Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 127 Kimiko’s younger brother

Kevin's remarks were obviously more satisfying.

A smile appeared on the face of the motherland. He came over and hugged Kevin, turned to face the crowd and said:

"That's right. We shouldn't care about the things of the Walt Group. We just need to do what we should do. Super heroes destroy super villains. This is what we should do."

"Thank you, fellow countryman."

Kevin smiled and thanked the people of his motherland for supporting him, and then turned to everyone:

"Does anyone else have an opinion now?"

Shockwave silently raised his hand.

Kevin suddenly realized, looked at his leg wrapped in plaster, and said to him:

"You don't need to go, just stay here and provide us with information support."

His leg injury hasn't healed yet.

After all, his superpower has no advantage in self-healing.

Although Shockwave's self-healing ability is still stronger than that of ordinary people, it is not enough to restore him to his original state in just a few days.

Even the original locomotive took at least half a month after being injured.

Not to mention the shock wave.

Someone in the seven-man team is absent and unable to fight as a whole. This is a small problem. Anyway, Kevin, the Motherland and the Storm are the main players in the team.

It’s okay for others not to go.

Leaving Shockwave to stay in the Sevens meeting room, Kevin turned to the others again.

Fortunately, no one commented this time.

Neither Maeve, who was dissatisfied with the Walter Group, nor Storm, who always wanted to go against others, raised any objections to the decision made by Kevin and the people of the motherland.

Especially storms.

For some reason, when she saw Kevin embracing his motherland, a slightly chilling smile appeared on her face.

It was almost as if the grandma saw two good-looking grandsons who had been at odds making peace.

It gave Kevin goosebumps all over his body.

Doesn't this guy think that he and the people of his motherland are now close brothers and can cooperate?

No...this guy doesn't want to have a threesome, does he? !

Some indescribable images came to mind for some reason, and Kevin shuddered hard to prevent himself from thinking about it any further.

You can't think about this kind of thing in detail. The more you think about it, the more frightening it becomes.

After finally bringing his thoughts back, Kevin finally mentioned the super villain thing.

He took out his tablet, imported the data on the tablet to the display screen in the seven-man team conference room, and said:

"Well, since everyone has no objections, let's start now by discussing the information about the super villains. First of all, their locations..."

The location Edgar gave seemed like it was tailor-made for Kevin.

Because the location of the super villain's base is on a small island overseas.

The island is not big, with an overall area of ​​less than one square kilometer.

Best of all it's on the sea and that's Kevin's domain.

Even if the base was not located relatively close to the center of the island, no one else would be needed for this extermination battle. Kevin could handle everything by himself.

What's more troublesome is that there is more than one super human on this island.

This is of course, since it is called the League of Villains, how can the number of super villains be small?

At least it has to be comparable to the seven-man team.

According to the satellite observations of the Vought Group, in addition to the giant bear whose head was shot and the black superhuman who was killed by the storm, they also discovered at least five superhumans in the League of Villains on that island.

And there are some people who don't know whether they are superhumans or ordinary people, who have appeared on the island.

It is reasonable to speculate that these people are ordinary people responsible for providing life services to the super villains on the island.

Or even simply their lackeys and accomplices.

Not to mention why these superhumans were able to build such a large base here silently, in short, the place the Seven-man team found now is correct.

Next, we only need to follow the traditional process and stage a scene of superheroes versus super villains, and the scene will be considered a successful conclusion.

If Compound No. 5 can be found in the base...

No, we can definitely find Compound No. 5, then this scene will be truly perfect.

The Motherland and the Storm can fly from the sky. The two of them plus Maeve, the three of them can fly from the sky together.

Kevin controlled the water flow on the surface of the water, wrapped Annie and Black, and the three formed a second team and rushed to the target location from the water.

I don’t know if the people of the motherland want to compete. They flew very fast in the sky. By the time Kevin passed by, they had already landed on the island and were waiting for Kevin and the others to come over.

"The speed still needs to be improved, Deep Sea."

Taking Annie and Black ashore, the motherland smiled and said to Kevin.

There was not much sarcasm in his words, but there was a hint of arrogance.


Kevin complained that the other party's behavior of not letting go of any advantage to compete with Kevin was very childish in Kevin's opinion.

But Kevin wasn't angry at all. It was better to fight Kevin in these trivial matters than to fight Kevin with real swords and guns.

So after the other party finished speaking, Kevin smiled and echoed:

"It has to be you, a native of the motherland, you are fast."


The motherland squinted slightly.

Kevin sounded like he was praising him, but why did it feel so weird?

"I mean, boys, is the schoolboy bickering between you over? Now that it's over, shouldn't we get down to business?"

The people of the motherland and Kevin exchanged words with each other while laughing on the surface, while Storm, who was waiting on the side, rolled his eyes.

The two of them then looked towards the storm.

The people of the motherland still have a bad look at Feng. If it weren't for everyone's need to cooperate this time, he might have attacked Feng long ago.

Kevin still had a smile on his face, turned towards the base of the Super Villain Alliance, and made an invitation gesture to the Motherland and the Storm:

"You are the protagonists of this 'performance', and you can fly, so you go there first, and we will arrive later."

Anyway, they have arrived on the island. Surrounded by the sea, these super villains basically have no possibility of escaping.

Kevin was not in a hurry and could walk over slowly.

After the motherland and the storm have finished their tiring work, Kevin will take action to put the finishing touches.

The motherland man didn't think too much. He glanced at the storm, flew his legs into the sky, and crashed into the fortress of the super villain base with an extremely ferocious attitude.

The motherland's eager look made Feng Feng couldn't help but shake his head.

She turned back and looked at Kevin, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she said nothing. She released electricity with both hands and flew from the air towards the base to support the people of the motherland.

After the two, there are Maeve and Black.

They said nothing and walked towards the supervillain's base in the distance.

Kevin and Annie stayed behind, walking towards the distance with a relaxed posture as if on an outing. During this period, Annie asked Kevin rather hesitantly:

"Are we...going to kill them?"

"They must die."

Kevin answered, his voice emotionless.

" know, Kevin, they could also be victims, just Kimiko."

Annie thought about Kimiko.

She thought of what Kimiko looked like when she first met her.

Without Annie and without Kevin, Kimiko would probably become one of the super villains.

But when she thought about what happened to Kimiko and the origins of these super villains, Annie felt that she was doing something very evil.

Her sense of justice prevents her from helping others do evil.

Kevin saw Annie's wavering and hesitation.

He stopped, turned his head and looked directly at Anne, and said seriously:

"Annie, they are different from Kimiko."

"What's the difference?"

"They killed innocent people."


"The people Kimiko hurt from the beginning to the end were the traffickers who imprisoned her, or the people who attacked you. This is considered self-defense.

"But these people are different, Annie, think about the innocent people who were killed by falling billboards that day, think about the passers-by who were hit by vehicles in the mall that day, and you will understand that they are different from Kimiko.

"They have become 'supervillains.'"


"No buts, Annie!" Kevin forcefully blocked Annie's next words: "We are not qualified to forgive those who died because of them. What we can do is send them to see God."

Under Kevin's words that sounded very reasonable, Anne finally said no more.

Because Kevin is right.

Regardless of the past experiences of supervillains, they do not take action against those who harmed them, but instead kill innocent people who do not deserve to die.

Then they are evil people.

They are the ones that superheroes should destroy.

Anne already understood this, and under Kevin's words, she made up her mind again.

"...I understand, I won't hold back when the time comes."

"That's right."

Kevin nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, Kevin doesn't really have such a sense of justice, but Anne's character is too righteous, and there is still light in her heart under Kevin's protection.

In order to prevent this light of justice from disappearing, Kevin could only make random remarks that seemed reasonable.

After all, Kevin didn’t come here with the idea of ​​‘supporting justice’.

Kevin's true purpose is to eliminate the League of Super Villains and eradicate this existence that may threaten him.

Moreover, if there is someone worth using among them, Kevin will not be able to spare his life.

Anyway, with Kate here, wouldn't it be better to just capture him and brainwash him for his own use?

Killing them directly is a real waste.

The premise is that there is really someone useful to Kevin here.

Kill a few, keep a few, and if you see a suitable one, try to protect it in the name of sending it to the woods for research, and then let Kate be responsible for cleaning the memory.

That's what Kevin decided.

After comforting Annie, Kevin and Annie slowly arrived at the 'battlefield' where everyone was fighting.

This is a simple fortress converted from an abandoned fortification. It has been in existence for a long time, but it seems that it has been repaired in the later period and is surrounded by concrete and metal.

If it is intact, it should be a solid fortress that looks pretty good.

But the Motherland broke in from the sky first and directly smashed the surrounding concrete.

The storm followed, completely destroying the outer defenses with thunder and lightning.

By the time Kevin and Annie passed by, the place had turned into ruins comparable to a disaster scene. Several superhumans with good superpowers were fighting against the Motherland and Storm, as well as Maeve and Black who rushed over.

The people of the motherland are entangled with a guy with a body like a rock. The storm is being pulled by a girl who can release wind blades, and a guy whose body can be elongated.

As for Maeve…

When Kevin looked over, he saw her whole body flying backwards as if she had been hit by something, and landed right at the feet of Kevin and Annie.

Kevin blinked when he saw this and asked kindly:

"Maeve, are you okay?"

"Do you think I'm fine?! Why don't you come over and help me!?"

"Well...I'll just..."

Just as Kevin was about to speak, he heard the violent sound of wind coming from in front of him.

Looking up, Kevin saw several boulders hitting them like falling meteorites.

In front of them, an Asian man wearing a peaked cap was pointing his hands at them, releasing his telekinesis.


Seeing this Asian man, Kevin couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Because if he admitted correctly, the Asian man in front of him should be Kimiko's younger brother.

Miyashiro Kenshi.

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