Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 165 On the road again

This is just the beginning of the ‘revelation’ of Alkali’s conspiracy.

Kevin has planned everything. After that, he will find ways to find those 'victims' and follow the victims live.

And there is no doubt that the most accessible victim around Kevin is 'Laura'.

Yes, Kevin will later find opportunities to observe Laura and tell the public what happened to Laura.

Kevin was sorting out his next plan. Next to Kevin, the black man Paul had a look of death on his face. He slumped on the ground and murmured:

"It's's all over...I will definitely be killed by the Alkali Group..."

Find out more about committing suicide by being shot thirteen times in the back.

Kevin smiled and patted him on the shoulder:

"Don't be so pessimistic, friend. If this thing is successful, you will be a hero for mutant people. Show up and act like a hero."

Kevin looked at the black man Paul and became more and more satisfied.

He suddenly admired himself. He actually left a black man alive when he left him alive. With Paul's race, if he did such a 'heroic' thing, he would naturally attract a large number of black people to support him.

And Kevin's current white status can also get the support of many red noses.

Of course, Kevin is also very aware that his video is not perfect, and there must be loopholes in this thing upon closer inspection.

But the problem is that the American people just do this, and what if there are loopholes? If the evidence is real, that is enough.

Finally, there is the problem that naturally exists in the X-Men world, the confrontation between mutants and humans.

Kevin can vouch for this. This problem is not a problem at all in today's era.

If the current era were 2004, that is, twenty-five years ago, Kevin would have launched a similar video to guide public opinion, but it would definitely not have the desired effect.

Magneto was around at that time, and under Magneto's tireless 'terrorist destruction', most people were extremely disgusted with mutants.

Kevin's doing this will actually make them have a rebellious mentality, and many people will think that the Alkali Group is doing a good job.

But now it is 2029, a full 25 years since new mutants have been born.

In the past 25 years, the number of mutants has become increasingly rare. They are hiding in hiding, and now there is not a single mutant on the streets.

Most of the people who hated mutants back then are already old. Many young and middle-aged people today don't know how scary mutants are.

The United States is also an extremely 'free' country.

Even when a rat dies, there are people shouting that "rats also have the right to live." Carrying out genocide on an entire race is something they absolutely cannot accept.

Kevin can be sure that someone will definitely attack the Alkali Group over this matter.

It won't even be long before the United States will spontaneously set up a "mutant rights protection department" to protect the lives of mutants to the greatest extent.

Kevin happily thought about the next operation.

Paul, a black man, looked as if a relative had died.

He regrets it very much now. He regrets it very much. If he had known it would turn out like this, he might as well have been trampled to death by Kevin, which would have at least led to a quicker death.


He is famous, but at the same time he is definitely on the Alkali Group's blacklist. God knows what kind of torture he will suffer if one day he is caught by the Alkali Group.

Because of his work in the Alkali Group, Paul knew how they would deal with traitors.

"I'm dead...I'm definitely dead..."

Paul squatted on the ground holding his head.

Kevin comforted him patiently, as if an ancient god whispered in his ear:

"Don't worry, as long as you are famous, if you die, it will prove that the Alkali Group is guilty of thieves. They will not kill you now, or in other words, they will not kill you before you lose popularity. Do you understand?"

"What do you want to say...?"

"What I mean is obvious. As long as you continue to help me, you can live, and you will become a hero in the minds of many people, a warrior who dares to fight against power. But on the other hand, if you choose to give up... you understand that you will What to experience.”

"Help you...I can live..."

Paul muttered.

What Kevin said was easy to understand, and Paul seemed to understand what he was going to do next.

There was a bit of brilliance in his originally dark eyes, which turned into determination after a few seconds.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I know what I should do."

At this point, Paul has no way to turn back. He can only choose to go with Kevin and go to the dark side.

And he wants to make himself more and more famous, publish his every move in the public eye, and prevent the Alkali Group from 'assassinating' him to the greatest extent.

Perhaps in this way, he could allow himself to continue living.

Seeing that Paul had been fooled...convinced by him, Kevin nodded with satisfaction.

He took out the transparent mask from his pocket and handed it to Paul and said:

"Today's action ends here. I will continue to contact you after that. Before I contact you, you should hide with this mask. When it is time for you to appear, I will call you."

"This mask is..."

"It's something that can change your appearance. Don't worry, I won't harm you."

At least not now.

On the contrary, Kevin wants to keep Paul alive, a black fighter, playing the racial discrimination card is the most convenient.

If the Alkali Group's attempt to exterminate mutants is defined as obvious racial discrimination, then some people, whether black, white or other races, will join in denouncing the Alkali Group.

Especially now that political correctness is becoming increasingly popular.

Paul, who had already boarded Kevin's pirate ship, had no other choice. He took the mask from Kevin and put it on his face. The surface of the transparent mask flickered. After a moment, Paul turned into another strange appearance.

After confirming that Paul had changed his appearance, Kevin left a special rune on him and said:

"I left a mark on you, and I can sense you at any time, so don't even think about escaping, let alone reporting us, otherwise you know what the consequences will be."

Even at this point, Kevin didn't completely believe him.

Although normal people know very well that now Paul has no other choice but to trust Kevin, but who knows if Paul's head will suddenly get crazy and he will report them to the government in exchange for a chance of survival.

Not afraid of 10,000, but afraid of the unexpected. To be on the safe side, Kevin decided to leave an insurance policy on Paul to prevent this guy from suddenly reporting them.

Letting Paul go, Kevin returned to the farmer's house before dawn.

Because Kevin solved the crisis in advance, everything was peaceful in the farmer's family that night.

In the early morning, the farmer and Logan were preparing the firewood to be used next. When they saw Kevin coming back, the farmer Will said hello to Kevin:

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Mr. Mengsen, good morning, Uncle Logan."

Kevin greeted the two of them in the same way.

Kevin calls Logan "Uncle" because in Logan's introduction, Kevin and they are not from the same family, but he takes them with him when traveling because they are related by blood.

So Kevin has to call Logan "uncle" in front of outsiders.

Although Logan is old enough to be Kevin’s great-grandfather…

Seeing Kevin coming back, Logan had a complicated look on his face. He put down the work at hand, told the farmer, took Kevin to a remote corner and asked:

"Where were you last night?"

"Going to find trouble with the Alkali Group."

Kevin didn't hide anything. He took out his mobile phone and switched to the video website, showed the video he posted to Logan, and gave an explanation:

"It's useless to just run away. If we don't expose what the Alkali Group has done, even if we escape to the sea, they will eventually come to us.

"If you want to get rid of them completely, you have to defeat them through public opinion. It just so happens that I am better at this aspect."

"...In other words, you have revealed your appearance?"

After Logan heard this, he was not as happy as Kevin imagined. Instead, his cheeks twitched and asked Kevin back.

Kevin knew what he was worried about, so he took out a pair of black-rimmed glasses and put them on his face, and put some stubble on his chin.

In the blink of an eye, Kevin's image changed from a slightly comely young man to a mature 'uncle' who is close to thirty.

Logan didn't say anything when he saw this scene. He threw the phone back to Kevin and said:

"It's useless. The video will be deleted soon."

"What if I said, I can guarantee that the video will not be deleted?"

"Then it's impossible for you to bring down the Alkali Group in this way. Do you think such a large group can be brought down so easily by the 'rumors' you published?"

"Of course I know that just one video cannot damage the Alkali Group, but I have other means."

Although the remaining means cannot be used immediately, Kevin does have them.

Now there is only one question left, and that is how far the U.S. government can support the Alkali Group.

If all governments wholeheartedly support the Alkali Group to eliminate mutants, then Kevin's operation may not be able to shake Alkali's core.

But on the contrary, as long as some of these congressmen don't like Alkali, then Kevin can guarantee to solve the problem that Logan and the others are facing now.

Logan looked at Kevin in surprise.

He didn't understand where Kevin's confidence lay, and it was only now that Logan realized that he had never understood the mutant who suddenly appeared and chose to help them.

After a long silence, Logan suddenly asked:

"...I heard Caliban say that you are looking for Phoenix Girl?"

"Yes, but I know she is very important to you. If I said I wanted to visit Phoenix Girl's grave, you probably wouldn't agree, so I chose to help you first."

Kevin did not hide his purpose. When facing Logan, he felt it was better to be sincere.

"You just want to see her?"

Logan continued to ask.

Kevin nodded:

"Yes, I just want to see her."

The Phoenix Force resides in Jean Gray's body. Even if she dies, if there is no new host, she will probably stay near Jean Grey.

Kevin didn't know how the skill tree would allow him to come into contact with the Phoenix Force, but he thought that as long as he went to Jean Grey, the skill tree would have a way for the Phoenix Force to appear and contact Kevin.

Kevin's expression was serious and sincere. Logan took out a cigarette and smoked it. After thinking for a long time, he said to Kevin:

“After sending Laura off, I will take you over to have a look.”

"Thank you, but aren't you curious why I want to find Phoenix Girl?"

When he was sure that Logan had no intention of delving further, Kevin asked with a little curiosity.

Qin was someone Logan used to like. Kevin, a stranger, said he wanted to meet her. Logan should be very surprised.

But he didn't ask.

Rogan explained:

"You will say what you want to say yourself. If you don't want to say it, it's useless even if I ask."

Logan finished the cigarette in one gulp, threw the cigarette butt to the ground and stamped it out, and said to Kevin again:

"Okay, let's pack up. It's time for us to set off."

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