Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 173 The live broadcast of the performance begins!

Chapter 173 Performance... Live broadcast begins!

Actually...there are still options.

Kevin wanted to say that to Logan.

He was just going out to show off. Under the live broadcast of the TV station, Kevin's life would definitely not be in danger, and even if the Alkali Group dealt with Kevin with a must-kill mentality, they would not be able to break through Kevin's body's defense. .

With Kevin's current physical fitness, it is probably a bit reluctant to say that he can withstand nuclear bombs, but conventional thermal weapons can no longer cause damage to Kevin's body.

Therefore, Kevin will not have any problems if he deals with the Alkali Group by himself.

But if Logan goes out with him, the outcome may be completely different.

Logan's body has been weakened to a certain extent. Years of fading abilities and the erosion of the body by Adamantium alloy have made his body unable to withstand things that are too 'nutritious'.

Those medicines that work on the new mutants will make his body even weaker.

While the potion lasts, Logan may return to his physical condition when he was young, but when the effect of the potion ends, his condition may be even worse than it is now.

Therefore, Kevin doesn't really want Logan to go with him.

It took a lot of effort for Logan to have a vague idea of ​​living. He didn't want Logan to die here.

But Logan insisted on following, and Kevin had no choice but to protect him as much as possible.

"...Wait a minute, you come with me, try to hurt people and don't kill anyone at the beginning."

Kevin said softly to Logan as he walked away from the kids.

Logan's expression instantly became stunned. He looked at Kevin with great confusion, as if he had heard such ridiculous remarks:

"What are you talking about?! They are here to kill us!"

Logan didn't believe that the words just came from Kevin's mouth.

It’s not like Logan has never seen Kevin’s previous methods of dealing with the Alkali Group.

He knew that Kevin was not the kind of person who would be soft-hearted, let alone the kind of person who couldn't kill anyone.

Because of this, Logan now doesn't understand what Kevin said.

If you don't kill people, why are you resisting? Wouldn't it be easier to just surrender?

"...I contacted the TV station, did you see the helicopter over there? It was the TV station's live broadcast aircraft, and there were reporters on it.

"With them watching, the Alkali Group will not kill unless it is absolutely necessary. Similarly, as victims, we should try not to kill... at least not in the early stages."

"Did you contact the TV station?"

Logan was startled, his eyes turned to the two black spots in the sky, and he suddenly realized something: "...You...had known for a long time that the Alkali Group would come for you?"

"It's not difficult to guess, but I didn't expect Alkali and the others to actually dare to use weapons of mass destruction."

Kevin wasn't lying.

He guessed that the Alkali Group would come for them, and he also guessed that the other party might use some secret weapons, such as X25, X26 and other things that had not appeared in movies.

But Kevin didn't expect that they could get support from part of the military.

But that's fine. Since the military ended up standing against Kevin and others, when the American government discovered this broadcast, they couldn't continue to sit idly by.

Several of Kevin's videos have long portrayed himself and mutant children as victims of bullying.

Several victims, despite being oppressed, did not kill anyone, but tried their best to save the lives of their enemies.

This kind of behavior is stupid, but it can easily move those kind-hearted and emotional people.

It is also commonly known as the ‘Madonna’.

When Kevin was pushed to the limit and his life would be in danger if he didn't fight back, Kevin and Logan had no choice but to destroy the enemy, so that they would have a reason to kill.

Because this is legitimate defense.

And it's a legitimate defense under everyone's gaze.

After this matter has passed, the State Department cannot use "they are mutants who harm humans" as an excuse to embarrass Kevin and others.

As long as the audience is not blind, they can all see who is killing whom.

Logan is no longer in the mood to accuse Kevin.

The person who chose to stay here and wait until early morning to set off was not Kevin. Even if Kevin had said that the Alkali Group would come at any time, the children probably would not have set off immediately.

After all, Logan really reminded him.

One code after another, the topic returned to the present, fighting with the people of the Alkali Group and not killing people, which was somewhat difficult for Logan.

The steel claws and Adamantium alloy in his body are designed to kill people. If he is not allowed to kill, it is equivalent to using up his claws.

So after skipping the topic, Logan said to Kevin:

"It's impossible to stop them without killing people."

"I know, so as long as we don't kill people in the early stage and establish the image of the victim well, and then we are forced to fight back, the public opinion against us will not be that big in the future."

"What to do now?"

"First of all, I'll start a live broadcast."

Kevin took out his cell phone from his chest.

When the two were talking just now, Kevin had stopped recording the video to avoid recording some words that should not be recorded.

Now that the conversation is over, the helicopter in the distance is also approaching here. Kevin can just rub the live broadcast antenna on the plane to broadcast the current situation.

After skillfully opening the website, finding the live broadcast page, and connecting the high-tech equipment given by Rocket to the live broadcast page to prevent someone from suddenly blowing up the live broadcast room, Kevin turned to Logan and asked:

"Are you ready?"

"what to prepare?"

Logan, who had never done a live broadcast before, had no idea what Kevin meant.

But Kevin looked at his confused look and laughed:

"That's it, that's fine."

With that said, Kevin started the live broadcast.

"Hello everyone, I'm Kevin..."

On the live broadcast page, the haggard face of young Kevin appeared in the live broadcast room.

At that moment, countless comments poured in.

[Oh, my God, I can finally talk to you! 】

[Read the comments, Kevin! Someone has given you some advice, saying that in this case you can seek help from the United Nations! See your video comments for details! 】

[I saw the TV broadcast...Is the TV station nearby? 】

[I also watched TV, and I saw the military attacking those children! Oh my God! How dare they! ! 】

The comments were mixed with a variety of expressions, ranging from horror to tears to sad faces.

Kevin just casually glanced at the comments that flashed beside him. His eyes were slightly red, and he thanked him with great emotion:

"Thank you... thank you for your concern, I really... really appreciate it!

"But there is no way, I can't do what the comments say, because I can't be sure if there are people from the Alkali Group in the United Nations. Everyone knows that their power is too huge...

"We can only escape and take the children to a shelter in Canada, but... But even so, they will not let us go!"

When Kevin said this, he flipped the video screen so that the picture in front of him was in front of everyone's eyes.

On the relatively flat earth and rock ground in the distance, military jeeps and armed helicopters were rushing towards this direction.

Just looking at it gives people a suffocating sense of oppression.

The comment area on the right side of the video exploded at this moment, with comments one after another sliding up without stopping.

Often, that comment is pushed up by the next comment before Kevin can see the specific content clearly.

However, although the comments flashed very quickly, Kevin could still roughly understand what the netizens were talking about.

Most of them were messages such as 'It's too scary', 'How dare they do this', 'Kevin guys run away'.

Others are blaming the government and the military, asking them what they are doing and why they haven’t sent out rescue yet.

Some people even began to suspect that the plan to eliminate mutants was not just the idea of ​​the Alkali Group itself, but that governments of various countries may also be involved.

I have to say that this netizen’s guess is extremely close to the truth.

There are many comments and almost no negative ones. On the one hand, this is because Kevin has set up automatic filtering and negative comments cannot be sent.

On the other hand, everyone is paying close attention to this matter, knowing that anyone who dares to make negative comments at this time will definitely be caught and sprayed to death, so the comment area is full of support for Kevin and the mutant children.

Logan looked at the comments that flashed by, and suddenly had a dreamlike feeling, as if he was in a dream.

There was a time when the relationship between mutants and humans was at odds with each other.

Radicals on both sides wanted to completely exterminate the other side, and it almost turned into a world war.

The conflicts in the past were obviously so serious, but why did Logan see only solidarity with mutants now and no malice towards mutants at all?

Are just twenty years of change enough to make humans forget their disputes with mutants?

Logan couldn't believe it for a moment.

Before this, Kevin said that he wanted to start some kind of public opinion war on the Internet and occupy the moral high ground. Logan still thought it was ridiculous.

Things like ‘propaganda’, ‘public opinion war’, ‘cyber violence’, etc., to an old guy like Rogen, they sound like they are just listening to scripture.

Logan, who has no relevant knowledge reserves, simply does not think Kevin can successfully reverse the plight of the mutants with what he said.

but now……

Logan felt as if he had been opened to a new world.

"Everyone saw it, they actually contacted the military and worked with the military to round us up! They want to 'clean up' us!"

When Logan was in a trance, Kevin's sad and angry voice sounded in his ears again. He turned the camera over and said to the camera:

"...There is no way, I know we can't escape, but at least...we have to let those poor children leave. They are innocent and their lives should not be left here."

【You are innocent too! ! 】

[Damn, is there no one who can control the damn Alkali Group? ! 】

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I can't do it anymore, I don't dare to watch anymore...Kevin, don't worry about those children, just run away! None of us will blame you! 】

"No, I will not leave. Although I know that I have nothing to do with them, it is understandable to run away, but... my conscience will be uneasy, and I will not allow any child to die before me! "

Kevin's impassioned words left Logan stunned.

No... I haven't seen you being such a self-sacrificing person in the past few days... Why did you change your attitude in front of the camera?

Logan cursed in his heart, and for a moment he even felt that the Kevin in front of him was not Kevin, but Mystique.

"And...I'm not fighting alone!"

Logan was still muttering in his mind, but Kevin pointed the camera at Logan before he could react:

"Look! Former X-Men member, Wolverine is with me! He will work with me to stop the Alkali Group from harming those children!"


When Kevin's camera turned to him, Logan's expression was stunned again.

He never thought that there was something about him involved, and Kevin had not discussed it with him before. Now that he was caught on camera, Logan suddenly became at a loss.

In the end... Logan could only tentatively raise his hand and say hello with an ugly smile:

"Um...Hi, everyone?"

Just a greeting made the audience in the live broadcast room explode.

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