Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 167 The actors are also quite scary

"...Just a wild wolf."

Kevin was silent for a long time and came to Logan's rescue.

Logan echoed:

"Yes, a... wild wolf, we are going to put him... him..."


Supplement to the Temptations of Caliban.


Everyone fell silent. Charles looked at a few people speechlessly for a while and said:

"Logan, my memory is bad, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid. I can still distinguish between human thoughts and animal thoughts."

"Does this guy still have thoughts?"

Logan asked in surprise, Charles stared at him:

"Then you admit that the person behind you is a human?"


Logan continued to remain silent, looking at Kevin wordlessly.

His intention was obvious, he wanted Kevin to explain.

Kevin sighed and said helplessly:

"Okay, let me be honest. The one at the back is actually similar to Laura. His name is X24, and he is a clone of Logan. I brought him with me to see if I can make him ours. With help..."

"Then why let him be in the back?"

"Because he is dangerous." Logan added, "If Kevin hadn't insisted on taking him, I wouldn't have taken him into the car at all!"

Logan didn't understand why Kevin insisted on taking X24 with him on the road. If Kevin hadn't helped them so much and X24 was under their control, Logan would have never taken X24 with him to North Dakota.

Charles looked at Kevin this time.

Kevin kept his eyes, nose, nose, and heart without saying anything, and was playing with his phone to edit the video.

Bringing X24 here was out of Kevin's selfish motives. There was no way to explain it. Even if he lied to deceive Charles, the secret would definitely be revealed in the future.

So it would be better not to say anything at all. Anyway, now that they have brought X24, it is impossible to throw away X24 midway.

Well, it shouldn't be possible... right?

Thinking about Logan's current character, Kevin felt a little less confident.

While Kevin and Logan and their group were leisurely traveling to North Dakota, within the Alkali Group, the top management of the board of directors was having intense discussions.

"Have you deleted that video?"

"The video has been locked using special technology and cannot be deleted. We can only try to block it..."

"BOSS, the Secretary of State called. He is asking what is going on."

"There are also several food companies who said they would temporarily terminate cooperation with us..."

The boardroom was in chaos. A white-haired elderly white man with a slightly distorted expression turned into a table-cleaning master and angrily swept all the objects on the table to the ground.

He is the CEO of Alkali Group, and his status is equivalent to Edgar of Walter Group.

But compared to Edgar, this guy is obviously a bit restless.

Don't blame him for being impatient.

If what is happening now is placed in the world of black robes, Compound No. 5 has been exposed by the news, but the Walter Group has not yet used the means to change the topic.

Now the chairman of Alkali is facing such a dilemma.

Groups that cooperated with them called one after another to hold them accountable, and some even terminated cooperation altogether.

The State Department, which was supposed to be on their side, also had many people attacking the Alkali Group.

Either they were asking whether what Alkali was doing was true, or they were accusing them of not hiding what they were doing. Such important information was actually placed in the office of the branch leader.

The chairman also had something to say about this.

As the head of a mere group branch, his status is not enough to have access to the core strategy of Alkali Group.

Perhaps he did keep documents about various genetically modified foods.

But he is definitely not qualified to know everything about [Weapon X Project]! How could that document appear in his office!

And what the hell is "Weapon X Project"? ! This experiment doesn't even have an official name!

It is indeed true that there is indeed no information on the production of mutants in the office of the branch leader.

Those materials were things Kevin printed out casually.

But whether there is relevant information in the office of the branch leader is no longer the focus of their discussion now.

Because even if the document itself is fake, the content inside is genuine.

The Alkali Group is indeed conducting relevant experiments.

Now the group's public relations department is trying its best to clear up the relationship, but the chairman knows that this is far from enough.

They want to destroy all evidence about the Weapon X program, especially those experimental mutants who escaped!

"Go get Les over here!!"

Thinking of this, the chairman roared at his subordinates.

Soon, the scientific research director Sandor Rice came to him.

Before Sandel could speak, the chairman spat at him:

"I don't care what method you use! Within two days! I want you to destroy all the mutants who escaped! Listen clearly, it's all of them!!"

"Sir... we have tried our best, but the problem now is that there is a powerful mutant among them, and we can't get close to them."

Sandor explained bravely.

He also wanted to solve everything that happened now in a short period of time, but Kevin's existence blocked him like a big mountain.

Sandel still hasn't figured out what kind of abilities Kevin has.

The group of security members who tried to get close to him last night were almost wiped out. Even the X24 used as insurance disappeared without a trace. It was probably a disaster but a misfortune.

Sandel even believed that instead of worrying that the escaping mutants would cause trouble to them, they should worry about the powerful mutant coming to their door in person.

Through these two days of research, Sandel has determined that within a certain distance, no creature with a brain can approach that guy.

Just like...the former Professor X.

"I don't care about that! I've already contacted the military! Use missiles, anti-materiel weapons, whatever! In short... I want to see the end of the matter within two days!"

The chairman continued to yell at Sandel.

After yelling, he slumped down on the chair out of breath. His violent breathing made people worry that he would lose his breath in the next second.

The chairman's attitude made Sandel understand that he might have no way out.

Even the military will be dispatched. It seems that the video released early this morning really made the Alkali Group feel the crisis.

Otherwise, the Alkali Group would not use its military connections.

However, since the military is dispatched, there should be no big problems in this operation.

The enemy is neither Magneto, who can control metal, nor Phoenix, who can control everything in the world.

Just a mutant with special attack methods against living things.

There is really no way to deal with him at close range, but long-range attacks should be feasible.

When they join the group of escaped experimental subjects, Sandel can completely eliminate them with long-range strikes.

Even tactical nukes.

"I understand, don't worry sir, I will resolve this matter as soon as possible."

After receiving a new task from the chairman of Alkali Group, Sandel left the conference room and began to make arrangements.

Without Caliban who can track the mutants, it is somewhat difficult for Sandel to find those mutants.

But luckily, when Sandel later investigated the laboratory where the experimental subjects escaped, he found an abandoned photo.

This photo belongs to a certain experimental subject, and the content of the photo is a group photo of all children.

On the back of the photo was a sentence and an address, which stated that the experimental subjects were preparing to meet somewhere in 'North Dakota'.

And the approximate coordinates are marked.

Therefore, Sandel guessed that these children should gather at the coordinates marked above.

Including the mutants who are now escaping with Laura.

Therefore, as long as you arrive here in advance, you should be able to catch everyone in one go.

"It's such a pity...I originally wanted to keep a few alive."

After planning what to do next in his mind, Sandor sighed secretly.

Among several children, one or two were actually experimental subjects that Sandel was quite satisfied with.

Like Laura, like a black kid who can control earth and rocks.

But unfortunately, now there is an order from above that all these children who were trained as weapons can only be 'executed', and they must be executed without leaving any traces.

After sighing for a while, Sandel turned to his subordinates and said:

"Call the new security chief to come see me."

The former security chief, Donald, was dead, and even the men he trained had all died at the hands of that mutant.

The current head of security was just a temporary promotion, so Sandel could speak to him in a commanding tone.

Anyway, this guy is also a disposable consumable.

Faced with the mutant who could kill people from afar, Sandel didn't think he could survive long.

The trip to North Dakota was a little more boring.

Because Charles got sick again midway and couldn't remember who Logan and the people around him were.

Especially Kevin, this 'family member' who joined later, Charles didn't remember at all, but the strange thing was that he remembered Laura, which made Kevin dumbfounded.

In order not to stress Charles, after arriving in the next city, Kevin and Caliban went to the second-hand car market to buy a cheap car and followed Logan's car.

Although this can be regarded as being 'kicked out', the advantage is that everyone does not have to be squeezed into the same car.

With an independent car, Kevin also started his own work.

A follow-up observation of poor little girl Laura.

"Viewers, it's me, Kevin. Yes, I'm fine, and my friend Paul is fine, too. It's just that now we are evading the pursuit of the Alkali Group, so we are running for our lives.

"But luckily, on the way, we encountered the experimental subjects mentioned by the Alkali Group in "Weapon X Project"..."

As soon as he got in the car, Kevin held up his mobile phone and pointed it at the vehicle in front to take pictures and add explanations.

He said in a sad and angry tone:

"It's hard to imagine that in addition to achieving genocide, the Alkali Group is also conducting experiments on children! On the one hand, they want to eliminate mutants, and on the other hand, they want to cultivate their own mutant weapons!

"And this is the core content of "Weapon X Project"!"

Kevin said passionately, and Caliban, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at Kevin with a rather strange expression.

It was the first time he saw Kevin perform, and it was also the first time he saw a professional actor performing in front of him.

If Caliban didn't know what a dangerous guy Kevin is, he might really believe what Kevin is saying now.

Actors...can be quite scary sometimes...

Looking at the performance of the people next to him, Caliban sighed in his heart.

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