham, it's an honor to meet you."

Ross glanced at Ford, nodded slightly, and said to Armitage: "Doctor, I'm leaving first."

"Take care!"

After Ross left, Ford instinctively breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

This should be his first formal meeting with Ross. Although the purpose of coming here is to monitor the young mayor, he feels an indescribable sense of oppression from the mayor.

"McKa, do you have any questions?" Armitage turned around and put the book away and asked.

Ford took out a book and said, "Dr. Armitage, I've been studying the relevant content of the Sun Dynasty recently. I'm very interested in the sinful knights at that time. This is a document I found recently, but there are a few places I can't understand."

Armitage liked students who were willing to learn very much, and waved to him and said, "Come here, let me see."

Just as Ford approached, he suddenly saw the relevant content below the church that Los had just drawn.

This immediately shocked him, and then he immediately thought that Los might have come here to ask Armitage for the history of the church, even including the things of the Glorious Court at that time.

"This guy is really fast! But he even needs to ask Dr. Armitage about the Glorious Church, which means that he is still a young man with limited knowledge. In this way, the giant that day might not be him, but someone else! He might be a puppet on the surface!"

Thinking of this, Ford was immediately proud of his carefulness and precise deduction ability.

"But we still need to inform Donald about this matter. Maybe Arkham can deduce some useful information from the Glorious Court."


Minissa was very upset. She thought that joining the Forbidden Gate and serving the great Gate Master would help her get rid of that disgusting fate.

But now she found that she had always been just a bird in a cage. She had never been free and had never escaped from that fate.

When she was young, she was controlled by Mason. When she grew up, she took over the Forbidden Gate. She thought she could control her own destiny.

But now it seems that she is no different from her childhood.

Minissa, who was getting more and more upset, stood up suddenly.

Just when she stood up, the door suddenly opened.

But the inside of the opened door was pitch black, and only strange things could be seen crawling in it.

Seeing this scene, Minissa's eyes flashed with fear, and finally she sat back on the bed helplessly.

That group of people did not trust her at all.

At this moment, the dark door was accompanied by a twist, and Digne Donald walked in.

"Ford said that there was a god here?" Donald asked indifferently.

Minissa showed a look of disgust and replied coldly: "I don't know."

Donald narrowed his eyes slightly: "White Queen, don't really think that we dare not touch you. When you go back this time, after you are squeezed by the Red King, you will be just a sow responsible for childbirth. Now you are still in such an attitude, you know what is waiting for you then."

Minissa's rosy face moved slightly, and then sneered: "Really? Then I'll wait."

Donald's eyes slowly swept over Minissa's plump and tender body, licked his lips and said: "I hope you can still be so cold at that time, so as to arouse my desire."

Minissa looked at Donald with disgust: "Are all the high-level Father Gods of this generation like you guys who are obsessed with sex? It's disgusting."

Donald didn't say much: "You seem to have been waiting for the mayor of Arkham to save you? I will bring him to you."

After saying that, he turned and walked out.

In a room somewhere in Arkham, Donald came out and asked, "How is it? Depp?"

The sturdy man named Depp nodded and said, "We have found the target. Mark is in his restaurant and Kenneth is now in the business district."

Donald nodded slightly, "Very good, start with this Kenneth, and let the messenger open the door directly. The queen will come in a few days, and we must make a quick decision."



In the business district, Kenneth was drinking coffee in a cafe. Today he received a job to investigate the cheating of a wealthy businessman. At this time, he was staring at the wealthy businessman and his nominal business partner, a young, beautiful and fashionable lady.

As a private detective, Kenneth's business is very extensive. If he gets solid evidence for this order, he can get a reward of 5,000 Rosa coins.

Leaning comfortably on the chair, when Kenneth was studying how to blend into the room of two people to shoot, his left hand suddenly sent a trembling reminder.

The next second, Kenneth felt the hair on his body stand up, and his body jumped up instinctively.


The next second, the place where he had just sat exploded instantly.

For a moment, flames splashed everywhere, and a piercing scream suddenly rang out throughout the restaurant.

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