Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 85 I gave you a chance

Not much time was wasted in the exchange with the Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State and Kevin reached an agreement on the disposal of Compound No. 5.

Congress will choose to keep Compound No. 5 a secret, and will also relax its tone on the matter of superhumans joining the army.

After that, all it takes is a banquet and a meeting between Kevin and the remaining congressmen, and the matter is settled.

Compared with Madeleine, the Secretary of State obviously gets along better with Kevin.

The reason still lies on Flight 37.

A relative of a friend of the Secretary of State happened to be a member of the flight. Kevin saved him, which was equivalent to saving the Secretary of State's friend.

These were the Secretary of State's exact words, but Kevin didn't know what they actually said.

After all, this senior official did not tell Kevin the name of the survivor.

All in all, Kevin did his job as vice president very smoothly without any hindrance.

If the locomotive did not come to him personally in the evening.

"You're quite good at timing, Locomotive."

Kevin, who had just seen Annie off and was wearing only a bathrobe, was opening a bottle of red wine and drinking slowly.

After making so much money, Kevin doesn't spend a penny, and he also puts some more exquisite-looking things at home.

Kevin also buys luxury cars and wines.

At this moment, Kevin has a large wine rack at home, and the wine rack is filled with all kinds of expensive red wine.

Although Kevin regretted it after buying it... After all, in his opinion, these red wines really don't taste very good, and he doesn't know why they are sold so expensive...

Maybe he doesn't enjoy it.

But he had to drink the wine he bought with tears in his eyes, so sometimes Kevin would take out a bottle and take a few sips.

But now, after less than two sips, the locomotive appeared in Kevin's room.

Although Kevin was slightly surprised by the arrival of the locomotive, he was not surprised. He sat on the sofa with a wine glass, his legs on the coffee table in front of him, and looked at the locomotive in this comfortable posture:

"What's the matter with coming here so late?"

"Are you going to kick me out of the Seven?"

The locomotive asked straight to the point.

When Locomotive asked questions, there was no fear of Kevin in his eyes. The anger about being expelled from the seven-man team by Kevin had already gone to his head, making him forget what Kevin had done to him.

He only has one thing in his eyes now, and he wants to know whether what the people of his motherland said to him is true.

Kevin shook the red wine glass in his hand and sighed to the locomotive:

"It's true, Locomotive. You have a heart disease and you are not suitable to stay in the seven-man team. You should retire early and go back to recuperate."

"Then...the rumors on the Internet during this period were also spread by you?!"

Locomotive asked again.

It seems that he knows a lot from the people of his motherland.

"No, to be precise, it wasn't me who sent it, it was the shock wave, and..." Kevin put down the red wine glass and looked at the locomotive with a smile:

"That's not a rumor, it's a fact. You did hit Compound No. 5 on the day of the competition. I can confirm this."

"How could you do this to me!!!"

After confirming that the people of the motherland were right and that Kevin had done all this, the locomotive was furious.

He couldn't figure out where he offended Kevin and why he treated him like this.

Could it be that just because you once threw the other person's favorite goldfish into the toilet, is it worth holding a grudge against the other person for so long?

The locomotive was sad and angry.

In stark contrast to Locomotive's out-of-control mood, Kevin remained calm.

He stood up slowly, poured himself another glass of red wine, and whispered:

"There is no reason, Locomotive, you stand with the people of the motherland, and the people of the motherland don't have a good relationship with me now. This is enough for me to deal with you."

"Just...because of this?"

"Because this isn't enough? Well, let's talk about something else?

"I injected No. 5 compound privately and killed someone. I injected No. 5 compound on the field to win the game in an unconventional way. I also got a heart attack because of it..."

Kevin said one by one,

"If any of these things are known to the Watt Group, you will not be able to stay in the Seven.

"And now, I have given you time to retire, given you a whole year to perform on a recurring basis, and even prepared to give you a solo movie... I have done my best, and you should thank me, Reggie."

Although Locomotive is the right-hand man of the motherland, Kevin did not really use the worst means to deal with him.

Everything Kevin did was legal and compliant, and he also gave the locomotive preferential treatment for retirement.

Even Kevin himself has not received such preferential treatment. Kevin feels that Locomotive should thank himself.

"Thank you? You are going to ruin my future and everything about me, and now you want me to thank you!?"

The locomotive was even angrier, he pointed at Kevin and shouted angrily.

Kevin even felt that he should have used his racial talent when he said these words, just like rapping.

Shaking his head helplessly, Kevin put down the wine glass and bottle, glanced at the fish tank aside, then turned to the locomotive and said:

"I didn't destroy you, Reggie, you destroyed yourself."

"It was you! It was you who destroyed me! It was you who killed my girlfriend!! Why did you do this! Why!!"

"Girlfriend? You mean Claw Girl? No, Reggie, it wasn't me who killed her. You know that better than anyone."

Kevin knows that Locomotive's girlfriend is Claw Girl.

Originally, he thought that he had rescued Kimiko in advance and allowed the Devil's Claw Girl to seek refuge abroad. Without being threatened by the black-robed people and not telling anyone about Compound No. 5, the people of the motherland would have spared the Devil's Claw Girl's life.

But the result was that Claw Girl still died of a 'drug overdose', and Locomotive still chose to kill his girlfriend with his own hands.

So now Locomotive says that Kevin killed his girlfriend, and Kevin just finds it funny.

It was never Kevin who killed the Claw Girl, it was Locomotive himself and the people of his motherland who persecuted him.

It really has nothing to do with Kevin.

Kevin's words were not sharp, and even his voice was as calm as usual.

But just these plain words made the locomotive lose all its anger in an instant like a deflated rubber ball.

He looked sad, his eyes were red, and he whispered softly:

"...Yes, you are right, I killed her...I killed her..."

Facing a poor man who killed his lover with his own hands, a man who was manipulated like a puppet by the people of the motherland and had no idea what he was doing, Kevin also lost the idea of ​​doing something to the locomotive.

He looked at the locomotive:

"Reggie, go back. I will pretend that nothing happened today. When tomorrow, you will still be a member of the seven-man team, and then slowly prepare for retirement, I will prepare a grand and successful retirement ceremony for you. , more perfect than mine.”

Kevin said, turning around to handle the red wine on the table, preparing to put the expensive bottle of red wine back on the wine rack.

But the locomotive did not choose to leave. After listening to what Kevin said, he just shook his head and said to himself:

"I can't retire, I can't lose my Sevens identity, Deep... you can't let me retire!"

Locomotive looked at Kevin's back facing him, and when he thought of what would happen to him after he retired, anger surged into his heart again.

Time around him seemed to slow down, and even Kevin's movements seemed to slow down more than ten times.

The locomotive prepares to charge at Kevin.

He knew that he could do it and hit Kevin at the highest speed. Even if Kevin's physical fitness was the same as that of a native of the motherland and he was caught off guard, he would definitely be hit hard.

And Lokomotiv doesn't think Kevin will have the physical strength of the natives.

Making a running gesture and aiming behind Kevin, the locomotive suddenly got up and rushed towards Kevin!

A brief sound barrier suddenly sounded, but then there was a louder sound of falling to the ground heavily.

boom! !

Kevin put the red wine away, leaned on the wine rack, and looked back at the locomotive behind him.

At this moment, the locomotive fell to the ground for some reason, and even the locomotive himself was stunned for a long time.

When he just started running, he felt as if something was holding his feet...

The locomotive thought so and turned to look at his feet.

I saw several ropes woven by the clear water, like seaweed under the water, tightly wrapping around his feet.

At some point, Kevin was ready to condense the water into a rope and wrap it around the locomotive's feet, restricting his movements.

"What?! This...!"

The water rope trapped the locomotive, but this was not the end. The moment the locomotive found the rope, the water flow instantly divided into countless branches and flew towards the locomotive's face in the air.

"...I gave you a chance, Reggie."

Kevin sighed regretfully.

"Wait for me--!"

The locomotive stretched out his hand to Kevin, wanting to say something, but in the blink of an eye, the water flow was like a deadly tentacle, entering the locomotive's nasal cavity and blocking his throat.

It also blocked all the words he would ask for mercy.


The locomotive struggled on the ground in pain.

Under the pain, his ability was activated from time to time, swinging in front of Kevin at extremely high speeds, moving non-stop like a ghost.

But he couldn't get out of Kevin's sight.

Because at some point, except for a small part of the water in the bathtub, all the rest of the water flow was concentrated here, forming a thick water circle cage, trapping the locomotive in it.

Fortunately, Kevin's fish tank is very large, and there is more than one. There is enough water to control it, so he can create such a large water flow cage.

No matter how the locomotive runs, it will eventually hit a cage made of water.

He was like a fly trapped in glass, only bumping around but unable to find an exit.

The locomotive's struggle did not last long.

It only took about a minute or two. When Kevin withdrew from the water prison, the locomotive was already like a fish flapping on the shore, covering his heart and breathing heavily.

The water surrounding the locomotive has long since disappeared. Part of it entered the locomotive's stomach and part of it entered his lungs.

Kevin very gently removed all the water that had entered his stomach and lungs, and controlled it to enter the kitchen sewer. Then he squatted next to the locomotive and looked at him:

"Obviously as long as you turned around and left just now, nothing would happen."

" me..."

The locomotive's breathing was like an old hand-operated bellows. He breathed with all his strength, trying to calm his heartbeat, but to no avail.

He suffered a heart attack at this critical moment.

The black hand was grasping Kevin's bathrobe, and he was trying to get Kevin to save himself.

But it's a pity, like Kevin said before.

Kevin had given him a chance.

It is impossible to give him a second chance now.

However, in order to make Kevin feel better and to make Locomotive accept his fate, Kevin still said to Locomotive:

"When you killed that poor girl, did you ever think about apologizing to the victim's relatives? When you killed your girlfriend, did you ever think about refusing the orders of the motherland and saving her?

"So when you come to me, why do you think I will save you? Reggie?"

The engine could no longer hear Kevin's words behind him.

He was unable to let go of his hand holding Kevin's bathrobe, and rolled his eyes and completely lost consciousness.

Kevin stayed beside him quietly.

One minute, two wasn't until ten minutes passed and the heartbeat of the locomotive gradually stopped that Kevin took out his mobile phone and dialed the hospital's emergency number:

"Hello? Someone here is having a heart attack. Please send an ambulance over as soon as possible!"

After saying this, Kevin put his hands on the chest of the locomotive and gave him the most basic first aid.

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