Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 232 Water magic is not like this

When it comes to underwater speed, Kevin can easily exceed Mach 2. Even now that his physique has reached level 6, with all-round improvements, Kevin can reach speeds of up to Mach 9 in the water.

That is the so-called nine times the speed of sound!

But Kevin never knew that Neptune Arthur could be so fast.

"Arthur actually came here in person?"

When Mera heard that it was Arthur chasing after her, Mera was startled at first, and then suddenly realized something was wrong:

"How did he know where I was?!"

If Arthur declared war on land before and asked them to hand over Mera, the princess of Zebel Kingdom, it can be explained by saying that he wanted to use Mera as an excuse.

But now that Arthur himself has come to the door, it proves that he does have some way to locate Mera's location.

But Mera didn't have any jewelry on her body, and even the armor she wore before was hidden somewhere on the beach. How did Arthur locate her?

"It's not important anymore! Batman, can you continue to accelerate?"

Kevin, who didn't want to confront Arthur for the time being, asked Batman.

Batman looked at the map and said:



"The Trench Country you mentioned should be right in front of you."

Hearing what Batman said, Mera immediately looked towards the map.

"That's right! The Trench Country is ahead. If Arthur doesn't slow down, he will also crash into the land of death!"

"But he really didn't slow down!"

In Kevin's perception, Arthur's speed not only did not slow down, but actually became a little faster.

It seemed like he was determined to catch up with Mera.

"He wants to stop us before we enter the Trench Country!"

Batman sees Arthur's purpose.

Although the Trench Country is close at hand, considering the speed of Mach 2 of the Bat Fighter, it is actually still a long way away.

If Arthur could stop the Bat Fighter before then, he wouldn't have to follow Kevin and the others into the territory of the Trench Country.

This may be Arthur's purpose!

"That's a good idea."

Kevin, who knew Arthur's purpose, curled his lips.

Although sitting on the fighter plane, Kevin could not go down to meet the enemy, but this did not mean that he really had no way to stop Arthur.

Opening the skill tree, Kevin looked at the number of skill points on it, and without hesitation used a few skill points to increase the water magic change system to level five.

Most of the water magic change systems are active skills, and each one from 0 to level 5 requires only seven skill points.

Moreover, Kevin also raised these skills to level three before, so now that he has raised the skills of the [Change] system to level five, each skill only requires four skill points.

A total of three skills cost a total of twelve points, completely spending up the few remaining skill points and lighting up the [Ice] system. Kevin said to Batman:

"Slow down a little, and I'll stop him."

"What are you going to do?"

"He's just fast in the water, so I'll just freeze the water."


Kevin's words stunned both Batman and Mera.

Freeze the water?

Kevin did not explain, he said directly:

"I don't have time to explain, just do as I say!"

At the critical moment, Batman didn't hesitate.

He reduced the speed of the fighter plane, and at the moment of reducing the speed, he raised the fighter plane into the sky.

That is, at the same time that the fighter plane slowed down, under the water, Arthur the Sea King rushed out of the water and jumped high!

He was like a flying fish emerging from the bottom of the water, flying high into the sky and approaching the fighter plane at great speed.

But how can Arthur, who can only rely on the power of sea water to temporarily jump up, compare to the Bat fighter that can fly freely in the sky.

And Batman seemed to have guessed what Arthur was going to do. The moment the fighter plane rose, he controlled the fighter plane to dodge to the side.

Arthur and the fighter plane almost missed each other by a hair, but when he saw that the two were about to separate, and Arthur was about to fall into the water again, he suddenly threw the five-pronged trident in his hand towards the fighter plane!

Arthur's strength is great and his throwing speed is also very fast. In addition, the distance between him and the fighter plane is extremely close. The trident in his hand is actually close to the fighter plane in a very short time!

Just as the tip of the trident was about to come into contact with the fighter plane and penetrate the fighter plane, suddenly, the air suddenly froze.

The cold breath overflowed from the fighter plane. At the front of the trident, layers of ice suddenly appeared, freezing the entire trident!

clang! !

The frozen trident collided with the fighter plane, but failed to have any impact on the fighter plane.

As shards of ice floated in the air, the trident fell from the sky and fell into the water with Arthur.

And this was not the end. When Arthur and the trident fell into the water at the same time, a cold wind blew above the sea.

Invisible cold air swept across the sea surface, and the seawater began to freeze on a large scale under the influence of the cold air.

Turning his sight into the fighter plane, Kevin closed his eyes tightly and his hands were filled with light blue light.

There seemed to be runes flowing within the light, and the cold air was controlled by Kevin to penetrate the fighter plane and reach the sea.

This is magic!

Kevin's ice magic!

The transformation magic extended by water magic has two major systems of atmosphere. One is the [fog] system, which can transform water into mist.

The other is the [Ice] system, which can freeze water into ice.

What Kevin had just clicked was the [Extreme Cold Realm] in the ice attribute system, a kind of field magic that can turn the surrounding area into an environment suitable for using ice magic in a short period of time!

The fifth-level [Extreme Cold Realm] is enough to turn the area within a radius of thousands of meters into Kevin's domain.

Including under the deep sea!

Now the sea surface is frozen into ice, and even the sea king Arthur is frozen in the ice.

Even if Arthur's physique can't freeze him to death, such a large distance in front of him has been frozen into ice, and Arthur can't use such a fast speed underwater.

Even if he takes a detour, it will take a certain amount of time to catch up with Kevin and his friends.

And Kevin and his friends are already close to the Trench Kingdom.

"You can also use ice magic?! Who are you!!"

Seeing the sea water freeze, Mera stared at Kevin with wide eyes.

Most of the magic of the Atlanteans is related to water, but this does not mean that they can use ice magic.

Ice magic... is generally used by people on land, such as the people of the Greek pantheon.

Kevin said that he was a hybrid of Atlantis and humans, so... could it be that his other half of his bloodline came from the Greek pantheon?

Is he a demigod?

Seeing Kevin's ice magic, Mera thought of many things in an instant.

Kevin smiled and didn't explain, mainly because he couldn't explain it clearly, so it was better to say nothing and pretend to be mysterious.

Batman didn't have as many problems as Mera. After getting rid of Arthur, he continued to accelerate, and it took only a few minutes to reach the sky above the territory of the Trench Kingdom.

Once here, there is no need to worry about the Atlanteans catching up.

They regard this place as a place of death, and generally don't dare to come here.

Mera was the same in this regard. She looked down at the calm sea reflecting the sky, and a hint of hesitation flashed in her eyes: "This is the land of death, Kevin, we..." "If you are worried, you don't have to go down. I can go alone." When Kevin arrived at the Trench Kingdom, he didn't need Mera to accompany him. It would be better for Mera to stay here, otherwise if she really encountered any danger, Kevin would have to spend his time to save her. However, Mera obviously didn't want to stay here. Kevin wanted to get the legendary trident, and so did Mera. In other words, in order to end the war between the sea and the land, Mera must get the trident. After all, she was not at ease to really hand over the legendary trident to an "outsider". "I'll go with you." Finally, Mera made a decision. Kevin raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "I won't protect you when the time comes." "I'm not just a beautiful vase." Mera rolled her eyes at Kevin. Although she was a princess, she had also received warrior training. Learn fighting techniques, learn water magic, and defeat all the teachers who taught her.

Mera is definitely not a weak woman, nor is she a vase in the eyes of others. She has the strength to break into the land of death.

After looking at Mera deeply and making sure that she had no intention of retreating, Kevin said to Batman:

"Let us go down later, you go back, we can leave underwater."

"You don't need to say that I should go back too. I don't want to be shot down by the Atlantis that chased me just now."

Batman said ruthlessly.

After that, he opened the landing device at the back of the fighter.

The ground under the seat where Mera and Kevin were sitting was opened, and the blue sea was in front of them.

"Wish we come back alive, Batman."

After saying something to Batman for the last time, Kevin and Mera were put down by Batman and thrown into the sea below from the air.

The distance from the sky to the sea surface was less than 100 meters in an instant. Kevin and Mera were like fish falling into the water from above, and they sank into the water without stirring up waves.

Because it was daytime, the light-fearing Trench Kingdom monsters did not approach the sea surface. The two did not receive any attacks during the journey from the sea surface to the trench where the Trench Kingdom fish monsters lived.

But they also sank down and entered the dark deep sea. With the disappearance of the light above, the two finally saw the group of monsters.

"They are coming!"

When Kevin saw the monsters of the Trench Kingdom, the fish monsters of the Trench Kingdom also saw the two above.

Crossing the boundary between light and darkness, the fish monsters smelled the breath of living people. They showed their ferocious fangs, roared low on the seabed, and swarmed towards the two.

Mera saw the dense fish monsters below and turned to Kevin and shouted.

Kevin's hands radiated a bright light, and the power of water magic was raised to the extreme by him at this moment.

"Don't worry." Kevin said, clenching his hands suddenly, and the sea water turned with his thoughts, "I will take care of everything."

His eyes faintly emitted a blue light, and the ability to switch forms was faintly emitted at this moment.

Kevin's body seemed to become slightly transparent and illusory, almost merging with the seawater.

The light in his hands and the blue light in his eyes were like the rising sun in the seabed, illuminating every inch of darkness in the deep sea.

The seawater began to roll back, and all the fish monsters that came to Kevin were rolled up and thrown away by the seawater controlled by Kevin.

The huge vortex took Kevin as the center, sucking in and throwing away everything around.

The number of fish monsters was almost endless, but compared to the seawater on the seabed, their number seemed scarce.

They were rolled up by the waterspout, and then the waterspout became a "fish" tornado as the number was filled.

Kevin controlled the tornado in this way to form several vortexes around him that blocked the approach of the fish monster, and then smiled and said to Mera:

"The land of death doesn't seem that scary."


Looking at the fish monster swept up by Kevin's water magic, Mera couldn't say anything.

Because the water magic she knows...isn't like this...

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