Ignoring Butcher's dissatisfaction, Kevin thought for a moment and asked Mallory:

"Who is the person you are taking into custody?"

"He has no name and calls himself 'big'."

"Big guy..."

"That's what he called himself. In our intelligence data, he did call himself that. But what surprised us most was not his identity or what he did, but the 'difference' about him."

Mallory leaned forward, assumed a serious speaking posture, and said to Kevin:

"He is a superhuman who was born in Honghe Welfare Home. He followed the superhuman codenamed 'Ghost' and some similarly abandoned superhuman children to seek revenge on the parents who abandoned them.

"Their revenge was very successful. Except for the ghost's mother who survived, the parents of everyone else were killed by them.

"If the story ends here, it should be a good ending. The parents who abandoned them will get the punishment they deserve, and they will have their wish fulfilled."

"I guess you're going to say 'but'."

"Yes, but the Vought Group dispatched the people of the motherland and killed all the superhuman children who carried out this act of revenge except the ghosts."

Mallory told the ending of the Red River Avengers in this world, which was also their original ending.

But things obviously don't end here.

Mallory continued:

"As you heard, normally everyone should be dead, but what's surprising is that 'big' who should have died in the Walter siege is still alive and was found by us Take custody.

"That's weird, right? But there's something even weirder.

"When we asked him what he had done and where his companions were, he was quite shocked because he said..."

Mallory paused here and repeated the big man's words word for word.

"'I haven't done anything yet'."

If there was no mention of parallel worlds, Mallory's words would only make people feel creepy.

The big guy who was supposed to be dead was still alive, but he didn't remember anything about the fact that he was obviously involved and had determined to kill their parents.

Where did this supernatural event come from.

But Butcher understood when he heard this:

"This 'big', is he a big guy from a parallel world?"

Mallory replied:

"We didn't know his identity before, we just thought there was something wrong with his head. After all, his experience was the same as that of the big guys in the world. Except for the difference in the issue of killing his parents, everything else was almost the same. .

"We don't think about parallel worlds. We just think that they were let go by the Watt Group for some reason and then escaped accidentally."

Butcher heard this and sneered:

"That's really 'accidental'."

Mallory glanced at him, ignored him, and continued to talk to Kevin:

"But now, you have appeared, so I guess that he is not the big guy in our world, he is the big guy in your world, and the person you are looking for should be him...or...


Mallory may not know what happened to the big guys in the other world.

But she can at least understand that Kevin's coming here to ask Butcher to find people related to ghosts is definitely not without purpose.

At least beside Big Man and the others, there will definitely be a superhuman who can allow them to travel to this universe.

This is why Mallory is worried about the existence of another universe.

From Butcher's mouth, Mallory now knows at least three beings who can come to this universe.

One is the otherworldly counterpart of the young man next to Butcher.

One is Kevin, the president of Walter Group from another world in front of him.

Finally, there is the mysterious superhuman who allowed Big Man to travel to this world.

Three superhuman beings who can travel through the world are indeed not many in number, but for Mallory in the parallel universe, this number is already a lot.

When there is one, there are two; when there are two, there are three; when there are three, there are countless.

If another world masters the power to freely travel through parallel universes, then Mallory's worries will definitely not be unnecessary.

Mallory watched Kevin's expression.

Kevin raised his hand to touch the stubble on his lips, thought for two seconds and asked:

"Then what you call sincerity is to let me meet that big guy?"

"Yes, but I also hope that Mr. Kevin can make a promise that you will definitely help us deal with the Watt Group."

"To be honest, Ms. Mallory, this little bit of 'sincerity' is not worth my while."

Kevin actually wants to deal with the Walt Group. Creating a villain alliance to be a villain in this world and come to compete with the Walt Group is also a way to deal with them.

But this does not mean that Kevin can decisively agree to the deal with the CIA.

One thing comes back to another, and Kevin doesn't want the CIA to think he's a smooth talker.

No matter what kind of world you are in, politicians are a group of shameless bastards. If you dare to show your weakness in front of them, they will dare to bite off a piece of your flesh.

Kevin doesn't let go of rabbits, and Mallory is not an easy person to deal with.

After hearing Kevin's words, the corners of her mouth also raised:

"Perhaps the sincerity is indeed not enough, but to be honest, I don't really trust you as the president of the other world's Watt Group."


Kevin raised his eyebrows, agreeing with what Mallory said.

From the beginning to the end, Kevin had no evidence that he was the president of the Walter Group. Whether it was Huey in his world or Kevin himself, they only talked about it verbally.

And even if the identity of Kevin's visitor from the parallel world has been determined, the words he said cannot be used as evidence.

No one has been to another world, and they don’t know what the situation is like in that world.

Kevin can say that he is the president of Watt Group, he can even say that he is a native of the motherland and some kind of king of that world.

Anyway, no one has the ability to go to another world for verification.

Words of mouth cannot be used as evidence, which is what Mallory meant.

Since she showed sincerity, Kevin must at least show corresponding sincerity.

This is cooperation and transaction, not unilateral coercion. There must always be back and forth.

Mallory then said:

"So, why don't we each take a step back, I will take you to find the big guy, and you can ask what you want to know, but you must also give us certain information.

"I don't care whether you are the president of Watt Group or not. As long as the information is correct, we can continue to cooperate for a long time in the future."

Identity is no longer important, what is important is the information related to the Walter Group.

Mallory is very open-minded and very smart.

Kevin smiled, clapped his hands gently and said:

"As expected of you, you are still so shrewd. Okay, as long as you can complete my request, then I can't give you the information about the Walter Group."

"So...a happy transaction?"

"I need to see the big guy before I can say I had a good deal."

"Okay, I can make arrangements for you right away, but I also hope that after you meet the big guy, I can also get what I want to know."

"Don't worry, as long as it's information related to Walter, you can ask whatever you want when the time comes. Of course, only one piece of information is allowed."

"make a deal?"

"make a deal."

Mallory's hands clasped with Kevin's, and they both laughed tacitly.

When Butcher saw this scene, he rolled his eyes unbearably and complained:

"Whether it's a politician or a capitalist, it's always disgusting when negotiating conditions."

It seems that he can't stand the hypocrisy of the two people anymore.

The place the CIA arranged for the big guy was in a prison for superhuman beings.

Although most superhumans are superheroes or employees of Walt.

But there are also a small number of superhuman beings who rely on their superpowers to do evil.

Many of them will be dealt with by superheroes, but no matter how hard the superheroes work, there is no guarantee that they will get rid of every superhuman responsible for opposing them.

Those superhuman criminals who have not been dealt with will be sent to prison for unified detention.

Of course, unlike the 'super villains' currently being hyped by the Watt Group, the superpowers of these superhuman beings are either so weak that they are about the same as ordinary people, or they have extremely strong side effects.

Just like...

Big guy.

Strictly speaking, the big guy's ability is not weak.

He is nearly three meters tall, has a strong body, and is very strong. He can easily scratch a person's head.

The parents of the big guys in this world died because he hit each other's heads with his own hands.

This is enough to prove that the big guy has great super powers.

But the side effect is that his body cannot recover and can only maintain a huge size. The food he consumes every day is not something ordinary people can afford.

Not to mention the daily excrement.

If the CIA hadn't wanted to figure out why the dead big guy was still alive, I'm afraid they would have sent the big guy to the Vought Group for research.

Even so, the CIA couldn't bear to be unable to obtain information from him. If Mallory didn't bring Kevin here this time, they might really get rid of the big guy.

Through Mallory's relationship, Kevin came to this prison and met him in a specially made metal room.

Before entering the room, Mallory and Kevin said:

"Because he is still a very important 'evidence' for the CIA, your conversation will be monitored and recorded later, but... who made us a cooperative relationship?

"I will leave you three minutes of blank time. No matter what you say to him in these three minutes, I will not record it. As for after three minutes... you know."

"Three minutes is enough."

Kevin nodded and thanked Mallory.

Although Kevin didn't care if they were being monitored and recorded, since they expressed goodwill, Kevin would not treat them coldly.

After confirming that Kevin was ready, Mallory winked at the CIA member beside her and asked her to leave with irrelevant personnel.

Then Mallory and Butcher walked to the listening room and looked into the interrogation room through the one-way transparent glass.

In the interrogation room, the big man was wearing an orange prison uniform, sitting very reservedly on a chair that was small for him.

Kevin pushed the door open at this moment.

And when he saw Kevin, the big man's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Deep Sea, you are Deep Sea...!"

"Huh? You know me?"

"Of course! I... am your... fan... and was..."

The big guy said hesitantly.

He spoke slowly, sounding like he wasn't very smart. Kevin glanced at the one-way glass next to him, sat up straight and said to the big guy:

"I'm very happy to see my fans, but big guy, since you're my fan, you should know what kind of person I used to be."

"You're a superhero... a real... superhero... you saved... Flight 37... so cool...!"

"Then do you think, as a superhero, I'd like a fan who would kill my parents?"

Kevin asked softly.

His tone was very plain, just like saying 'what do you want to eat tonight'.

But this plain word made the big guy speechless.

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