Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 290 Bald Kevin (6,000 words)

Kevin guessed right.

After this contact with Loki, he may feel helpless about Kevin's "persistence", or he may want to repay Kevin for saving Loki.

In short, Mobius agreed to let him participate in the pursuit of Sylvie.

"Listen, in principle, I don't agree to do this. It's very dangerous."

During the private discussion, Mobius said helplessly to Kevin.

Kevin shrugged:

"I know it's dangerous, but which time variant is not dangerous? Especially the time variant that actively attacks the Time Management Bureau, I'm ready."

Mobius looked at Kevin, and Kevin was also looking at him.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Mobius sighed:

"Okay, then I have a job for you next."

"Just say it directly."

"Go teach Loki some common sense in TVA, just like I taught you."

Mobius said, looking at Loki who had just walked out of the dressing room.

The prisoner clothes on his body have been changed into a decent shirt and suit pants.

With his tie tied, he really looked like a civilian.

Noticing the two people's gazes, Loki looked up and asked:

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Am I wearing the wrong clothes?"

"...I'll leave him to you. I'll go to Losrael to report."

Mobius patted Kevin on the shoulder and turned away.

After sending him away, Kevin looked at Loki and smiled at him:

"Are you ready for special training? Loki."

Looking at Kevin's smile, Loki had a bad premonition for a moment.


Swish swish swish——

Next to Kevin's desk, Loki sat on a temporary chair and leaned over the desk to write furiously.

While writing, he looked up and complained to Kevin:

"I'm sure this is definitely not a proper 'training' method!"

"Why not."

Kevin sorted out the key information in the Time Management Bureau manual, handed it to Loki, and smiled like a fox:

"As the saying goes, a good memory is not as good as a bad pen. Memorizing by rote is useless. Only by writing and memorizing can you remember it deeply."

"But why do I feel like you are taking revenge on me?"

Loki stared at Kevin. He had reason to suspect that Kevin was taking revenge for some reason.

Although he didn't know what the reason was.

Kevin laughed even happier when he heard it.

Loki guessed right. He was taking revenge for some reason.

Who made the future Loki send him here unreasonably, and he didn't even want to talk to him!

You know, during this period in the Time Management Bureau, Kevin was so bored that he was almost going crazy.

Magic was banned, and he couldn't study magic because he hadn't officially participated in the plot, and his skill points grew slowly.

That was the day he met Sylvie, and he gained a small number of skill points, but other than that, he didn't move at all.

There are no games, no movies. Although he can play chess and bowling with his colleagues, Kevin is really not interested in these.

He is so bored!

And all this is Loki's fault!

So now that he has finally encountered Loki's past, Kevin doesn't want to "teasing" him properly, wouldn't that be a big loss?

But Kevin will definitely not tell Loki the truth. He refused to admit it, but said to Loki very seriously:

"You misunderstood me, Loki. I just want you to remember these more deeply, so that you won't touch any taboos and be cut off by B-15."

Loki looked at Kevin doubtfully.

In fact, he didn't believe a word of Kevin's words, but there was no way, he was now living under someone else's roof.

Magic couldn't be used, and there were things in the Time Management Bureau that could break his defense everywhere. The physical fitness that the Asgard gods were proud of was also useless here.

What else could Loki do?

For the sake of his life, of course he could only obey!

But when it comes to staying here, Loki suddenly thought of something.

He put down the pen in his hand, looked around, and when he was sure that no one was paying attention to this side, he whispered to Kevin:

"What did you mean by what you said to me before?"

"Huh? What? I don't understand."

"Don't play dumb! You told me that you were brought here by me! Do you know me? Or... do you know the me who escaped? You mistook me for him?"

Mobius had already told Loki that the reason he kept Loki was to ask him to help catch another Loki.

Time criminal Loki.

However, Mobius did not tell him that the escaped time criminal was a female Loki, so now Loki still thought that the other him was also a male like him.

A male who was more cunning than him.

However, Loki would definitely not admit that there are individuals in parallel universes who are more "intelligent" than him, so after saying this, he quickly said:

"I don't care what he promised you, he has abandoned you by throwing you here now, but I can help you! As long as you..."

"Loki, I think you should not know that there is also artificial intelligence in the Time Management Bureau."

Kevin pointed to the big-headed integrated computer with a screen of only a dozen inches on the table and patted it:

"She can hear everything you say now."

"Oh? Are you talking about me?"

As soon as Kevin finished speaking, Miss Minute ran out of the computer, jumped onto the computer, and looked at the two with a smile.

Loki shut up immediately after seeing this, Kevin also smiled and said to Miss Minute:

"Well, please help me keep an eye on him, I'm going to the bathroom."

"No problem, Agent Kevin."

Miss Minute readily agreed to Kevin's request.

Kevin then said to Loki:

"Write well, I'll check it when I come back."

Loki didn't respond, his eyes moved left and right between Miss Minute and Kevin, and finally lowered his head without saying a word and continued to write furiously.

Kevin certainly didn't believe that Loki would continue to write as he asked after he left.

But it didn't matter, anyway, it didn't matter whether Loki wrote or not, he just wanted to find an opportunity to take a little revenge on the other party.

Besides, if nothing unexpected happened, Mobius would definitely take him and Loki to investigate the attack on the Hunter Squad.

That day, Sylvie's attack on Kevin was just a trivial beginning.

During this period, Sylvie's attacks became more and more frequent.

Perhaps because she had more and more time tablets on hand, she didn't have to worry about the battery problem, so she began to create time branch events in various parallel universes to lure the pursuer team over.

Then she attacked them and took away their time reset device.

It was only a few days, and there were two similar attacks.

I believe there will be more in the future.

And then Kevin and Loki will be able to appear.


In the Time Management Bureau, the least important thing is time.

Therefore, Kevin didn't wait for long, and he didn't know how long he waited, and the Time Management Bureau encountered an attack again.

And this time, unlike before, Sylvie took away a pursuer, her name is C-20.

And this also means that Sylvie is getting closer to her goal.

Even with Loki, this investigation still yielded nothing, and they were even deceived by Loki a little.

But these things are just a small episode.

What is really important is that through this incident, Loki finally realized that he could no longer rely on his tricks to deceive the Time Management Bureau.

At the same time, he also understood how "powerful" his other self was, which could make the Time Management Bureau so busy.

He really began to help Mobius investigate his other self with peace of mind.

Try to pull his other self out of the long sacred timeline.

From this point on, the plot officially entered the right track. Kevin did not make too many changes to this part of the plot. After all, if he changed too much, Loki would not be able to become the God of Stories, and then he would cry.

So Kevin did nothing. He watched Loki discover the time point when Sylvie was hiding, and watched him and Mobius test his conjecture.

Then he watched Mobius finally find the specific location where Sylvie was hiding, and finally everyone gathered several pursuit teams of the Time Management Bureau to try to arrest Sylvie.

In fact, there is nothing to say about where Sylvie was hiding.

Changing the timeline and changing someone's fate will cause time branches, which will attract the attention of the Time Management Bureau.

But this is not absolute.

If it is said that no matter how you change your fate and disrupt the timeline, it will not cause time branches, then naturally it will not attract the attention of the Time Management Bureau.

It may be difficult to say this, but Sylvie found a way.

She found the timelines and planets where the ‘doomsday’ and ‘natural disasters’ would occur in the long timeline.

In the upcoming ‘doomsday disaster’, no matter how to change someone’s fate, he will eventually die, and will not trigger more chain reactions.

Naturally, the Administration will not discover the fluctuations in their fate.

Sylvie relied on this trick to escape the pursuit of the Administration.

Loki found clues in the archives of the destruction of Asgard by investigating various archives.

It’s just that ‘Apocalypse’... that is, there are so many world-destroying disasters. It will take a long time to find them one by one. They must determine Sylvie’s location more accurately.

So Loki judged the specific location of Sylvie’s hiding from the candy skins left at the previous attack site.

It must be said that from this point of view, Loki has great potential as a detective.

Then Loki, Mobius, B-15, and Kevin, who was paddling, went to the ‘Apocalypse’ where Sylvie was hiding and found Sylvie.

Then Sylvie and Loki reached an agreement and disappeared from the apocalypse.

Sylvie ambushed the pursuer team and activated the mechanism she had set up in advance. Through the time reset device she had collected earlier, multiple time branches appeared on the sacred timeline.

In order to deal with the time branch, the management team was dispatched in large numbers, resulting in the emptiness of the management.

Sylvie and Loki took this opportunity to return to the management and try to find the time guardian.

However, they were stopped by Losrael in the end. The two opened the portal at the critical moment and ran away.

During this period, Kevin was just like an audience, just watching, and occasionally making some small suggestions to show his presence in front of Loki.

Apart from that, he did nothing.

After all, what he has to ensure now is that Loki will eventually become the god of time, and he will definitely get the time constraint device during this period.

As long as these two points can be guaranteed, Kevin does not need to change the plot drastically, and just be a spectator.

Originally Kevin thought so.


It wasn't until Rocky and Sylvie disappeared for about two days that Kevin finally felt something was wrong.

In the original plot...were they missing for so long?

What was the original plot like?

Sylvie and Loki hid on Apocalypse on a certain planet. Because of their mutual distrust and fighting, the time tablets on them were damaged.

Unable to use the time tablet to travel through time, they could only choose to find a way to escape from the planet that was about to be destroyed by a planetary collision.

But due to various accidents, the two of them were completely trapped on the planet that was about to be destroyed.

Finally, during the countdown to the destruction of the planet, the two developed a secret love for each other, which led to an unprecedented time divergence point on the sacred timeline. Therefore, the Bureau of Time Management found them and arrested them.

Although they were caught, they managed to avoid becoming corpses in the impact of the planet.

But now things are a little different.

Although they fell in love with each other, they were not observed by the Time Administration.


Someone saved them.

"Okay, don't be so curious. Just sit down casually and I will explain it to you then."

The mage with a red cloak behind him, a mage costume on his body, and a hood that covered his face, said to Loki and Sylvie who he had just rescued.

" are from Earth..."

Loki, who had escaped unharmed, had doubts in his eyes.

He squinted his eyes, looked at the mage in front of him who was shrouded in a cloak, and discerned his identity.

They also identified where they were at the moment.

Earth, Kama Taj, New York Temple.

As expected, the person in front of him should be the supreme mage in this world.

And the person in front of him did admit his identity:

"Yes, I am the current Supreme Mage, you can call me..."

The Supreme Mage was silent for a moment, then spoke out a name:

"Wen Yi, just call me that."

He calls himself this.

Wenyi, this name sounds a bit weird to Rocky and Sylvie.

It doesn't matter what the name is, what Loki is wondering now is why the other party wanted to save him.

"Did you save us?"

"Obviously, but you'd better not leave here, at least not now. If you don't, there will be a long branch point in the sacred timeline, and the Administration will find you immediately."

"Wait, you know about the Time Administration?"

Sylvie was surprised when she heard this and asked quickly.

No one who is normally on the sacred timeline should know about the existence of the Time Administration. They will only act according to the original trajectory on the timeline and never deviate from the route.

If they do not deviate from the route, they will naturally not be taken away by the Time Management Bureau, and they will not discover the Time Management Bureau.

And even if someone sees the Time Management Bureau, no one will remember the existence of the Time Management Bureau under the time resetter.

Including mages who can use spells.

But the supreme mage in front of him, who calls himself Wen Yi, seems to know the Time Management Bureau very well.

Wen Yi smiled when he heard this.

"Of course, who do you think I am?"

As he spoke, he crossed his hands on his chest, and the Eye of Agamotto he wore on his chest suddenly opened, and the green time gem appeared in front of the two of them.

"I am the Supreme Mage. I have seen countless timelines, and I am extremely familiar with the Authority."

After hearing what Wen Yi said, Loki and Sylvie looked at each other.

After that, the two of them took their seats, sitting in front of Wen Yi.

There is no way, now the entire New York Temple is wrapped in the mirror magic of the person in front of me. The magic of Loki and Sylvie is a little worse than the person in front of me.

In addition, the Supreme Mage had just saved their lives, so they seemed to have no other choice but to sit down and chat with him.

If you can't fight or run away, of course you can only talk.

"Why did you save us?"

After sitting down, Sylvie asked this very crucial question.

There is no inexplicable love in this world, and she and Loki are not worthy of a Supreme Mage who has never met them, crossing so many galaxies, to save them from the planet that is about to be destroyed.

The man in front of me must have a purpose.

I just don’t know what his specific purpose is.

Sylvie's many years of hiding in Tibet have led her to distrust anyone.

The same goes for Loki in this regard, so even if the other party saves them, they are extremely wary and suspicious.

“From the perspective of the Supreme Mage, it is to prevent you from bringing too big changes to the real universe, which will lead to chaos in multiple dimensions.

"From a personal point of view, I just want to get to know you two."

Wen waved his hand, and drinks appeared on the two people's tables. He also took a cup of Coke in his hand at some point, and chatted with them while drinking.


Why Coke?

Loki looked at the dark bubbling liquid in Wen Yi's hand with a slightly strange expression.

As the Supreme Mage, there seems to be no problem with you drinking tea, drinking coffee, or even drinking openly. drink Coke while talking about this kind of thing...

Isn’t it a bit informal?

Loki's thoughts went astray, but Sylvie didn't care. She said in a cold voice:

"I don't want to get to know a guy who hides his head and shows his tail."

"Even if I can help you overthrow the Time Administration?"


Sylvie, who had been aloof and didn't want to talk to Kevin, suddenly widened her eyes.

Loki was the same. He stared at the Supreme Mage in front of him in surprise and asked:

"Wait, you not only know the Time Administration, but you also know who is in charge of the Time Administration?"

"Of course I know, not only that, but I also know that you are going in the wrong direction."

"What do you mean?"

Wen Yi's words made Sylvie unable to sit still, and she immediately stood up to ask.

It looked like she was going to fight if Wen Yi didn't explain clearly.

"Calm down, don't be anxious, aren't we talking? Take your time, I'll tell you everything, um, probably."

Wen Yi said and took another sip of Coke.

Very comfortable.

Loki turned around to comfort Sylvie:

"Sylvie, don't get excited yet, let's listen to what he has to say first."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be so calm, you really have grown up, Loki."

"Don't talk to me in such a familiar tone!"

"In fact, I am very familiar with you, or I am very familiar with you in this universe, and we can even be called... friends."


Hearing this word, Loki was stunned for a moment.

He looked at Wen Yi in disbelief and asked:

"We are friends? A wizard who protects the earth will be friends with me, an evil god who invades the earth?"

"Everything is possible, and in this universe, you are not too bad."


Hearing the Supreme Sorcerer say this, Loki suddenly thought of something:

"...You said in this universe...? Aren't all universes the same? My destiny on the sacred timeline..."

"Who said there is only one sacred timeline?"


"The sacred timeline is a timeline that is a fusion of hundreds...even thousands of parallel universes. This is the universe that is least likely to change selected by the time guardians.

"Otherwise, how do you think the Avengers traveled through the timeline?"

"Nonsense!" Wen Yi just finished speaking, and Sylvie immediately said: "I was taken away by the Time Authority because I was born as a girl! If there are really many sacred timelines, then why can't the existence of 'Girl Loki' be allowed? "

Loki nodded.

He heard Sylvie say the reason why she was taken away by the Time Management Bureau.

But Sylvie, who was still a child, was taken away by Losrael just like that, and she didn't even have the opportunity to defend herself!

"Then were you taken away when you were born?"

Wen Yi's question made Loki and Sylvie fall into thought again.

Seeing them thinking, the Supreme Mage continued:

"Look, the girl Loki is allowed to exist, but you did something that would cause a time branch at that time, so you were taken away."

"...I still don't believe you...If you want to communicate, at least let us see what you look like, so that you are sincere, right?"

Sylvie thought about it, gave up discussing the timeline with Wen Yi, and instead withdrew the topic to the issue of integrity.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether Wen Yi wants to help them or not.

It's not what a collaborator should do to keep hiding.

"Well, actually I want to wait until we get familiar with each other before letting you see what I look like, but since you asked...then I'll show you, anyway, it's not a big deal. "

Wen Yi said helplessly, as if he had given up hiding.

While he was talking, he took off the hood on his head with his hand, showing his appearance to Loki and Sylvie.

When the hood was taken off, the first thing the two saw was a bald head shining brightly under the light.

Then came a slightly thin face.

The face was very thin, and the skin on the cheeks was a little sunken, looking like he hadn't eaten well for a long time.

But when he saw the man's appearance, Loki widened his eyes:

"...Agent Kevin! ! ? "

That's right, although the man in front of him was bald and thin, Loki could still tell the general appearance of this person from the outline of his facial features.

The man in front of him was the Time Control Bureau agent who he had always found inexplicable, Kevin...or Kevin's variant!

I didn't expect that in this universe, his variant would be the Supreme Sorcerer!?

Loki was shocked, but when he heard the name that Loki blurted out, Wen Yi smiled.

"Sure enough, you have seen me. "

He said so, his eyes shining with excitement.

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