Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 153 Do you want me to be the Supreme Mage?

The other side of the portal created by Kevin is at Kama Taj.

But Ancient One was not at Karma Taj. According to Yondu, the guardians of the New York Temple were on vacation today, and Ancient One went to help cover.

That's what he said.

Kevin then came to the New York Temple and saw Ancient One drinking tea on the rooftop of the temple.

"Relaxation is back?"

Seeing Kevin coming back, Gu Yi waved gently, and a cup of tea fell on the seat next to the tea table.

She was gesturing for Kevin to sit next to her.

Kevin took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

He sat opposite Gu Yi:

"Fighting Egg and then Ultron was far from relaxing."

"At least you got what you wanted, isn't that enough?"

The Ancient One refers to Ultron's body.

As a 'special product' of the Marvel world, Ultron's body can indeed help Kevin a lot. If Ultron's technology can be reversely introduced, the Walt Group managed by Kevin will really have no one in the black robe world. Invincible.

Even if those groups compete, how can they possibly compete with Kevin's black technology.

But now Kevin came to Gu Yi not to talk about this.

He sat next to Gu Yi unceremoniously and looked at her:

"I went to see Odin."

"Oh, is he feeling well?"

"It's okay...I heard Odin say that you mentioned me in front of him?"

"Is there any problem? Although Odin and I are not friends, at our current age, it seems normal for us to occasionally visit, meet old acquaintances, and chat about recent events?"

Gu Yi smiled and drank tea, as if things were really as she said.

She goes to chat with Odin and mentions Kevin, it's really just casual chat.

Kevin also wanted to think so. After all, he didn't think there was anything about him that could be favored by Ancient One and become a candidate for the next Supreme Mage.

This is outrageous.

But Kevin knew that Gu Yi was not the kind of person who really chatted casually.

"...Then what did you say about me? That I was a visitor from another world? Or..."

"My most proud disciple now, what do you think of this title?"

Kevin was still looking for a topic, but Gu Yi directly gave the answer.

The most proud disciple.

This sounds incredible, but Kevin doesn't think he can bear the title of Gu Yi.

He even thought for a moment that Ancient One was joking.

"...This joke...isn't actually very funny."

Gu Yi said nothing.

"...You're kidding, right?"

Kevin confirmed again, but Gu Yi just smiled and looked at him quietly.

The smile on Kevin's face completely disappeared. He took a deep breath again and tried to calm down his mood:

"Then my guess is indeed correct? You want me to...become the next Supreme Mage?"

"It's obvious."

"Why me? You should know that I am not from this world. I may leave at any time and never come back. I have no qualifications to become the Supreme Mage at all. The person who will truly become the Supreme Mage is..."

"Stephen Strange, I know that he is the person I have chosen, and he is indeed suitable to be the Supreme Mage, but you know, and I know, that he will also do some...troublesome things in the future. "

Gu Yi paused mid-sentence. She seemed to know what Strange would do in the future, but before that, there was indeed no mage who was better than Strange.

So Ancient One could only choose Strange until Kevin showed up.

Kevin was still thinking about what Gu Yi said, when Gu Yi faced him again and said:

"Actually, when you say this, you already have the qualifications to become the Supreme Mage."

"Which sentence?"

"'I am not qualified to be the Supreme Mage.' This sentence means that you clearly know what potential you have and what kind of power you will have in the future, but you still think that you will not become the Supreme Mage. This alone makes you qualified. "

Kevin himself can also see how powerful Kevin will be in the future.

As long as he keeps investing skill points in the skill tree, he will change jobs for the second time, the third job transfer, and even countless job changes in the future.

He will become stronger and stronger, more and more like a god.

At that time, the position of a supreme mage will mean nothing at all.

But Kevin still feels that he is not qualified to sit in this position.

The reason is that the position of Supreme Mage does not represent strength, but a kind of responsibility.

The Supreme Mage has to protect the earth in the Marvel world and protect it from the invasion of multiple dimensions. This is a heavy responsibility.

Kevin doesn't think he can afford such a responsibility.

Gu Yi should also understand that he is not suitable to bear such a responsibility.

"I still don't understand, why me...why did you choose me from the beginning? Have I done anything?"

Kevin didn't understand.

He didn't think much about it before, but now when he recalled the first meeting with Gu Yi, Kevin knew that Gu Yi might have had similar thoughts from the beginning.

Even when Kevin came to this world, the moment she met Ancient One, she had the idea of ​​​​letting Kevin inherit the Supreme Mage.

But Kevin couldn't understand why Gu Yi did this.

Kevin looked directly into Gu Yi's eyes seriously, hoping to get the answer from her mouth.

Gu Yi did not answer directly, but suddenly asked Kevin:

"You should know that I can see the future?"


"Then aren't you curious about what the future I see is like?"

"...You want to say that your choice of me has something to do with the future you see?"

Kevin asked.

He had guessed before that the reason Gu Yi was friendly to him was because she saw something about his future, but it was never confirmed.

What Gu Yi said now is equivalent to confirming Kevin's suspicion.

But what Kevin never expected was that the truth was much more ridiculous than he imagined.

"That's right." The Ancient One replied, "If you know me, you should understand that the future I see is just a possibility of the future, just like a tributary extending next to a river.

“The world we live in is like a boat drifting down a river. The boat may continue down the main road, or it may cross a tributary to reach a different destination.

"The water flow is changing rapidly, and the future is constantly changing. Some people may be heroes saving the world one second, and become villains destroying the world the next... But you are different."

Ancient One finally got to the point.

She turned to Kevin and said softly:

"In all the futures I have seen, you have never harmed the world. Even in many timelines, you have been protecting the world and never changed.

"I don't care what kind of person you are in other universes, but in the universe where I exist now, you will never become a villain. This is the reason why I choose you."

"That's impossible, I'm not that kind of person!"

After Gu Yi finished speaking, Kevin denied it decisively.

He didn't think that the person Gu Yi was talking about was him.

Everything Kevin does now has its own purpose. Saving the world, rescuing plot characters, and killing certain bosses are all to obtain skill points and turn them into nutrients to make himself stronger.

He would not do something that would sacrifice himself for others, because he is simply not that kind of person.

So if in the future, hurting the world might bring Kevin a lot of skill points, then he might do it if he hesitates.

This is not to say there is no possibility, but it is certainly far from ‘zero’.

But now with Ancient One, Kevin's future is to become a great sage who protects the world, and there is not even the slightest possibility of becoming bad.

This is simply a fantasy.

Kevin felt that Gu Yi must have become less clear-headed in his later years, otherwise how could he come to such an outrageous conclusion.

"I know that you will not become the kind of person I said now, because you have no nostalgia for this world at all, but I still believe in the future I see."

Ancient One also admitted that the Kevin she knows now is different from the Kevin she will see in the future.

At least, Kevin now has very few feelings for the world, and he never seems to take some people in this world seriously.

Gu Yi also had some doubts about whether he had seen it wrong.

But no matter how many times he has seen the future, the ending is always the same, and Gu Yi can only choose to believe in Kevin.

I believe he will become what he sees in the future.

Gu Yi's firm belief left Kevin at a loss for words. He opened his mouth slightly, and after a while he said:

"...It is impossible for me to become the Supreme Mage, because I am not sure whether I will come back after I leave here."

"Just let it be."

Gu Yi looked away from Kevin, continued drinking tea, and jumped to another topic:

"Aren't you going to take out the Reality Stone on your body? Wait a moment and I'll take it out for you."

"..." Gu Yi was unwilling to continue talking, and Kevin had no way to go on. He held it in for a while, and finally had no choice but to skip the topic and thank Gu Yi emphatically:

"...Then I'll trouble you."

"You are welcome."

Furuichi smiled at Kevin.

With the help of Ancient One, the ether particles were separated from Kevin's body with little effort.

Ancient One also prepared a special container to turn the ether particles into reality gems and return them to Kevin.

After reacquiring the Reality Stone, Kevin did not stay with Karma Taj.

Ever since he knew that Gu Yi was interested in training him to become the next supreme mage, Kevin always felt that something was wrong, and he had a mentality that "there are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me."

He didn't dare to stay in Kama Taj for fear that he would be captured by Ancient One and become the supreme mage here. Kevin joined the Silver Guards non-stop and began to collect materials for making a gem crusher.

Thor contacted the leader of the dwarf clan and confirmed that the Infinity Stone Crusher could be produced. He also gave Thor the corresponding material list, and everyone could collect it according to this list.

With the help of the Guardians of the Galaxy in space, the Infinity Stone Crusher was built with little effort.

It's as simple as what Gamora and Tony did in an episode of "What If".

After a screen passes, the Infinity Stone Crusher is completed.

There was nothing to say about what happened after that. Everyone took almost all the infinite stones they knew about.

Thor took the Cosmic Cube hidden inside the Asgard, broke it into pieces, took out the space gems inside, and threw them into the crusher first.

Next up is Kevin, who throws the Reality Stone in, followed by the Heart and Soul.

By the way, Kevin had taken the Reality Stone back to the Collector before, but before the Collector could play with it for a few days, Thor led everyone in Asgard to take away the Reality Stone stored in the Collector's place. Came back and handed it over to Kevin again.

Well, the Reality Stone was returned anyway, so it doesn’t count as a breach of contract.

All four gems were shattered, Kevin gained twelve skill points, and one infinity gem provided him with three skill points.

Not too much, but not too little either. After all, this is just an infinite gem in one universe.

There are so many universes in the Marvel world, and all the Infinity Stones combined are enough to fill up Kevin's skill tree.

As long as Kevin can find a way to travel across the multiverse.

At the end there are two Infinity Stones left.

One is on Xandar, which requires Asgard to talk to Xandar and ask them to hand over the saved power gems to them.

The other time stone cannot be moved yet.

Because Ancient One wants to use it to protect multiple dimensions, at least until Strange grows up, the Time Stone cannot be shattered.

Of course, if Kevin is willing to accept the position of Supreme Mage, Ancient One is not unable to give him the Time Stone.

Anyway, the guardian of the Time Stone will be Kevin, and what he is willing to do with the Time Stone has nothing to do with Ancient One, because she will have retired by then.

But...Kevin doesn't want to be chained to this world.

It’s just three skill points, if you don’t want it, don’t, it’s no big deal.

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