Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 145 Team fight

Ultron got the Soul Stone, regardless of how he got it. Anyway, in this universe, it has become an established fact that Ultron got the Soul Stone.

Ultron with a single gem is already extremely difficult to deal with, but Ultron with two gems may be even more difficult to deal with.

The bad news is that Kevin's Reality Stone can no longer be used as before because of cracks in the Uru Ring.

But the good news is that Star-Lord has gained part of the power of the gods, and Thor will also come to help. The Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers together should be able to defeat Ultron.

"Now, let's go straight to find a fight with that guy named Ultron?"

Star-Lord, who heard clearly the conversation between Kevin and Thor, stepped forward to interject and asked.

Thor glanced at Star-Lord up and down, then turned to the other people in the spaceship. After looking at the tree man Groot for a while, he turned back to Kevin and said:

"Your team... is quite good. With them joining us, our winning rate may be even higher."

"Thank you, man, but it's not his team, it's my team, and I'm the captain."

Star-Lord pointed at himself.

Rocket immediately jumped out and said:

"How is it possible that you are the captain and I am the captain? You thought who was responsible for the maintenance of the spacecraft and the manufacturing of weapons!"

"Being able to repair spaceships and make weapons does not necessarily make you a captain! The leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy has always been me! Officially certified by Xandar!"

"I won't admit to the kind of officialdom that requires us to rescue Ronan. Anyway, I am the captain of this team!"

Star-Lord and Rocket were bickering every day. Thor looked at them. Perhaps realizing that he had said the wrong thing, he awkwardly changed the subject and said to Kevin:

“…They’re kind of interesting.”

"It's normal. Just like your team's Iron Man and Captain America often quarrel. This is a daily routine here."

Kevin smiled in response.

Watching Star-Lord and Rocket bicker, Kevin also felt that his tense mood just now relaxed a lot.

The Guardians of the Galaxy may not be the most powerful team, but they are definitely the team with the best team atmosphere.

At least here, no matter what kind of desperate situation they are, they can maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

Kevin loves Guardians of the Galaxy and loves being here.

If he wasn't from this world, he might really have adventures in the universe with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

As for what Yondu said, Kevin had already forgotten it.

What he didn't care about, Kevin felt that he cared. It was enough that they were his friends. He didn't care what others thought.

"Anyway, we are ready."

Thor instantly became serious, put down the table ornaments he was playing with, and said seriously to Kevin:

"I'm waiting for you now. After all, you said you would deal with Ultron."

The members of the Avengers also discussed whether to notify Kevin or not.

Some people think that Kevin is an alien and is not very credible. It is better to let the Avengers solve this matter, and this is what they did.

The earth's troubles should be solved by the earth.

But some people believe that having one more helper at critical moments brings more hope.

The infinite rough stones are of great importance, and Ultron is collecting the infinite rough stones again. Even if Kevin is not notified in the future, Kevin, as the holder of the Reality Stone, will definitely confront Ultron.

Rather than letting Kevin face Ultron unprepared and have the Reality Stone taken away by him, it would be better to go to him for help now and use the power of the Reality Stone to deal with Ultron.

Some people even suggested that they simply take the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and find a suitable person to use it, which might increase their winning rate.

But this proposal was ultimately rejected by Thor. After all, no one knows how to use the Cosmic Cube now.

If you take it directly to Ultron, it will easily become a door-to-door express delivery.

Therefore, after much discussion, the Avengers chose to let Thor find Kevin.

This is a crisis for the entire universe, and of course all the forces that can be mustered must be gathered.

"Is there anyone else besides you?"

After knowing the Avengers' considerations, Kevin continued to ask.

Thor thought for a while:

"A prince from Wakanda said he would help us, and the twin siblings who were transformed by the Mind Stone will also help. By the way, Nick also contacted another alien named Carol, who is a woman. Very powerful.”


When Thor said the last thing, Kevin's eyes widened instantly.

Boy, this is an all-star lineup.

Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver...even Captain Marvel rushed to the scene in person.

So why are you hesitating? With Captain Marvel here, isn't this a sure thing?

"Now that the shock team is here, what are we waiting for? Let's set off now!"

Knowing that this core figure who could C all over the place had arrived, Kevin immediately jumped up from his seat and couldn't wait to join the team to beat Ultron.

Thor looked at him in surprise:

"Do you know this person named Carol? Why did you get so excited when you heard she was coming?"

"I know her, she doesn't know me, and it doesn't matter whether I know her or not. What's important is that with her here, we should have no problem dealing with Ultron this time."

Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, is a first-rate and most vicious character in any universe.

Let’s not even mention the shitty “Team 2”. In other movies, Carol is like a talisman.

In Avengers, you can defeat Thanos, in "What If" you can defeat the six-jeweled Ultron for a short period of time, and you can fight Thor from the sky to the ground, and fight across the entire planet.

It can be said that Carol at this stage is the most powerful person besides Odin and Ancient One.

With such a big boss leading C, why should Kevin hesitate?

As for Thor?

It's not that Kevin looks down on Thor, it's just that this guy's performance is too unstable.

If you have a hammer in your hand, you can suppress everything in seconds. If you lose the hammer, you will be like a second-rate hero on the roadside, and anyone can take care of him.

The name of the Hammer God is truly well-deserved.

And not to mention his physical strength, in the "What If" series, except for the Thor who fought against Team Shock, all other Thors also ended early.

Either he was shot to death by Hawkeye's arrow, or he was destroyed by Ultron's large-scale nuclear bomb explosion.

Even Ego can rely on the crowd tactics to suppress him and prevent him from getting up. The majestic Thor has such difficulty even clearing a minion.

Although Kevin knows that a large part of this is for plot needs, so that Thor's strength has to be weakened.

But judging from the performance of the movie, Thor is indeed a little weaker than the Marvel team.

Seeing Kevin's high regard for Carol, Star-Lord was actually a little curious:

"Is this person named Carol so powerful that even you think you can't compare to her?"

"It's not a matter of incomparability...she is that kind of...very special, you know."

Kevin didn’t know how to describe it, so after thinking about it he decided to give up describing it and skip this topic:

"Anyway, let's just leave now. Thor, where is Ultron now?"

"I'll have Heimdall send us over using the Bifrost, but first... we have to go to the ground first, otherwise the ship will be blown up by the Bifrost's beam."

The Bifrost is not only a transportation method used by the Asgardians to transfer across galaxies, but it is also a weapon.

In the plot of the first Thor movie, Loki almost destroyed the earth in this way.

But when talking about Loki, Kevin suddenly remembered something:

"Wait a minute, who is using the Rainbow Bridge now?"


"Wasn't he exiled?"

"Why should he be exiled? He has done nothing wrong. Although my father has been a little stupid recently, he is not stupid to such a ridiculous level."

Thor frowned as he answered, seemingly dissatisfied with Kevin's question.

Kevin didn't know what to say.

According to the progress of the plot, even if this is a hypothetical world, Loki should replace Odin and take charge of Asgard at this stage.

After all, the "What If" universe is also following the main line of Marvel movies, at least most of the episodes are like this.

Heimdall has the superpower to see any corner of the universe, and it is easy to realize that the current Odin is Loki pretending to be Loki. Originally, Loki exiled Heimdall as a rebel because of this.

But now it seems that Loki has not taken action yet.

Then why don't you tell Thor about this and see if you can get some skill points?

Kevin rubbed his chin and thought about it, and decided to tell Thor this interesting thing after the battle.

Regardless of what Kevin was thinking, after deciding to set off, the Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor left the spacecraft and headed to the surface of the planet below to wait for the Bifrost transmission.

Not all is past for Guardians of the Galaxy .

Although all the veteran members will go, new member Mandy and Kraglin, who is in charge of driving the ship, will not go.

Nebula also has to shoulder the task of looking after the house and stay here to wait for the Guardians of the Galaxy to return.

Therefore, in the end, apart from the Guardians of the Galaxy and Kevin, there was only one Yondu who followed Thor.

Kevin actually doesn't want to let Yondu go. He is worried that under the influence of the power of fate, Yondu will die on the battlefield against Ultron.

Then isn't his work in vain?

But Yondu insisted on following, and there was nothing Kevin could do.

All I can say is respecting fate.

When everyone arrived on the ground, the colorful light spots of the Rainbow Bridge flashed in the sky and fell on everyone at extremely fast speeds.

The Rainbow Bridge enveloped everyone and they rushed toward their destination. Countless star systems turned into light spots and flashed outside the Rainbow Bridge.

This is a more advanced teleportation method than wormhole travel. It is a unique technology of Asgard. I don’t know if this technology can be shared.

If possible, Kevin would also like to get one for the Black Robe World.

See if there are any aliens outside the world of black robes.

The transmission method of the Rainbow Bridge is extremely fast. Everyone only felt that a few minutes had passed. It was as if they had taken an elevator and were transported from here to the fairy palace in Asgard in an instant.

After that, before Kevin could look around and enjoy the scenery of Asgard, Heimdall opened the Rainbow Bridge again and sent everyone from Asgard to the battlefield with Ultron.

When the rainbow-colored light dissipated, what Kevin saw was a red land.

This place is like the legendary hell, with bright red color everywhere, whether it is plants, soil, or the sky.

And in this red land, the Avengers were already fighting with the Ultron army.

Ultron seems to have used the resources here to create a lot of ordinary robots during this period.

Although the numbers cannot be said to be overwhelming, it is difficult for the Avengers to cope with them.

Especially now that the main members have not yet arrived.


No, where is Captain Marvel Carol?

After scanning the ground, Kevin failed to see Captain Marvel Carol. Just as he was about to look up, he saw a luminous humanoid object flying rapidly from a distance.

The luminous human-shaped object flew extremely fast, and the timing of its arrival was extremely sudden. Kevin just raised his head, and before he could react, he was hit by the human-shaped object.

Boom! !

With a dull impact, Kevin and the humanoid luminous body flew out together.

The two of them landed on the ground. Amidst the flying mud, a long ravine nearly a kilometer long appeared on the surface of the land.

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