Chapter 269 Faith...?

As mentioned before, after Kevin's skill tree was changed to [Ocean Lord], the remaining routes were all golden.

It felt as if something was brewing.

Because he couldn't figure out why, Kevin just left it alone.

But now...

Kevin's series of operations just now, I don't know which point of the skill tree was touched, and a vague skill icon appeared inside the golden ball.

The skill icon is not clear for the time being, but it proves that the skill tree is not at the end.

It just lacks the necessary activation conditions.

"But I don't quite understand, what did I do just now?"

Kevin found a place to sit down in the park, stroking his chin and thinking.

The main reason for Kevin's "performance" just now was that he was bored and wanted to play in this world.

While gaining skill points, he relaxed and entertained himself by being a villain.

That's why Butcher killed Newman and fabricated the identity of the 'Fog God' to compete with the Vought Group.

The original intention was to kill time.

Unexpectedly, the skill tree changed.

Think carefully about what you just did, killing Newman and pretending to be the Fog God to stand on the stage to cause public shock and panic.

The former is likely to have nothing to do with the skill tree, so the only thing that will cause the skill tree to change is the latter.

"... Fog God? No way?"

Kevin read the name he came up with again, and looked at the skill point with a strange expression.

Public, fear, gods... Kevin quickly summed up a key word with his not-so-smart brain.


Perhaps it was because of Kevin's appearance and the existence of the fabricated 'Fog God' that some people knew this name. The fear and vague faith they exuded wove a new career system on the skill tree.

But if that's the case, why didn't Kevin gain faith when he was in the DC universe?

You know, he saved the DC universe!

So many people spontaneously believe in him as the god of the sea, and even erect monuments and statues for him, and worship his statues!

No matter how you look at it, the faith gained in the DC world is more than the faith gained by the so-called "fog god" now.

Why is it not possible in the DC universe, but it is possible in the black robe world?

Is there any difference between the two worlds?

...Well, it seems that there is. The DC universe is not Kevin's native universe, but the black robe universe is. Perhaps the difference lies here.

But if you really want to count it this way, Kevin's soul is not the native soul of the black robe universe. He is an outsider, but he can gain the faith of the black robe universe. Isn't it very strange?

"It's just my guess at the moment..."

Whether it is faith or something else, because there is no suitable reference, these can only be Kevin's guess.

Speaking of which, this skill tree has been a three-no product from the beginning.

There is not even an instruction manual, and Kevin needs to explore everything by himself. It is normal that he is confused now.

However, since there is a guess, let's work hard in the direction of the guess for the time being, maybe there will be some gains.

"Fog God... I suddenly feel a little regretful. What should I do?"

If faith is really the root of the next stage of the skill tree, then the title of 'Fog God' is obviously too thin.

And Kevin has always been on the ocean route, so it is more appropriate to be the God of the Sea.

But things have come to this point, Kevin can only do it this way for the time being.

After figuring out the real reason for the appearance of the skill icon, it will not be too late to consider replacing the God of Fog with the God of the Sea.


What is that guy doing? !

When Butcher ran out unimpeded and realized what happened after he killed Newman through the TV broadcast, his mind was blank for a moment.

Don't look at Kevin wearing a suit and a mask, and his ability is not ice and water but fog, but Butcher can guess with his toes that the person coming is Kevin.

At the very least, he is someone related to Kevin!

Think about it, Butcher just killed Newman, and then someone jumped out and said "I am responsible for this matter". Who else could do such a thing except the insider?

And the insider that Butcher knew, besides Mallory, was only Kevin!

Mallory would definitely not do such a thing, so Kevin was the only one left.

Butcher couldn't figure out Kevin's purpose in doing this.

If he wanted to get rid of Newman with their help, that's understandable.

But he had already let Butcher and his friends kill Newman, and then he jumped out and announced that he did it...

Then why didn't he kill Newman himself from the beginning, but instead used Butcher and his friends' hands?

I can't figure it out.

Butcher really can't figure it out!

While thinking about why Kevin did this, Mallory called.

"Boucher, are you still at the scene?"

After answering the phone, Mallory asked first.

Finding a safe place, Butcher, who was with the black robes, looked at the scene in the distance that had been surrounded by the police and replied:

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Are you sure that the fog god is Kevin?"

"Not sure, but it's probably him, haha, now things are interesting."

Boucher suddenly laughed at the end.

No matter why Kevin did this.

He openly admitted that he killed Newman, and then provoked the Water Group, and pointed out the relationship between the Water Group and Newman.

Edgar of the Water Group is probably about to explode with anger now.

Admitting the relationship between Newman and the Water Group means that Water has admitted that they have reached out to the political world, will be accused by Congress, and lose the trust of the people.

But if you don't admit the relationship between Newman and Walter...

The adopted daughter he raised died outside, and Edgar, as his adoptive father and lover, couldn't even go to her funeral.

Just thinking about it made Butcher feel very happy.

Nothing made him happier than seeing Walter Group suffer.

Oh, except finding his wife back.

In short, no matter what Kevin wanted to do, his murderous behavior won Butcher's heart.

This guy is a ruthless character, worthy of being the president of Walter Group in the parallel universe.

But Mallory obviously didn't think so.

"Yeah, it's fun, but now we are more passive."

"Huh? Why?"

"Do you think that with such a "super villain" who openly attacked congressmen, will Congress still resist Walter Group's promotion of Compound No. 5?"

"Why not? Compound No. 5 will create more superhumans. The more superhumans, the more supervillains. If they don't want to make the world more chaotic..."

Butcher paused here.

He suddenly thought of something.

Mallory said tiredly:

"Either the promotion of Compound No. 5 is banned, or... the military fully accepts the existence of Compound No. 5 and creates more superhuman soldiers. Based on my understanding of Congress, they will definitely choose the latter."

"So Kevin helped Walter..."

Butcher frowned.

It is true that the appearance of the fog god disgusted the Walter Group, but at the same time, he did set up a real target for the Walter Group.

On the contrary, it is easier for Walter and Congress to get involved.

If you look at it this way, Butcher really doesn't know whether Kevin wants to disgust Walter or help Walter.

"Forget it, come back first. It's not certain what Kevin's purpose is. When he comes back, you can ask him."

Mallory, who also couldn't figure it out, sighed and gave up thinking, planning to let Butcher come back before talking.

Anyway, Kevin looks like a normal person and can communicate.

If it doesn't work, just ask him in person.

A lot of things happened on this day

Newman was killed, and a super villain who called himself the God of Mist appeared and declared war on the entire Vought Group, and also exposed the relationship between Newman and the Vought Group.

Regardless of whether this relationship is true or false, when this relationship is openly exposed to the public, people have to start to doubt whether the Vought Group really did something to plant superhuman politicians in the government.

Vought will also be questioned by the government.

Huey is not particularly concerned about these things. The main reason is that he stayed in Mallory's villa and watched porn with the lamplighter.

The lamplighter, a former member of the Seven, disappeared after retiring from the Seven, and no one knew where he went.

But after this Sagebrush incident, the members of the Black Robe Team saw him at the Sagebrush Center, and also learned where he went after retiring.

He worked as a caregiver at the Sagebrush Center, responsible for "taking care" of those experimental subjects.

Of course, in name only, it was care, but in fact, it was to "clear" these experimental subjects when they were disobedient.

Simply put, he is a cleaner.

A cleaner for Storm.

Fortunately, the Lamplighter is not such a jerk, at least not as jerk as the other members of the Seven.

He still has the conscience of an ordinary person in his heart.

At least he has been brooding over the fact that he burned Mallory's grandson to death. After talking about it, he even helped to conceal the traces of the black robes going to Sage.

And he promised them to be a tainted witness. When the hearing comes, he will confront the Vought Group and expose the crimes of the Vought Group.

And it is precisely because of this that he will sit here and watch porn before the hearing begins.

"To be honest, I really can't stand this. I want to change the channel."

But Huey can no longer tolerate the behavior of the Lamplighter.

Huey knew that it was normal for a staff member who had worked in a place like a mental hospital for a long time to want to find a reasonable channel to vent his suppressed energy after leaving the mental hospital.

But no matter what, he couldn't watch it every day!

Huey was a young man with a strong blood, and it was really unbearable to watch this kind of thing every day.

What's more, his girlfriend Xingguang was not here yet.

Therefore, Huey picked up the remote control and changed the channel with some intolerance.

Regardless of the obstruction of the lamplighter, Huey immediately switched the channel and switched the adult program on TV to the latest news.

If nothing unexpected happened, Huey might see the news that Newman was dead or that someone who called himself "Fog God" appeared after switching the channel.

But it might be that Huey switched to the wrong channel, or the news about Newman was deliberately blocked.

The news broadcast on the TV at this moment was the "speech" of Homelander and Storm.

If it was just the speech of this couple, it would be fine.

The key point is that behind the couple, a photo of Xingguang as a hero appeared on the screen.

And, Homelander announced to the camera:

"Unfortunately, Starlight betrayed us just like Deepsea. Of course, I have reason to believe that they were bewitched by super villains to betray us, but I have to say that they are dangerous."

"Yes, they are dangerous."

Storm echoed and said to the camera after Homelander:

"So we have controlled her now. Don't worry, she won't hurt anyone now. We will make her turn back to the Starlight she used to be. We just need time."

Storm smiled at Homelander while talking.

The way they exchanged glances proved that they had reconciled.

But I don't know when it happened.

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