Putting aside the matter of Arkham Public High School for the moment, Los stood up and said, "Let's go, the time of reckoning has come."

Conte, who was sitting next to Kenneth, stood up eagerly and said to Ross: "Mayor, please allow me to kill that old witch with my own hands."

Los said: "Don't worry, there will be no one left who belongs to you."

"Mayor, what should we do about this person?" Kenneth pointed to Depp who was burned and still breathing.

Ross smiled and said, "Bring it together, maybe it can be used for other purposes."

"Lilith, please go ahead and seal off all areas near the target area. At the same time, inform the public not to move around casually."


Afterwards, the group went straight through the door without making much preparation.

When they came out again, they had arrived in the wealthy area in the southwest of Arkham, and the location was the manor of the former president of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

After the collapse of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, this place became public property and has been idle.

"How's it going, Hardy?" Ross asked.

Hardy saluted respectfully and said: "The other party is very cunning. At the beginning, I only determined the general range of activities of the monster from an angle. Fortunately, I got help from the surrounding residents. They were in a villa belonging to the Redemption Society. There were two strangers moving around.”

With that said, he turned around and introduced two well-dressed middle-aged men in their forties to Los.

"This is the general manager of the Art Glass Company, Mr. Webb Lister. He was the one who told me about the anomalies in that group of people."

"Mr. Mayor!" This middle-aged man with a mustache and a somewhat prosperous figure said excitedly.

Ross nodded slightly: "Well done! Mr. List, Arkham will remember your contribution."

Hardy continued: "This one is Mr. Church Nutt, a talented film director. He also saw it and proved what Mr. List said."

"Church Nutt... I remember there was a movie called "Into the Wild", was it made by you?" Ross asked.

Nat was very happy and excited after hearing this: "Do you know my work?"

"Well, it was a good shot. I like the thief Arthur in it." Lose nodded.

Movies in this world have been around for nearly thirty years. Although they are still in the black and white era, they already have sound and the related technologies are quite mature.

Nat became even more excited after hearing this. It was a great honor that the great mayor could still remember the protagonist in his own movie.

After some simple greetings and encouragement, Los asked: "A villa affiliated with the Redemption Society?"

Hardy nodded: "I have confirmed it with Dr. Laban. It is the villa of the Redemption Society, but there is no record of anyone staying there recently. He does not know this group of people."

"The Father God Redemption Society... The Redemption Society... Judging from the names, these two organizations do seem to have a certain relationship." Conte said.

Under Hardy's guidance, the group went to the window on the east side of the room and looked east. Diagonally across the street, in a four-story duplex villa, people could be faintly seen walking back and forth through the window.

At this time, Los's eyes gradually changed, and he could clearly see the people inside through the glass.

"Hardy, you don't have to fight. Don't let the monsters that interfere with the angle teleport away."

"No problem! I can set up the entire door circuit within these two villas." Hardy said.

Ross nodded slightly, then raised his hand and said, "Let's do it!"


At the same time, in the villa of the Redemption Society.

After listening to Mason's suggestion, Donald said he couldn't accept it. He had already boasted that he would complete the matter beautifully this time.

If he just goes back in despair, he will lose not only his face, but also the favor of the great Father God.

"You haven't contacted that woman for a long time. She is lying to you!" Donald said loudly.

Mason replied calmly: "Ignorant guy, if you don't leave now, all of us will have to answer here."

Donald sneered: "I can't trust you. I want to test the truth myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold voice sounded: "You don't need to go, we are here."

Hearing this voice, the five people in the room suddenly looked stunned, and then turned to look over, just in time to see Conte walking in from the door with Kenneth, Mark, Sindervall and others.

"How did you get in!?"

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces, including Mason and Donald, were filled with disbelief.

Conte said ferociously: "I said, I will pay back a hundred times what happened before!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the electric light on Conte's arm flashed, and the mechanical arm instantly turned into an electromagnetic cannon.


Then, he fired directly at everyone.

At the critical moment, Donald roared and pushed his hands forward suddenly.

In an instant, two concrete walls rose directly from the ground, blocking the current-filled electromagnetic gun.

At the same time, he also stopped all his men on the other side.

At this moment, Donald finally realized the seriousness of the problem, turned around and said quickly: "Take Minisha! Get out of here!"

The opponent actually has similar abilities to the angle monsters, and can even find them directly across the angle monsters.

This is simply unbelievable.

With that said, the two people quickly opened a door and went in, just in time to see Minisha sitting quietly on the bed.

"Let's go!" Donald whispered.

Minissa’s ability had been sealed at this time, but she was still proud, and asked with a teasing look in her eyes: "Why are you like a mouse seeing a cat? Didn’t you say that you would capture Los Arkham? What’s wrong?"

Donald didn’t have time to quarrel with Minissa at this time, and said to Mason: "Leave it to you."

Mason stepped forward directly, wrapped Minissa with a chain and said: "You should leave here and go back to where you should go."

Hearing this, Minissa’s face suddenly turned pale. She knew very well what going back to a certain place meant, it was an endless hell!

"No! I don’t want to go back!" She knew that once they passed this door, they could directly leave Arkham through that monster, and then she would have no hope at all.

At the last moment, even if she lost all her strength, she would struggle with all her life.

However, unfortunately, no matter how she struggled, she could not break free from the shackles of the forty levels.

At this time, the watery peach blossom eyes looked at the dark door with horror, as if this was the door to hell full of countless fears.

"Who will save me!? Who will save me!?"

The most desperate cry kept stirring in her heart, but unfortunately, the reality was very cruel.

She was led into the gate by two people in helplessness and despair.

But at this most desperate moment, a calm voice full of domineering and coldness sounded.

"Did I let you go?"

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