Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 297 A big fight

While Kevin was numb, Loki was also numb.

Originally, he and Sylvie found the Time Guardian well, and then they fought with the Time Guardian after being rescued by the defected B-15 and Mobius.

In fact, they fought with the guards of the Time Guardian.

During the fight, Sylvie seized the opportunity to chop off the head of one of the three Time Guardians.

As a result, when the head fell off, they found that the Time Guardian was actually a robot!

They are not real people! They are just puppets pushed forward!

The real controller of the Time Authority is someone else!

When Loki and Sylvie first learned the news, they were shocked.

But before Loki and Sylvie left the Time Authority to continue investigating the truth, Loki was attacked from behind by Losrael, the sixth, and cut him to the Void Land.

When he came to the Void Land, Loki realized that being cut did not mean death. If he could find a way to survive, it would not be a problem to live to old age in the Void Land.

This was his self-understanding through the four Lokis he met after his arrival.

And Loki didn't expect that there would be so many of himself here.

What is the child Loki, the old Loki, the black Loki, the crocodile Loki...

The combination of these four people alone has gathered all the old, young and teenage alien species!

Loki himself didn't think that he had so many types!

But thanks to the rescue of these four people, he was not eaten by the monster Elios floating in the sky.

After chatting with the four people and talking about their pasts, Loki began to make up his mind to find a way to leave here.

He didn't forget that he still had to help Sylvie overthrow the rule of the Time Authority.

And if you want to help Sylvie, the premise is to find a way to leave this garbage dump of the Time Authority.

What Loki didn't expect was that he was caught not long after he left the base of the four people... three people and a crocodile.

It wasn't the Lokis who caught him.

It was the 'Kevins'!

That's the mysterious Time Authority agent! !

Why does he have so many variants here! ?

Loki, who was tied to a pillar, wanted to cry but had no tears.

He felt that he had never been happy since he came to this time bureau! First, he was almost cut off, and then he had a fight with the female version of himself.

Although the experience with Sylvie was a good memory now, Loki also fell in love with Sylvie.

But this was the only good memory.

Later, he was interrogated and locked in a special prison, repeating the things he didn't want to face the most, and fought with the people of the time bureau and was cut off to the garbage dump.

Finally, he was caught by the "Kevins" and brought here.

He felt like he was repeating the matter of "being caught".

Caught by the Avengers, caught by the time bureau, caught by Loki, caught by Kevin...

What is the innate holy body being caught? Is he a Disney princess from where? ?

If Loki was Kevin, he would definitely complain like this, but unfortunately he is not, so Loki is now trying to escape from the Kevins in front of him.

"I say, everyone..."

"Don't talk."

The waterman who was in charge of guarding Loki glanced at Loki and said:

"We know you better than you think, and we know what you want to do, so we won't listen to anything you say, just stay here obediently, and when the time comes, we will let you go."

"So you don't want to kill me?"

"That's hard to say."

Another Kevin came over, wearing loose clothes, looking gentle and refined, and said to Loki:

"If he doesn't agree to exchange with you, then you are useless to us."

"Him? Who?"


The waterman took over, seeing that Loki was a little confused, and added: "As an agent of the Time Management Bureau."

"...I understand."

Loki is also a smart man. He quickly analyzed that the reason why the group of people in front of him caught him was not because they wanted to do something to him, but because they wanted to do something to the mysterious Time Management Bureau agent.

And from the performance of the Supreme Mage Wen Yi and the performance of the Time Management Bureau agent when he first talked to him, it can be proved that this Time Management Bureau agent is a special individual.

Even among all his variants, he is the most special one.

Because of his specialness, these other variants want to find him and do something to him.

His eyes turned slightly, and his intuition told Loki that Kevin's agent variant was not only special, but also knew more.

If Sylvie wanted to overthrow the rule of the Time Authority, he might need his help.

Then he couldn't just watch Agent Kevin being caught by this group of people, he had to find a way to escape.

Loki looked at the Kevin version of the Avengers in front of him, thought about it and suddenly asked:

"How can you be so sure that Kevin will exchange with me? We don't even seem to be friends. What if he doesn't want to exchange with me?"

"Don't ask so many questions, just stay honest."

Hearing Loki's question, the water man said rather unhappily.

Although Loki is a plot character in their eyes, they have never underestimated this guy.

At least they are very clear about Loki's cunning and Loki's intelligence.

So they also know what to say and what not to say.

It was as if Loki was thinking that if he answered the question carelessly, he would guess something, so it would be better not to say anything.

Seeing that Loki still wanted to ask, Water Man said impatiently:

"Do you still want to be thrown by Hulk like a rag doll?"

As soon as the water man finished speaking, the gentle and bespectacled Kevin next to him smiled:

"I don't mind if that's okay."

"I mind!!" Loki shouted almost instinctively, and then he turned to look at Kevin in the glasses: "Wait, are you the Hulk??"

"That's right. Although I'm not Banner, I am a member of the Hulk Gang and have the ability to turn into the Hulk... So, if you still want to experience flying on the trapeze, I can help you for free."

The bespectacled Kevin smiled kindly.

But seeing his smile, Loki trembled subconsciously.

Being thrown by the Hulk like a toy on the Stark Tower is a lingering nightmare for Loki.

The Hulk has also become an indelible psychological shadow for him.

So now that he knew there was a Hulk here, Loki immediately shut his mouth and didn't dare to say anything.

He was really afraid that the Hulk in front of him would give him a classic reenactment here.

Loki didn't dare to speak, and several Kevins ignored him, minding their own research.

It seemed like they really didn't care about Loki.

Although he was ignored, Loki didn't care very much. He was now thinking about how he could run out of here.

This group of people didn't know what method they used to prevent Loki from using his magic. It was a bit impossible to escape with magic.

On the contrary, it is more likely that the child Loki and the others will come to save him.

And just when Loki was at a loss what to do, suddenly, a clear voice came from his ears:

"Hey, Loki!"


Loki was slightly startled. He looked over his shoulder from the corner of his eye and saw a small man the size of an ant hanging on his shoulder. He stuck his head out and said to him:

"Don't panic. I'm here to save you. We will attack here later and someone will come to take you away. When you leave here, you don't have to worry about anything and run directly in the direction of Elios! Understand this Got it? Nod if you understand!”


Loki glanced at the people gathered not far away and nodded gently to the little ant man.

The little ant man climbed down from Loki's body and disappeared.

Although the little ant man did not introduce himself, according to the time variant that survived here, either Loki or Kevin could guess, and Loki could also guess that this was probably one of Kevin's variants.

Thinking of this, Loki became even more curious about who Kevin was.

Take the Loki variant as an example. No matter what Loki looks like, his abilities are probably the same.

Illusion, magic, or just playing close combat with a small dagger.

Even if there is a gap in the power system, the gap will not be too big.

Take a look at Kevin's variation.

There's Iron Man, there's the Hulk, there's even a Sorcerer Supreme!

Now there are even smaller variants. The power system is completely different. It is impossible to tell what Kevin originally did and what his identity was.

It's like... he can be anything.

Even Loki had some doubts that Kevin might still have their Asgardian variant.

But it’s a good thing that this guy has many variations and power systems.

At least his transformation could get him out.

Loki selectively forgot that he was captured by Kevin's variant, and waited patiently for the time that the little variant just said to launch the attack.

Loki didn't wait long.

Not long after the little one left, the little one who had just talked to Loki appeared in front of the few Kevins.

The appearance of the little one made everyone stunned.

But before they could do anything, Ant-Man Cathy's body quickly grew in size, completely stretching Iron Man's hiding place!

"Damn!! Cathy!!!!"

The bespectacled Hulk saw his home being demolished and roared at Cathy, who had turned into a giant.

It looked like they knew each other.

Cathy let out a burst of silver bell-like laughter and continued to open up the space where Iron Man and the others were hiding.

When Iron Man saw this, he was not as angry as the Hulk. Instead, he said to the water man on the side:

"Go and see Loki!"

"Okay...fuck! He ran away!!"

When the water man turned his head, he found that Loki had disappeared from where he was.

Iron Man secretly said something bad, and immediately looked towards the buffer that prohibited magic and super powers.

Sure enough, the magic-forbidden device located here had been destroyed at some point. Judging from the traces on it, it must have been Cathy's handiwork.

Cathy didn't know when she found and sneaked here, couldn't help but destroy the magic-forbidden device here, and let Loki go.

"Let the captain chase him! Let's deal with Cathy first!"

Although Loki escaped, Iron Man did not panic at all. He quickly made arrangements and asked other Kevins to chase Loki.

He, along with the Water Man, tried to suppress Cathy and get her to stop this giant baby-like destructive behavior.

Cathy seemed to be addicted to playing. She bared her teeth and claws and destroyed everything here. While destroying, she laughed happily, which made people have a headache.

Iron Man analyzed the key nodes on Cathy's suit and thought about destroying it to make Cathy transform back. However, before he could do anything, he saw something bigger coming from above.

That's a big plier.

Big tongs bigger than a hill!

It was Kevin, who summoned the sea monster Krasen to this world!

"Oh... God..."

The water man stared up at the sky, and Cathy also saw the big tongs.

When Cathy saw something bigger than herself in the distance, she opened her mouth in shock.

"What is this!?"

"Sea monster Krasen, my harvest in the DC world."

Kevin's voice came from the headset, and he smiled and said:

"Okay, Cathy, you go back, next... it's my show."

Cathy destroyed the buffer that prohibited magic and superpowers. Nothing could restrain Kevin, and he was invincible here!

Not to mention other things, just Krasen alone was enough to crush everyone below except the Hulk!

Stunned by watching the sea monster Krasen wreaking havoc here, Cathy quickly returned to her original size, and soon shrank into Ant-Man and left.

But as she left, she also saw the monster, Elios, who was attracted from afar. She couldn't help but shout to Kevin:

"Hey!! You attracted Elios here!!"

"That's great. Loki doesn't have to make a trip."

"But we haven't found Sylvie yet!"

The original plan was to let Sylvie and Loki connect with Elios through Sylvie's magic according to the original method, so as to reach the time castle where no one has gone.

But now, they haven't seen Sylvie yet. Even if they attract Elios, they can't proceed with the next plan.

"It doesn't matter."

When Cathy was worried, Kevin's chuckled voice came from the headset:

"At worst, just take Elios down too."

He said so, with absolute confidence in his words.


Standing on the head of the giant sea monster Krasen, Kevin didn't look at the Kevins below.

His sight fell on the purple thundercloud in the distance.

That purple thundercloud is the monster that devours the cut things in this void, Elios.

Elios's body is a cosmic cloud that can devour time and space.

Kang the Legacy controlled it and used it to end the Kang War in the multiverse.

From this point of view, this thing is definitely very strong, because it can devour almost any matter, whether it is time or space, or other things created by Kang.

But it also has its own weaknesses.

Otherwise, it would not be controlled by Kang the Legacy.

And since Kang the Legacy can control it, Kevin thinks that he may also be able to control it.

Use magic patterns.

Because he couldn't go back for the time being, Kevin used up all his recent and previous skill points, leaving only a few points for backup, and the rest were all invested in the skill [Lord's Magic Principle].

This skill enhanced Kevin's understanding of magic and magic, and combined with the magic knowledge he had seen in Kamar-Taj, Kevin could create more magic patterns.

Combining magic patterns with magic patterns and activating them with magic power can create a magic system that belongs to Kevin alone.

In this system, Kevin also vaguely understood the principle of his ability to communicate with marine life.

[Aquatic Animal Affinity], this skill has never been upgraded by Kevin.

So far, it is only at level 4, and this is the level that was selected in order to summon Krasen.

Otherwise, Kevin would probably not continue to upgrade this skill.

After all, the potential of this skill seems limited. Kevin can already talk to water creatures, attract water creatures to be close to him, and let them use him.

This is enough for Kevin, and there is no need to upgrade the skill level.

The main reason is that this thing is a basic skill, which requires too many skill points. Before achieving skill point freedom, it is a dispensable skill, and there is no need to upgrade it too high.

But Kevin, who understands the magic pattern system and vaguely understands the essence of his skill tree, also begins to know that this skill is not as simple as he imagined.

Let's talk about the conclusion first.

If this thing is upgraded to a high level, it should be able to improve the affinity of all creatures to Kevin and include all creatures in Kevin's summoning system.

However, because it can only be done at a high level, Kevin does not seem to need the skill of [Aquatic Creature Affinity] now.

But now Kevin's [Lord's Magic Principle] is at level five.

Through his understanding of magic, he can now dissect the essence of skills and temporarily improve his abilities in a certain aspect.


If Kevin can withstand the erosion of Elios on his body, he can connect with Elios like Sylvie and control it.

This gave Kevin some ideas.

If this monster can also listen to Kevin's call like Krasen...

Then Kevin's visit to the Loki world this time is really a big win!

"My king... that green one is a bit difficult to deal with."

Kevin was thinking about how to turn Elios into his summon.

Krasen's cry for help came to his ears.

He lowered his head and looked down, and sure enough, he saw the big green guy with a stubborn head jumping on Krasen's big pincers.

It has thick skin and great strength, and compared to Krasen's huge body, his body is as small as an ant.

That’s why Krasen couldn’t do anything to him now.

Cathy was holding back Iron Man, Waterman was chasing Loki, and there was a guy holding a shield and COSing Captain America, fighting Spider-Man below, and only the Hulk was running along Krasen’s big pincers.

It seemed that the target was Kevin.

“Well, let’s do as we agreed before… I’ll deal with him first and then talk about other things.”

According to the previous division of labor and cooperation, Kevin jumped from Krasen’s head and flew straight to the Hulk below.


Seeing Kevin coming down, the Hulk roared and swung his fist at Kevin, and the big fist as big as two people’s heads went straight to Kevin’s head.

But Kevin didn’t fight the Hulk head-on.

As the figures intersected, he nimbly dodged the Hulk’s fist and put his right hand on the Hulk’s forehead.

At that moment of intersection, the Hulk’s soul flew out of his body!

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