Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 100 Children and Old Guys (Additional update for book friend 20231113084125686)

If the Power Stone is the ultimate power, then the Reality Stone is the ultimate fantasy.

People who hold the Reality Stone can achieve anything in the world based on their own wishes.

You can violate the rules of physics, create new life, and even use reality gems to create one small universe after another!

This may sound a bit exaggerated.

But Kevin, who was holding the Reality Stone, felt that this was not an exaggeration at all.

He is using the Reality Stone, and now he only has one feeling.

That is He is God.

God of the Marvel world!

Kevin did it easily by creating a monster the size of a planet.

Let this monster have the ability to travel through the wormhole and directly reach Xandar Star, and Kevin also did the same.

It was even more unexpectedly easy to let this monster swallow Thanos and Ronan's fleet in one go.

The power possessed by a single gemstone is so powerful.

If six gems are gathered on a glove, the power of a single gem will be weakened due to the mutual restraint and cancellation of powers, even if they become omnipotent when combined.

"But this can't deal with Thanos..."

Kevin could feel that part of the fleet that had been swallowed by his whale was still resisting.

That was the fleet where Thanos was.

The Black Five and Thanos were there.

On the contrary, Ronan died here in a very shameless manner. The moment Kevin used the whale to swallow him into his stomach, he used the Reality Stone to turn him and his own battleship into ashes.

But this guy was originally a one-time villain in the Silver Guardians, so it’s not surprising that he’s dead now.

After looking at Xandar below, Kevin had no idea of ​​going down to reminisce with Star-Lord and others.

Feeling Thanos who was still in the belly of the whale, and the vaguely revealed purple energy that collided with the power of the Reality Stone, Kevin immediately said to Star-Lord on the planet below:

"Peter, Thanos has the Power Stone. I can't destroy him immediately, but I can take him away. In the meantime, Xandar will be left to you."

"Wait, you mean you want to deal with Thanos alone?!"

"I can only deal with him alone, or do you have the ability to get involved in our battle?"

Kevin asked Star-Lord with a smile.

Star-Lord and others didn't answer. After all, the answer was obvious, they couldn't.

Kevin and Thanos are both gem holders at the moment. The battle between gem holders is no different from that of gods. How can a group of 'ordinary people' like Star-Lord be able to participate?

Kevin did not wait for Star-Lord to respond. Feeling the increasingly violent power inside the whale, Kevin immediately controlled the whale to travel through the wormhole and said:

"See you again when you have a chance, Peter. I hope the next time we meet is not in prison."

As he spoke, the whale was about to complete the wormhole jump.

But at this moment, purple energy exploded in the whale's body, and the whale life created by Kevin emitted a piercing cry that only Kevin could hear.

Then the whole body of the whale exploded, and purple smoke and red ash swept across the universe, almost completely swallowing the Xandar star below.

"Tsk, I finally created a life that can travel through wormholes."

The idea of ​​changing the battlefield failed, and Kevin couldn't help but smack his lips.

He waved his hand gently, and the red light covered the purple smoke. In an instant, all the smoke dissipated, revealing the figures of Kevin, Thanos and his group.

Kevin seemed to be complaining, but in fact his eyes were fixed on Thanos and the power stone in his hand.

Most of Thanos's battleship has been destroyed, leaving only a part for Thanos and Black Star to settle down.

The defensive barrier formed by the Power Stone is above Thanos' head, providing them with the last place to breathe and stay.

Sure enough, it's impossible to kill Thanos directly with the Reality Stone.

After all, Thanos has the Power Stone in his hand, and the energies between the stones will conflict with each other, thereby eliminating the other party's power.

And the Reality Stone isn't really that omnipotent.

It cannot travel through space, cannot reverse time, cannot affect the human mind, and cannot create or control souls.

These functions are separate from the Reality Stone, otherwise Kevin wouldn't have made a whale that could jump in space to travel on his behalf.

By the way, these space wormholes where whales jump are all existing in the Marvel world and were not created by Kevin.

Kevin just used the big whale as an ordinary spaceship.

"Who are you?"

Finally meeting Kevin face to face, Thanos asked a very classic question.

He didn't know who Kevin was. In his memory, there seemed to be no Kevin in the entire universe.

Kevin held the Reality Stone and floated in the universe dressed as an explorer. He looked at Thanos and then looked down at himself. The Reality Stone on his ring lit up slightly, and the explorer outfit on his body changed into a new one in the blink of an eye. A pair of armor with glittering golden scales.

Same style as Neptune.

"You can call me... Aquaman."

The golden trident appeared in Kevin's hand. Under the influence of the Reality Stone, he actually COSed the Aquaman of the DC universe.

Although he's actually more of a Lantern now.

But whether it was Lantern or Aquaman, Thanos had never heard of it.

His eyes were locked on Kevin's right finger ring and he said:

"Okay, no matter you are Neptune or whatever, kid, what you have in your hand does not belong to you, give it to me."

"This is what I want to say, old guy. The Power Stone is very dangerous, and it is even more dangerous if it is used by someone as dangerous as you. Why don't you give it to me?"

"Oh, you want this too?"

Thanos raised the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand, and the single purple gem above it was particularly conspicuous.

He pointed his glove at Kevin and clenched his fist lightly.

Purple energy exploded, and a huge beam of light penetrated the sea of ​​​​stars and headed straight for Kevin!


grass! Are you going to beat me right away? How is this Thanos different from the Thanos I know? !

Kevin didn't expect Thanos to take action as soon as he said it, and he didn't let his five black generals take action, but took action himself.

With the blessing of the Infinity Gauntlet, the energy of the Power Stone was amplified and enhanced. Thunder and lightning flashed around the purple beam of light, shattering the void and heading straight for the target.

If the body is hit by this blow, the best result is probably to be shattered into dust by this energy.

Kevin did not dare to underestimate Thanos' attack. The Reality Stone had already been prepared and created a transparent invisible barrier in front of Kevin, blocking Thanos' attack entirely.

Purple energy shone and spread in front of Kevin, Kevin clenched his right fist, the light of the Reality Stone lit up, and in an instant, countless versions of himself appeared around Kevin.

Countless Kevins held tridents and launched human wave tactics against Thanos in the starry sky of the universe.

Seeing this scene, Thanos glanced at Ebony Maw and the others beside him, and ordered to them:

"Go and destroy Xandar."

Then Thanos stepped forward, crossed the universe and the stars with the power of his body, and raised his left fist holding the Reality Stone high.

The energy of the power gem exploded again, and the crystal purple light enveloped everything in an instant.

Most of 'Kevin' was engulfed by the purple light, leaving only a small portion of Kevin outside. They used the Reality Stone to create hard shields one after another, which closed in the air and enveloped Thanos.

The last few remaining Kevins tried to stop the five black generals who drove the wreckage of the battleship towards the Xandar star, trying to block them all outside the Xandar star.

But Thanos’s voice followed closely:

"Child, it is a very bad behavior to abandon the enemy casually."


The Kevins who were chasing the Black Glory Five generals widened their eyes at the same time.

They immediately turned around to look, but as soon as they turned around, a huge hand grabbed them all.

That turned out to be Thanos who became gigantic!

"Gigantization...the power gem has this ability?"

Kevin's eyes widened. He carefully recalled all the movies and anime plots related to the Power Stone, and it seemed that such a scene had never occurred.

But if you think about it more carefully, this doesn't seem to be incomprehensible.

The power gem can give the holder ultimate attack and defense power. It can copy all the energy and abilities in the world. As long as it is related to power, it is not surprising that any ability appears on the power gem.

Then it makes sense that Thanos is using the Power Stone to make himself as huge as the Celestials.

But just because the Power Stone can do it, doesn't mean the Reality Stone can't do it.

Kevin looked at the gigantic Thanos, the gems in his hands lit up, and his body grew taller at the same time.

Under the red power that changes reality, a huge body no less than Thanos's body appeared in the starry sky in the blink of an eye.

The two giants, who seemed to have turned into a group of gods, looked at each other, and the next second, they were fighting hand to hand!

"WTF?! That's Kevin?! Don't tell me that's Kevin?! What did he eat to get so big?!"

The 'God War' was happening above, and Star-Lord and others who had been paying attention to this below were a little unable to sit still.

Seeing two huge giants fighting each other, Star-Lord could no longer close his mouth.

It was really hard for him to believe that what was happening outside the planet was real.

But Gamora remembered something. She looked at the gems in the hands of the two giants and explained:

"It's the Infinity Stone! Kevin got another Infinity Stone from somewhere!"

After saying that, Gamora suddenly turned around and ran towards the Milan on the side, and said to Star-Lord:

"Peter! We're going to help Kevin!"

"Help? Do you think we can get involved in their situation?!"

Star-Lord asked Gamora back with a 'Are you kidding me' look on his face.

The battle above has evolved into a battle between gods. How can they, who are just mortals, get involved?

Gamora explained hurriedly:

"The only way to defeat Thanos is to snatch the Power Stone from his hand. I'm sure Kevin must be thinking so, and when the time comes, he will need a device that can store the Power Stone!"

"…I understand."

Gamora said this, and Star-Lord instantly understood what she meant.

The fight between the two people above seemed fierce, but after the two became like this, they no longer used other methods, but fought purely in a physical way.

This means that the current abilities of the two of them have reached the limit of their abilities when they become this big, and they can no longer use the extra gem power.

Fighting hand-to-hand means that they may both steal each other's gems.

What Star-Lord and others need to do now is to prevent Kevin's gems from being taken away and find a way to let Kevin take Thanos's gems.

And if Kevin can really do this, he will need a container to store the power gems.

Fortunately, they have this container, and there are many more!

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