Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 259 The Unlucky Deep Sea

Sage Center is just around the corner.

Seeing that Kevin was unwilling to say anything more, everyone in black robes could only follow the original plan and go to the Sage Center to collect evidence related to Walter.

Frankie, Breastmilk Marvin, and Kimiko went in to search for information, while Starlight, Butcher, and Huey looked outside.

Kevin himself was lying on the passenger side of the car, his eyes half-closed as if he was dozing off.

After everyone divided their work, Marvin and the other three put on their Sage Center work clothes and walked in.

After they left, Xingguang and the other three looked at each other in shock.

They were a little further away from Kevin, whispering to each other.

"...Is he really engaged?"

The person who asked this question was Starlight.

Out of distrust and prejudice against Yuan Shenhai, Starlight always felt that Kevin had bad intentions, and even thought that Kevin was lying.

Butcher's opinion was contrary to hers:

"He has no reason to lie to us on this issue. I know that you hate him because the deep sea of ​​this world stuffed that damn thing into your mouth, but you can hate the deep sea of ​​this world, but you can't hate the present. This guy in the car.

"They're completely different people, understand?"


Starlight was silent. Huey quietly looked at Kevin and said in a slightly lower voice:

"I think it's better if we don't discuss this issue..."

When it comes to love, Huey is more perceptive.

Although Kevin had said before that he would keep his fiancée's information secret, before he said it, he accidentally looked at Starlight, which made Huey wary.

Whether it was intuition or something else, Huey always felt that continuing to ask would be unhelpful to everyone.

It would be better not to ask anything and no one knows anything.

Butcher was slightly surprised by Huey's vigilance.

In fact, Butcher can probably guess who Kevin's fiancée is.

Last time another Huey came over. Although he didn't say anything, judging from some of the information he vaguely revealed, the deep sea and starlight in another world were probably screen CPs.

If Butcher's guess is correct, Kevin's fiancée should be Starlight Anne from another world.

It's just that Huey's intuition is good, and Annie's observation skills are equally good.

She could tell that Marvin had obsessive-compulsive disorder from some of Marvin's small movements while breastfeeding, and naturally she could also guess something from the way the two of them were vaguely avoiding each other.

In fact, Xingguang had already had some vague guesses.

After all, from the moment she met Kevin, the other person looked at her with complicated eyes, but Xingguang was never sure.

Now seeing the appearance of these people, Xingguang finally couldn't bear it. Her expression became serious and shocked, and she said to them:

"No way... No, no, no, no matter how you put it, it's impossible... No, I want to ask him!"

Starlight decided to ask questions herself.

Otherwise, she might not be able to sleep tonight!

She came to Kevin's side in three or two steps. She looked at Kevin who was playing with his mobile phone in the passenger seat and opened her mouth to ask.

But Kevin spoke first and said:

"No need to ask, I can tell you that my fiancée is indeed Anne Gianniuri, another Anne Gianniuri, but you don't have to worry, I am not interested in you, I like her, not you. "

Facing the starlight of the universe that was almost identical to Annie, Kevin looked indifferent.

Perhaps at first Kevin had the intention to regard the starlight in front of him as Anne, but the other party's performance and some habitual actions made Kevin understand that the starlight in front of him was not the Anne he liked.

Maybe it's because Anne in this world has experienced more, and she lacks a lot of the aura of agility that should exist, as well as the innocence that belongs to young girls.

Anne in Kevin's world, under Kevin's protection, has always retained her dreams and innocence. She is innocent and thinks that everything in this world is full of good intentions.

Even though there are bad guys in the world, there are also real heroes like Kevin.

Kevin thinks there is nothing wrong with Anne like that, and she should maintain this positive and optimistic attitude.

But Anne here…

She went through the plot of two seasons, experienced countless darkness, and even almost gave up on herself and slept with others.

Although she has become strong because of this and can face any darkness and dare to fight against it, she is not the Annie that Kevin likes.

The two of them were not the same person at all, so there was no need for Kevin to stare at her closely.

" could I like you!?"

Hearing Kevin admit it, Starlight was even more unbelievable.

In any case, Starlight didn't think she would like Deep Sea, the guy who had unspoken rules for her from the beginning.

Starlight felt that the person in front of her must have deceived her, just like the lie he told her when she joined the Seven.

Kevin saw Starlight's distrust, and his expression became a little colder, and a slight sense of oppression pressed towards Starlight.

"Did I misunderstand something?"


Faced with the oppression coming from Kevin and the other's cold eyes, Xingguang was momentarily silent and unable to say anything.

Kevin's cold gaze fell on Xingguang and said softly:

"I said, it's not you that I like. As for Anne in another world, whether she likes me or not has nothing to do with you. It's not your turn as an outsider who knows nothing to intervene in our relationship. !

"Don't be too pretentious, Starlight."


Forced by Kevin's momentum, Starlight subconsciously took a step back.

Seeing this, Butcher took the opportunity to step forward, smiled and joked:

"Wow, these words are really cruel, but I can see that you and your fiancée do have a deep relationship."

"Of course, Annie is my first girlfriend and my first fiancée. I love her as much as she loves me, so... don't question the relationship between us, understand? Starlight ?”

Kevin makes no secret of his love for Anne.

Even if this sounds quite disgusting.

Starlight listened to Kevin's words and looked at his unfaithful expression. She took a deep breath and turned around and walked towards Huey without saying anything.

After watching Starlight leave, Butcher said:

"Let's not mention the relationship between you and another Xingguang Nilu. What I want to ask is..."

"Rebecca." Kevin turned around and spit out a name: "You want to ask Rebecca, and the reason why you left the storm information was also for Rebecca, am I right?"

"I really can't hide anything from you."

"Because the only person you care about now is your wife, no matter which world you are in. But I can tell you about this, in my world, you and Rebecca are back together."

Kevin said slowly.

Then I saw Butcher's expression melting into a smile for a moment.

Kevin didn't laugh at him and continued to play with his phone to pass the time.

But just at this moment, his phone suddenly vibrated.

It was Barry calling.

The mobile phone in Kevin's hand at the moment was "friendly" sponsored by Locomotive.

Although Locomotive is now in debt and is about to face the risk of being kicked out of the Seven, in order to maintain his 'friendship' with Kevin, he still funded Kevin and Barry to buy a mobile phone each.

Anyway, the cost of buying a mobile phone is much less than the cost of accommodation in the presidential suite.

Because of this, Kevin can now tell that it was Barry who called him.

Similarly, Kevin was wondering why Barry called him at this time.



After answering the call, a trembling voice came from the phone.

Kevin frowned at the sound, because it wasn't Barry's voice.


"'s's me! Something, Deep Sea...something happened to him!"

"?" Kevin's eyes flashed, "Calm down and speak slowly, what do you think happened to the deep sea?"

"Something happened in the deep sea! He was shot through the chest today... today on the set by the people of the motherland... by the people of the motherland! Now... now he is sent to the hospital for rescue!"

The locomotive's breathing was rapid and panicked. It was obvious that he was greatly frightened.

At this moment, after Kevin heard the news, his heart jumped suddenly.

Something happened to the deep sea of ​​this world?

How can this be? !

Although Kevin has understood that his existence is equivalent to a 'variable', as long as he is there, the plot will be completely different.

But he has obviously never been to the set, let alone met the people of this world!

How could the people of the motherland kill Shenhai? !

What happened on the set...?

The people of the motherland are in a bad mood.

He has been in a pretty bad mood these past few days.

Not only because of the accidental killing of innocent people a few days ago, but also because of the protests by the people.

Also because he has been having a dream during this period.

A nightmare.

In the dream, he lost his abilities, was kicked to the ground and beaten, and finally was shot in the head. He was even more powerless than an ordinary mortal.

At first, the people of the motherland thought this was just a dream.

He just wondered why he was having such a dream.

But these days, every night, the people of the motherland are repeating the same nightmare, which also leads to a slight change in his mentality.

Especially the annoying face that flashed most often in the dream, which was very similar to the deep sea, made the people of the motherland even more angry!

The people of the motherland couldn't figure out why it was the deep sea, why that stupid face appeared in front of him, and why that face was full of pity for him, as if he was some kind of pitiful guy!

With such a violent mood, and the fact that today's storm disappeared without any reason, the mood of the people of the motherland is getting worse and worse.

Exactly at this time.

He saw Deepsea's stupid face on the set!

Inexplicable evil fire surged into his heart, and the people of the motherland couldn't help but rushed forward to ask why he was here.

Originally, the native was able to restrain himself until he saw Maeve and the relics of someone from Flight 37 that Deep Sea found in the sea.

The people of the motherland can no longer bear it.

This stupid fish, this guy who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, actually wants to deal with him together with Maeve? !

The evil fire that had caused nightmares for days and the disgust for the face in front of them made the people of the motherland unable to bear it any longer.

Amid the exclamations of the onlookers and the fear of the deep sea, his eyes burst out with burning gaze, penetrating the other person's chest.

By the time the people of the motherland regained their senses, things had become irreversible.

Shenhai was sent to the hospital dying.

And it depends...

He's probably in trouble.

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