Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 80 Face to Face

Madeleine's funeral was held as scheduled within a few days.

All members of the seven-member team were present except for the transparent one. The motherland was responsible for delivering the eulogy, talking about Madeleine's life story, and her eyes became red as she spoke, looking extremely sad.

He was indeed sad, extremely sad.

He didn't know about Rebecca or that he had a son, but Madeline was still his favorite person.

Madeleine's death made the people of the motherland very sad.

In particular, the Walter Group has now turned Madeleine's mourning party into a social dinner for celebrities from all walks of life, which has made the people of the motherland even more sad and angry.

But he couldn't do anything.

Because this is what the Watt Group would do.

For Vought Group, there is nothing that cannot make money.

Madeleine worked hard for the Walter Group for so long during her lifetime, and I believe Madeleine herself wouldn't mind if she wanted to use her funeral to sell some things and get some sponsorship after her death.

And it's not just Madeleine. When the transparent man's mourning meeting comes, this will probably happen again.

This is Watt Group, this is capital.

Because of this, the people from the motherland did not stay long at the funeral before saying goodbye and leaving, not knowing where they went.

Kevin socialized with others at the funeral and accepted media interviews with Starlight.

The two of them are now basically officially declared partners, so they don't have to be shy about being together in public.

Anne was very happy about this and was very energetic in building a network online and running a common CP website.

The Walter Group also took the opportunity to make money and sell their products.

Kevin and Annie also have a group of fans on the Internet who are dedicated to them.

What does it seem to be called...'Starfish' support group?

This name always gives Kevin the illusion of running into the Spongebob Theater.

In short, precisely because the two are CPs, and because Kevin is currently in the limelight and the motherland is not around at the moment, the two have attracted most of the media's attention.

Kevin didn't like this aspect of socializing, and Anne actually didn't like it either, but after seeing that Kevin didn't like it, she took the initiative to help Kevin stop most of the reporters, so that Kevin could have some free time.

Coming out of the crowd of reporters, Kevin breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could rest for long, Edgar called:

"Kevin, do you have time later?"

"I have time, sir. Is there anything I can help you with?"

After finding a secluded place to talk to Edgar, Kevin asked softly.

"There is really something you need to do. Madeleine died unexpectedly now, and someone needs to take over her work. If you have time, go to Madeleine's office now and sort out what she has been doing recently."

Edgar said on the other end of the phone, and Kevin was stunned:

"Sir, you mean..."

"I think I made it clear enough, just do what you gotta do, Kevin."

Edgar's words were still so concise. After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone neatly, without giving Kevin a chance to ask again.

But there is no need to ask, and there is no need to ask. As Edgar himself said, he has made it very clear. Next, Kevin only needs to go to Madeleine's office to sort out her documents.

The goal during this period was temporarily achieved, and Kevin was actually very happy inside, but he couldn't show too much joy at the funeral social gathering.

After telling Starlight that he was leaving for a while, and apologizing to the business celebrities he was talking to, Kevin left the venue with a nostalgic 'sadness' and ran towards the Watt Building.

Madeleine's office is on the same floor as the Seven's conference room.

Kevin arrived at the 99th floor through Team Seven's internal elevator. As soon as he reached Madeleine's office, his hand was already on the door handle and he was about to open the door.

But suddenly Kevin stopped moving again.

The keen five senses brought about by [Superhuman Physique] allowed Kevin to notice that there was someone in the room.

"Oh, this is really..."

Listening to the commotion inside, Kevin had a slightly strange expression. After thinking for a moment, he chose to stay outside and did not go in to disturb.

After standing at the door for a long time, Kevin pushed the door open and entered after he was sure it was over.


In the room, the natives hurriedly closed the refrigerator door and turned to look at the door.

Seeing Kevin coming in, his expression became extremely angry:

"Deep Sea? What are you doing here?"

"Actually, this is my question, Captain, if I remember correctly, you should be the host at Ms. Madeleine's funeral? How..."

"I'm asking you now!"

Before Kevin could finish speaking, people from the motherland came to Kevin angrily.

He looked directly into Kevin's eyes, his pupils vaguely glowing red, as if his heat vision would shoot out of his eyes and penetrate Kevin's head if Kevin gave him an answer that dissatisfied him.

To be honest, the angry look of the motherland is indeed terrifying. If it were the deep sea in the past, the look of the motherland would probably be frightening and speechless.

But Kevin, whose physical fitness has been greatly improved, is not afraid of the people of his motherland here.

Coupled with what the people from the motherland did in the room just now, it made Kevin want to laugh even more.

This guy is so angry...

Kevin's heart was calm and his smile remained unchanged. He looked into the eyes of the people of the motherland and replied in a neither humble nor arrogant manner:

"It's Mr. Edgar who asked me to organize Ms. Madeleine's working documents."


Hearing Edgar's name, the red light in the eyes of the motherland disappeared immediately.

His eyes became extremely complicated at this moment.

There are doubts, confusions, and disbeliefs.

The motherland took two steps back, stared at Kevin blankly, and then pointed at him with his finger:

"You? Edgar...asked you to come? Huh?"

The people of the motherland wanted to laugh, but they couldn't laugh after laughing twice.

What kind of person Shen Hai is, the people of the motherland simply don’t want to go into details.

In the past, before the starlight came, the deep sea was a loser at the bottom.

He has low self-esteem, is weak, and is not very smart. He always wants to have a good relationship with the other members of the Seven, but in the end he is always teased by everyone.

Locomotive once threw Deep Sea's favorite fish into the toilet, and the Chinese people also deliberately gave Deep Sea grilled squid at dinner.

He was such a guy who could be bullied by anyone, but he changed into a different person the day Xingguang joined the company.

Actively participate in various activities, shoot new movies, change your image and make yourself more handsome than the people of your motherland.

His strength had also increased enough that even the locomotives began to fear him.

The people of the motherland don't know if this is the change brought about by love in Deep Sea, but in his opinion, no matter how Deep Sea changes, he should not win Edgar's favor to take over Madeleine's job.

There are so many senior executives in the Walter Group, and there are as many people as possible who can replace Madeleine.

Wouldn't it be better if he, the captain of the seven-man team, couldn't do it?

Why the deep sea? How could it be the deep sea! ?

The people of the motherland could not accept this fact. He took two steps forward, grabbed Kevin's collar, and roared:

"You are lying!!"


The hand of the motherland was squeezed by Kevin's hand.

Feeling the force coming from his hand, the angry expressions of the motherland became a little more stunned.

"team leader."

As Kevin spoke, he slowly opened the hands of his motherland that grabbed his collar, and said without flinching:

"Are you lying? Just ask Mr. Edgar. Now... please don't disturb my work, okay?"

With a smile on his face, Kevin opened the hand of the motherland and patted the motherland's shoulder gently.

In fact, Kevin's strength is not as strong as that of the people of his motherland. If there is a real competition of strength, then Kevin will undoubtedly be at a disadvantage.

But the people of the motherland were first confused when they heard Edgar's name, and secondly, they didn't expect Kevin to have such great strength, so Kevin slowly opened his hand.

Sensing Kevin's strength, the motherland did not continue to force Kevin. He glanced at Kevin with a gloomy expression, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He raised his hand, pointed at Kevin, wanted to say something but gave up, and finally laughed angrily:

"Your job?

"Okay, very good, I'm going to find Edgar right now, and if I find out that you are lying, I will cut off your head and throw it into the sea to feed your fish friends!"


Kevin's expression remained unchanged, and he made a gesture of invitation to send the people of the motherland away.

In the end, the people of the motherland could not do anything to Kevin. He stormed out of the office angrily and went to find Edgar. Kevin was left alone in the room.

Kevin didn't take the threat from his motherland seriously, and he even just thought it was funny.

Because what the people of the motherland said was as harsh as a child saying out of anger, "I want to find my father."

How could this make Kevin afraid?

After throwing away the aura of power and being able to treat the people of the motherland with equal strength, Kevin once again deeply understood that the people of the motherland are really just a big baby.

"And it's a baby that needs milk."

After the people from the motherland left, Kevin opened the refrigerator and looked at the empty milk bottles in the refrigerator, feeling even more happy.

Just now, Kevin chose to stay outside because he heard the sound of people from the motherland drinking milk here.

The milk placed here is the 'breast milk' that Madeleine prepared for her son. It is original and has no additives.

The people of the motherland like to drink this special ‘drink’.

It may be because after Madeleine died, the people of the motherland knew that they would never be able to drink milk again, so they came here to look for milk with sadness and nostalgia for Madeleine.

Kevin was very considerate and did not choose to come in to find him when the motherland was drinking milk, and gave the motherland time to finish drinking.

As a result, the people of the motherland still treated him like this.

To be honest, Kevin was a little sad.

Of course, this is a joke.

After seeing off his motherland, Kevin closed the refrigerator door and sat down behind Madeleine's desk.

Although this is just a seat and not mixed with anything else, Kevin still feels that something is different after sitting here.

Kevin knew that something different was called power.

He now has the power to dominate the seven-man team, and even more power to dominate the people of his motherland.

Although Kevin's strength on land is still slightly inferior to that of the people of the motherland, he now has the power to command the people of the motherland.

"This is the rule..."

Kevin sighed as he lay on his office chair.

No matter how powerful you are, as long as you are not really powerful enough to become a god or powerful enough to have no weaknesses, you will be restricted by the rules of the world.

This is especially true for people from the motherland who want to seek more ‘love’ within these rules.

"Suddenly I feel like I've become a bit despicable. Well, give Madeleine two more sticks of incense at night... No, this shouldn't be a thing in foreign countries?"

Sitting on the chair and spinning around, Kevin thought about one thing or another.

After a while, he really started to sort out Madeleine's files and took out a very key file.

It was a bill about putting superheroes in the Department of Defense.

Thanks to Madeleine's efforts, there are now more MPs saying yes than saying no.

This bill has been implemented.

If there are no accidents.

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