Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 282 Welcome to the End of the World (5,000 words)


The other end of the portal is connected to the hut where Butcher and the others are hiding.

When they saw Kevin coming back, everyone in black robes who were watching TV on the sofa all stood up and looked at him warily.

Only Butcher walked up to Kevin very normally, looked at him up and down, and smiled:

"Well done, I really didn't expect you to actually kill people from our motherland."

"There are still many things that you didn't expect. Okay, now I will help you kill the people of the motherland. According to the previous agreement, please leave Huey to me for the time being."

Kevin is here to demand his 'payment'.

Everything in the black-robed world here has been settled, and now Kevin has to deal with the problem of the intersecting parallel worlds.

For this reason, he must first go back to his own world and deal with everything there properly, so that he can do his own thing with peace of mind.

If you want to go back, Huey's existence is crucial. Although Kevin spends a little time on his own, it is not impossible to find his own world in the parallel world.

But what he lacks now is time.

So if Butcher doesn't give Huey to Kevin this time, then Kevin is really going to go crazy.

Fortunately, Butcher is very sensible this time.

Under Kevin's death gaze, Butcher turned to look at Huey.

Seeing this, Huey took a step forward. Starlight next to him grabbed him and wanted to say something to him, but was interrupted by Huey in advance:

"It's okay, Annie."

After saying that, Huey came to Kevin.

Butcher then said: "He will leave it to you."

It seemed that they had already discussed it before coming, so when Kevin asked for Huey, they asked Huey to step forward without any hesitation.

Butcher's attitude made Kevin very satisfied. He nodded to Butcher, then looked at Huey and said to him:

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Kevin decided to take Huey to the Marvel world for an injection of Enhanced No. 5.

If something goes wrong with Huey in this world, at least Kevin can use the time stone to restore Huey's state.

Without further ado, after getting Huey's consent, Kevin immediately took Huey to the Marvel world to inject Enhanced No. 5 to make Huey a superhuman.

After Kevin and Huey left, Starlight said to Butcher:

"I can't believe you just let Huey go with him??"

"Otherwise? Provoked him and made him crush us into meat pies like he did to the people of the motherland? Don't be stupid, girl, he is not an opponent we can deal with. He is different from any super human, and so do you "You saw it on TV, do you think we can handle him?"

"But even so..."

"Okay, Huey has left with him. We can't do anything now except pray that he can gain superpowers safely and safely. Just stay quiet."

After Butcher finished speaking, he turned to look at Breast Milk: "Marvin, get ready later. Such a big thing happened at the hearing, and we will be busy next."

Huey's matter didn't matter now.

Although Butcher couldn't understand Kevin, he could understand that the promise given by Kevin should be effective. He said he wouldn't let anything happen to Huey, so nothing would happen.

Compared with this, the matter of the hearing is more important.

Bringing Huey to the Marvel world and injecting Enhanced No. 5, Huey unexpectedly gained the exact same abilities as Huey in another world.

That is teleportation.

But after Huey obtained teleportation, Kevin immediately took him back to the black robe world and tried to let him take him back through time.


But after Kevin traveled through time, he was surprised to find that the place where he and Huey landed was not their previous world.

"...Isn't it?"

Because time in the black robe world has been suspended, it stands to reason that wherever Kevin traveled from, he would return to wherever he traveled.

When they traveled back through time, they would definitely be at the secret stronghold where the black robe team and the others were.

However...the place where they are at this moment is a deserted ruin.

However, Kevin soon discovered that there seemed to be no problem with the location of his return, but the problem was the time.

Judging from the vague layout on the ruins, this should be the stronghold of the Black Robe Team, but judging from the dust and cobwebs on the ground, no one has been here for a long time.

This gave Kevin a very bad feeling.

"Huey, wait for me here for a while, I'll go out and take a look."

" there something wrong?"

"What's the problem? It's just a small problem. It's fine. Just wait for me."

Although he already understood that he might have come to the wrong world again, in order to prevent Huey from being too panicked, Kevin chose to hide it for the time being and wait until he figured out the state of the world first.

A mirror space was created and Huey was temporarily placed in it.

Only then did Kevin push open the rusty iron gate of the black-robed team's stronghold and leave the stronghold.

And when he left the stronghold and saw the scenery outside, he was completely stunned.

“Holy shit…!”

Even though Kevin was well-informed, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation at this moment.

What appeared in front of Kevin at this moment was the ruins of the city that had completely turned into an abandoned place.

The glass on the high-rise buildings was shattered, and the concrete in the buildings was exposed and covered with dust.

The roads are full of abandoned vehicles. In some vehicles, human bodies that have turned into skeletons can be seen. The white bones are covered with gray-brown dust, and some skulls have weeds growing inside.

The entire city seemed deserted, completely devoid of any signs of life.

This made Kevin realize that he had come to a post-apocalyptic world of black robes.

"What kind of disaster can make the world become like this..."

Kevin frowned in thought.

Out of curiosity about this world, he did not take Huey back immediately, but walked on the streets to explore.

He wanted to see what was going on in the world, and it would be best if he could find a living person to ask.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that there are no living people in this world at all.

At least in Kevin's perception, he didn't feel the existence of life at all.

It's as if the species in this world have become extinct.

After exploring the streets for an unknown amount of time, Kevin suddenly felt signs of life activity.

About a few kilometers away from here, there are several living creatures heading in the same direction.

Confirming the existence of living creatures, Kevin immediately opened the portal, came to those living creatures, and saw those life forms looking for food on the ruins.

Unfortunately, they were not humans, but a few wild dogs.

Their bodies were also covered in dust, and their emaciated appearance proved that they had been hungry for a long time. When Kevin saw them, they also saw Kevin.


Perhaps it was treating Kevin as food. The leader, a wild dog that looked like a leader, let out a howl like a wolf, as if giving orders.

"Tsk, if ordinary people met you, I'm afraid your words would really become food for you, but it's a pity that you met... me... WTF...?!"

When he saw a few hungry wild dogs rushing toward him, Kevin didn't have any psychological fluctuations at all.

After all, let alone a few wild dogs, even if a few people from the motherland appeared in front of Kevin, he would smile and not panic at all.

But...when the leading wild dog released blue lasers from its eyes, Kevin's mentality changed.

Why is it that a dog can shoot out lasers from its eyes? ! ?

This is a super, this is a super animal! ?

Even animals in this world have superpowers! ! ?

Before Kevin could be surprised, the blue laser emitted by the dog was already spraying towards him.

After being silent for half a second, Kevin drew a circle with his left hand to create a portal, and created a mirror space with his right hand, including all the wolves in front of him.

A portal appears and the laser dog's attack passes through the portal and then hits one of its minions.

If it were an ordinary wild dog, this laser would definitely cut it in half.

But obviously, the little brother dog that can be led by the laser wild dog leader is definitely not an ordinary wild dog.

The blue laser fired hit the wild dog, but it only flew it away.


The wild dog that was shot away by the laser hit the car frame in the distance, making a dull sound.

It sounded like he had fallen badly, but within two seconds, the wild dog got up from the ground with a shaking head and charged at Kevin again.

Oh boy, this is also a dog with super powers!

The laser dog, the copper-skinned iron-bone dog, and another one that looked like a very fast speed dog. The three wild dogs, which did not clearly see the difference in strength, formed a triangle offensive and opened their mouths at Kevin.

"Well... one research sample is enough. Then you'll be fine. It seems like your vitality is quite strong."

Facing the three wild dogs that had entered Kevin's mirror space without knowing it, Kevin thought about it for a moment and planned to kill two first and leave one.

The dog with laser eyes does not seem to have very strong physical strength, and the other very fast dog does not seem to have very strong physical strength either.

On the contrary, the dog that was hit by the laser just now has a slightly higher physical strength than the other two wild dogs.

More importantly, it seemed to have some self-healing ability and seemed to be quite resistant to beatings. Kevin decided to keep it as a research object.

As for the remaining two...

Kevin wants to eat dog meat.

Thinking of this, Kevin manipulated the mirror space to close the distance between himself and several wild dogs. Then a blue magic disk appeared in his hand, and the sharp edge slashed at the two wild dogs in the front.


The knife rises and falls, one at a time.

In the blink of an eye, the heads of the two wild dogs were cut off by Kevin and fell to the ground.

The last remaining wild dog was tied up by Kevin with a magic rope and thrown to the ground.

"This world is too crazy..."

After taking care of several super-powered dogs, Kevin frowned at the remaining wild dog.

He doesn't know what's going on in this world for the time being, but even animals have superpowers, which is enough to show how crazy this world is.

It can't be said that it's the work of the Walter Group in this world.

Not satisfied with creating super villains, they also want to create super monsters and make their superhuman beings the complete masters of the world.

But judging from the current situation, they should have failed, otherwise the world would not be like this.

"Now, what should I do with you..."

Kevin half-crouched next to the only wild dog still alive, wondering what to do with this super-powered dog.

But soon he heard the sound of a motorcycle.

This made Kevin a little surprised.

Because Kevin had not sensed any life within a few kilometers before, where did the sound of the motorcycle come from?

Kevin looked away from the wild dog and looked into the distance.

He saw a woman wearing a gray chemical protective suit and a gas mask on her head, riding a motorcycle towards this side.

In a dozen seconds, the woman on the motorcycle had come to Kevin.

She was carrying a backpack behind her and a shotgun hanging next to the motorcycle.

But when the motorcycle stopped in front of Kevin, she immediately picked up the shotgun next to her and pointed it at Kevin, asking sternly:

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The woman's voice sounded a little hoarse, and it was impossible to tell her age from the voice.

Kevin glanced at the wild dog under his feet, glanced at the woman again, and suddenly stretched out his hand, and the magic rope quickly pulled the shotgun in her hand over at a speed that the woman could not react to.

Then Kevin pointed the gun at the woman and smiled:

"Okay, now it's my turn to ask, who are you and how did you get here?"


The woman wearing a gas mask subconsciously raised her hands and surrendered. She looked at Kevin silently, then looked at the superpower dog at Kevin's feet, and answered in a muffled voice:

"...My name is Emma Meyer, and I am one of the few survivors in this city."

"You know that's not what I'm asking. Where were you hiding just now? Why didn't I find you?"

Kevin raised the gun.

Being able to hide from Kevin's perception, this Emma is obviously also a superhuman, but I don't know what her superpowers are.

"I was hiding in the building over there just now. Did you see it? There was a relatively complete facility underground in the former Water Building, and I hid there."

"Madam, to be honest, I have a superpower that can sense the inside through the building, and I didn't find you just now."

"...I see...I think I understand what you want to ask."

Hearing this, Emma suddenly understood, and she explained:

"You should be looking for humans like me, or animals like it? But I guess you shouldn't have carefully observed the bugs under your feet."

Kevin's eyes flashed.

That's right, because bugs are everywhere, Kevin didn't care and ignored it directly.

Of course, the bugs at his feet will definitely not escape Kevin's perception, but the bugs that are too far away, the bugs that are a few miles away from here, Kevin certainly can't observe carefully.

His perception is powerful, but the more detailed the perception, the more energy it consumes. Kevin can't always pay attention to even small things like bugs.

So that means...

"I am a superhuman, just like you, and my ability is to become smaller. I usually save resources in a smaller form, so you didn't see me just now."

Emma responded seriously.

The superpower of becoming smaller?

Wait, what did she say her name was? Emma? ?

Kevin then remembered that the woman in front of him just called herself Emma Meyer.

Because the name Emma is very common, Kevin felt familiar with it just now, but didn't pay too much attention to it.

But now that he knows the other party's ability, Kevin realized that the woman in front of him seemed to be an important role in the black robe world.

The cricket girl in the black robe legend "V Generation" is called this name.

"You said just now that your name is Emma?"


"Then do you know... Kate and Luke?"

Kevin tentatively said these two names.

Then Emma was stunned. After a few seconds, she asked with a slightly excited tone:

" are also a student of Godokin University?!"

"I guess so, at least I used to be."

Knowing Emma's identity, Kevin put away the shotgun and threw it to Emma:

"But now, this identity seems to be unimportant, Emma, ​​now I need you to tell me exactly what happened in your world, this is very important."

"Wait...what do you mean by 'our world'?"

"Because I am not from this world, according to a more sci-fi way of saying it, I am a time traveler, do you understand?"

Kevin did not hide his identity.

Anyway, he had nothing to hide at this point.

And sure enough, after hearing Kevin's identity, Emma was stunned for a long time before she uttered a syllable from her mouth:


Her brain crashed.

...Inside the Water Group building.

The underground research facility that was once considered confidential by the Water Group has now become an abandoned place that anyone can enter.

Emma led Kevin in through the special passage, and after several turns, she stopped in front of a device that looked relatively intact.

The device seemed to be a disinfection device, which had two exits, one outside and one inside.

Emma stood in front of the disinfection device and said to Kevin:

"Although you seem to be immune to the virus, it is better to do some disinfection."

"Virus? What virus?"

"A virus that can kill superhumans."

"Oh, no wonder you are wearing a gas mask."

Kevin finally understood why Emma was wearing a chemical protective suit and a gas mask.

It seems that the air in the black robe world here is full of viruses that can kill superhumans.

Kevin frowned slightly after looking at the disinfection device and sensing the disinfectant inside.

To be honest, he didn't like being sprayed all over his body with such a smelly thing, and Kevin didn't think that any virus could invade his current body.

However, in order to reassure Emma, ​​he didn't refuse and followed Emma into the disinfection device.


The disinfection device extended nozzles from all corners, and the disinfectant liquid with a special smell turned into a spray that covered the entire disinfection room.

After about a minute, Emma opened the door on the other side and walked in with Kevin.

When they returned to their residence, Emma took off her gas mask and turned to Kevin and said:

"Welcome to the end of the world, travelers from a parallel world."

As she spoke, she showed a self-deprecating smile on her no longer young face.

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