Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 292 I have no solution, but ‘we’ do

There were ripples in the air, as if something was poking out of the water.

After that, the ripples continued to expand, and countless ripples turned into countless portals, connecting to unknown places.

Look at My King's Treasure (Portal Version)!

Kevin, who was using his abilities, thought to himself in his heart.

The ability Kevin is currently using does not belong to the skill tree system, but to the space magic of the Marvel world.

He opened the portal in the sky, connected the other end of the portal to the deep sea somewhere, and then...

Sea water falls from the sky! !

Each portal provides Kevin with a steady stream of seawater. The seawater falls on the ground and gathers into rivers. In just a few seconds, the originally dry sandy land turns into a swamp full of seawater. !

And it's not over yet!

If the portal is not closed, the sea water will continue to flow. Soon, this entire area will become Kevin's domain!

How can you fight the Supreme Mage without some preparation?

Although Kevin didn't know why the Supreme Mage teleported himself here to fight, no matter what the reason was, it was right to treat it as a venue prepared by the enemy.

On this field prepared by the enemy, God knows whether the opponent has prepared any field magic, or whether it has any benefits for him.

Therefore, it is better to directly change the venue and turn the place suitable for the enemy's fighting into a place suitable for your own fighting.

Fighting requires the right time, right place and right people.

Renhe has nothing to do with the two of them, and Tianshi's words are of little use to the two supreme mages who can see the future time.

So in the end, the only thing that can do anything is the location.

Kevin turns the sand into the ocean, which is creating his own 'territorial advantage'!

"This is really... outrageous."

The Supreme Mage didn't know whether it was a compliment or a sigh.

But the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

Looking at the portal that was continuously pouring out sea water, he made a hand gesture with both hands and shrouded the magic towards the sky.

An inexplicable wind blew into the air starting from him, and all the portals that came into contact with the wind turned into blue butterflies and flew away.

The ‘faucets’ opened by Kevin in the sky are being closed one by one by the Supreme Mage.

The sea water falling on the ground also turns into solid ice when exposed to the wind.

Seeing that the venue was about to change again, Kevin smiled softly, landed on the sea water, and stepped forward with his right foot. The small amount of sea water instantly set off a tsunami that was hundreds of meters high.

The tsunami fell towards the Supreme Mage, and even the ice that was originally frozen by the Supreme Mage was wrapped up in it, turning into shrimp soldiers and crab generals holding long soldiers, riding the sea water to charge towards the Supreme Mage!

The brows under the Supreme Mage's cloak were slightly raised, and the red cloak behind him automatically pulled his body into the air.

Then the Supreme Mage crossed his hands in front of his chest, opened the Eye of Agamotto, and the green light flashed. The sea water that swept towards him, and the ice that Kevin used magic to turn into shrimp soldiers and crab generals, were all fixed in mid-air.

Kevin: "?"

Okay, okay, you fucking don’t care about martial ethics anymore, right? ?

I'll play magic with you, and you'll play with infinite gems with me! ?

Damn, if it weren't for the fact that the Infinity Stones in the Time Management Bureau don't work in other universes, you can see if I can hit you with the Time Stone or not!

Seeing the Supreme Mage starting to use the Time Stone, Kevin's expression became a little tense.

"Are you kidding!?"

"Sorry, the Time Stone is also part of my strength."

The Supreme Mage said very shamelessly.

Then he used the time stone to turn everything back in time and restore it to its original state, and then threw Loki and Sylvie, who were tied into rice dumplings, in front of Kevin.

"Okay, I'll leave them to you."

"...Is this the end of the fight?"

Kevin was in disbelief.

He had just started to warm up and was about to have a real fight with the Supreme Mage, but now the other party told him not to fight? ?

How about playing? ?

"I won't fight anymore, and...we agreed before."

The Supreme Mage said with a smile, and then he took off the hood that covered his appearance as promised.

Showing his cheeks that were much thinner than Kevin's.

When he saw the Supreme Mage's face, which was thin but similar to his own, Kevin opened his mouth instantly:

"Who the hell are you...?"

To be honest, nothing is more surprising than seeing another version of yourself in the Marvel world, the Sorcerer Supreme.

If this were the world of Black Robe, Kevin might be surprised, but not too surprised.

There are so many Kevins in the black robe world, and who can guarantee that a very powerful Kevin will not appear?

But this is the Marvel world!

As far as the Marvel world is concerned, whether it’s Kevin from the normal timeline or Kevin from a time traveler, he is an outsider!

How could they be recognized by Marvel's timeline, and how could they be able to carry out activities while the sacred timeline still exists?

I'm afraid that the moment I traveled through time, I was taken away by the people from the Time Management Bureau!

"I guessed you would be surprised, but I didn't expect you to be so surprised..."

Seeing Kevin looking like he had seen a ghost, Supreme Mage Wen Yi said helplessly:

"As you can see, I am you, but obviously I am not the you you know. You can call me... Wenyi."

"Because the previous supreme mage was Gu Yi, so you are called Wen Yi? No, you chose this name..."

"It doesn't matter what my name is, what matters is why I'm here."

Wen Yi didn't care at all about his name.

Instead, he stated the issue that concerned Kevin most.

Yes, why is Wen Yi here?

Again, even if there is an individual from a parallel world like Kevin, or a variant of a time traveler, it should be in the black robe world. Why does he come to the Marvel world to join in the fun?

"First of all, let me confirm. should...know the old me, right?"

Kevin asked hesitantly.

Wen Yi immediately replied:

"If you're asking...a higher dimensional you, my answer is...yes, I know."

"Then where does your memory stay?"

"Get an inheritance and then sleep."

"Then you became...well..."

Kevin pointed at Wen Yi. What he was asking now was the most critical question. Did the other party become the deep sea and then come to this world, or... was he in this world from the beginning?

Wen Yi was silent for a while, raised his head and replied:

"I became an orphan adopted by Kamal Taj."


Too bad, the plot doesn't fit.

He has never crossed over to become the Deep Sea, he has been in the Marvel Universe from the beginning!

In this case, there is another problem.

Who is the time traveler between Kevin now and Wenyi in front of him?

It was their souls that were accidentally split into two during the time travel. One ran away to the Black Robe, and the other ran to the Marvel Universe.

Or is it that their souls are intact, but something unexpected happened in the middle, which resulted in an additional variant of Kevin in the Marvel world...

Wait, is it really just one more?

Kevin's heart moved, he raised his head and asked:

"Besides there anyone else?"

"That's why I'm looking for you."

Wen Yi waved his hand, and the green time stream enveloped Loki and Sylvie, pausing their time to prevent them from hearing the next conversation.

Then he said:

"I have seen a lot of us, many, many that they can be cut by the Time Management Bureau."

"This is impossible!"

Kevin blurted out immediately.

Wen Yi nodded slightly:

"Yes, logically speaking this is impossible."

The two people said it was impossible because according to the Marvel Universe, they were existences of higher dimensions, transcending the Marvel Universe and belonging to the same existence as observers.

At least their souls do.

Whether such an existence exists in the Black Robe Universe or the Marvel Universe, at least one thing is guaranteed.

That is the oneness of soul and consciousness.

Even if we take a step back, they are not observers of higher dimensions, but they are also people from outside the Marvel and Black Robe universes.

Even if one or two traveled to this universe, they would never be able to create so many different individuals.

Because if there really are so many individuals, it means there are countless time traveler Kevins.

This also means that in the real universe where Kevin lives, there is a multiverse!

And the number is probably more than that of the Marvel Universe!

Only with a huge base can so many time traveler Kevins be born.

Both of them are supreme mages and understand the logic of this very well, so they say this is impossible.


"But I have seen us, I have seen us as the leaders of the Avengers, I have seen us as presidents, I have seen us as members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and even... I have even seen us as the goddess of death... Oh no, I should say... We are the god of death.”

Wen Yi spoke out Kevin's variations one after another.

"Some of these people were found by the Time Management Bureau and cut off, but for the larger part, they still live according to their original routes. You know what this means."

"It means their fate is normal and will not cause fluctuations in the timeline..."

"Yes, but this is the biggest abnormality, because we all know that we are outsiders, and every move will change everything in this world, but..."

"But...the changes we made cannot create time branches..."

It's scary.

Seriously, it's really scary.

Fans who have watched the Marvel series of movies and are aware of the existence of the Time Administration are well aware of it.

If he is still in the stage of the sacred timeline and travels to the Marvel Universe, no matter who he is or what his identity is, once he changes his original destiny, he will be discovered by the Time Management Bureau.

As a time traveler, he does not belong to the Marvel universe. Whether he knows the plot or not, his existence is the biggest change!

In other words, the moment the time traveler is born, he will be discovered by the Time Management Bureau and taken away!

However, Kevin... we were obviously in the stage of the sacred timeline, but we were not taken away by the Time Management Bureau.

This proves that their existence itself is part of the Marvel Universe, and the fate of all of them is included in the sacred timeline!

Even if Kevin is willing, now that he is back in the Time Management Bureau, he can go to the Time Theater to see the past, present and future of any variant of Kevin!

Just thinking about it made Kevin shudder.

But Kevin soon realized something was wrong.

The fate of Kevins in the Marvel world may have been determined, but...Kevin himself is from the world of black robes!

Why didn't this happen in the Black Robe World, but there are so many of him in the Marvel World.

And he is recognized by the Holy Timeline!

Kevin vaguely realized something.

But the Supreme Sorcerer Wen Yi smiled at Kevin and said:

"It's not us, or rather, there is no you here, it's 'us', but not you."


"You are special."

Wen Yi said firmly: "Not only because you are the only individual working in the Time Management Bureau, but also because of your ability."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think I just fought with you just to confirm your strength?"

"You figured it out..."

"Yes, your ability system does not belong to Marvel."

Wen Yi said affirmatively.

The reason he fought with Kevin was not that he wanted to fight, nor that he tested Kevin's strength first.

It was purely because he was analyzing the power system of the other party, an individual who appeared in the Time Management Bureau.

And after the test of the Supreme Sorcerer Wen Yi, he could be 100% sure.

Kevin in front of him does not belong to Marvel. He is the only mutant from another world, a special individual who is absolutely different from others.


"You are very likely the source of everything for us."

"What nonsense are you talking about..."

Hearing what Wen Yi said, Kevin's eyes widened.

If that's the case, then doesn't it mean that he came first, and then all the Kevins in the Marvel Universe?

Why doesn't Kevin remember that he has such a great ability to do such a thing in the Marvel world.

"It's just my guess."

Wen Yi didn't say much, he skipped the topic and said:

"But no matter what, it's absolutely true that you are special, and this is why I'm waiting for you."

"You want me to find the answer."

"Yes, I want to know... am I real or fake."

Wen Yi said seriously.

"Is this important?"

Kevin asked him in surprise.

If the other party is himself, he shouldn't care about this question.

What does it matter whether it is true or false? Even if it is fake, can you immediately turn yourself into a real one after you know it?

This is not playing The Matrix!

But Wen Yi nodded seriously and said:

"It's very important."

"Excuse me, how long have you been traveling through time?"

"You can tell by looking at my hair."

"Sorry, I really can't tell."

Kevin looked at Wen Yi with a complicated expression.

Although he didn't know the other party's experience, he could see that the other party's experience must not be very good.

Otherwise, Kevin himself couldn't accept his bald head.

Wen Yi sighed and narrated slowly:

"So far... it should be... more than 70 years."


"Don't be so surprised, think about when the Marvel Universe started. In 2008, Iron Man came out. I became the mage of Kamar-Taj two years before Tony announced that he was Iron Man.

"I was accepted as a disciple by the Ancient One and accepted her mantle. When the Avengers were established in 12 years, I became the Supreme Sorcerer. ”

Wen Yi said this with a dazed look in his eyes, and began to recall his past:

“After becoming the Sorcerer Supreme, I realized how difficult this position is. Not only do I have to guard against the invasion of multiple dimensions, but I also have to prevent the future from deviating too far.

“And you don’t know that although this world is derived from the movie universe, it is a little bit different from the movie universe. This world has X-Men and the Fantastic Four.”


“In order to better protect the earth, I took over the responsibility of Doctor Strange, contacted Mr. Fantastic Reed, Professor X Charles, Inhuman Black Bolt, Iron Man Tony… The five of us formed the original Illuminati.”


“After so many years, in order to better protect the earth dimension, I have signed many contracts with different dimensions, and even had contact with hell, even the dark dimension…”

Wen Yi stopped here, and was silent for a long time before bypassing this topic and continued:

“…Contacting too many dimensions has also cost me a lot. Now losing my hair and part of my flesh and blood is the best price…”

Through Wen Yi’s description, Kevin finally understood that Wen Yi in front of him was different from himself.

After the time travel, the moment their experiences changed, they had become two completely different people.

Kevin still had the same attitude as before, just wanting to get everything done and live a stable life.

But as the Supreme Mage Wen Yi, he had a lot to consider.

So he began to think about whether he was real or fake.

"So smart people think too much. You are no longer me. I don't want to be a smart person..."

After listening to Wen Yi's experience, Kevin sighed.

Wen Yi laughed:

"Don't be a smart person... Actually, this is the smartest way to live, but it's a pity that I can't go back."

"But I roughly understand what you mean. You want to find out the truth about your being in the Marvel Universe."

"Well, that's all. Just tell me when you know it. In addition... I won't ask how you entered the Time Management Bureau. I'm just curious about your purpose in the Marvel Universe."

“…The world I traveled through is the Black Robe Patrol. Because of me, the timeline there is now in a mess, and different parallel universes are colliding with each other. In order to avoid the destruction of the world, I came here to find a way to sort out the timeline.”

Kevin answered truthfully.

Because they all belong to different universes, there is no conflict of interest, and these can be told to each other.


Just after hearing what Kevin said, Wen Yi seemed to have guessed something, lowered his head and fell into deep thought, and raised his head after a long time and said:

“…The problem you mentioned may be solved without relying on the Time Management Bureau.”

Kevin: “?”

Do you want to hear what you are saying? ?

Can the problem of timeline collision be solved without relying on the Time Management Bureau?

So you have a way?

How come I don’t know when I became so NB!

Kevin opened his mouth to ask.

Wen Yi seemed to see through Kevin's thoughts and said in advance:

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have any good solution for this matter, but..."

Wen Yi raised his head and smiled at Kevin:

"'We' do."

One person's plan is short, two people's plan is long, three ugly generals are better than Zhuge Liang.

The Supreme Mage Kevin may not have a solution.

But...more Kevins, they may have a solution.

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