Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 96 Who are you talking about? Thanos! ?

——Has received high-level energy

——Confirmed energy source attributes

——Confirmed career change

——Job change begins


The noisy notification sound of the skill tree sounded in his ears, but Kevin could no longer distinguish what the skill tree was saying.

The energy of the power gem was pouring into his body fiercely, and the purple energy was wreaking havoc on his body.

But another force emerged from Kevin's body to make up for the damage caused by the purple energy to Kevin.

Destroy destruction...

Tinker, tinker...

Kevin's body became a battlefield between two forces, and he felt as if his body was torn apart in pain.

Now that I have obtained the power gem and my job transfer has been successful, should I let go of the power gem?

Kevin wanted to do this, but the power stone seemed to be stuck to his hand and couldn't be shaken off no matter what.

It wasn't until a purple crystal rose from his feet that Kevin felt that the power gem's adhesion to him had weakened.

The purple crystals were like a slowly weaving cocoon, wrapping around Kevin in circles.

When the purple crystal had covered half of Kevin's body, Kevin was finally able to get rid of the power gem that kept pouring power into his body.

The moment the power gem left Kevin's body, crystals were instantly formed, enveloping Kevin entirely in a crystal cocoon.

But then, an inexplicable sleepiness rushed into Kevin's mind, causing him to gradually lose consciousness.

Before losing consciousness, Kevin instinctively looked at the skill tree.

The skill tree was in chaos at the moment. All the skills were mixed together and turned into a big ball of green, blue and red. It seemed that something new was brewing.

His consciousness stayed here, and finally... his consciousness disappeared.

Within the crystal cocoon, Kevin's figure was vaguely visible, but he had lost consciousness and fell into the deepest sleep. From the outside, he looked like a butterfly preparing to emerge from its chrysalis.

"Kevin?! Kevin!! Hey!! Dude can you hear me?! Hey!!"

Dong dong dong——

Outside the crystal cocoon, Star-Lord pounded the cocoon surrounding Kevin hard.

He saw the scene where Kevin finally tried his best to throw the gem back to its original position, and naturally knew that Kevin was in this crystal cocoon.

But the problem is that Star-Lord now doesn't know whether Kevin in the cocoon is dead or alive.

"Don't bother! Don't you understand? His purpose all along has been to get in touch with this power gem! If it hadn't been for the maid just now, he would have been the first one to get in touch with the power gem!"

Gamora put the power gem back into the cosmic spirit ball. She just roughly closed the cosmic spirit ball to prevent the power gem from running out. Then she put it in her pocket and said to Star-Lord:

"Now we should go back and hand this thing to the Nova Corps!"

"What about Kevin?!"

"Leave him alone! If he dares to do this, he will be fine!"

Gamora hurriedly left the Collector's room and said to Star-Lord:

"I'm really blind to think that Tiwan can control this thing. He has no control over this thing at all!"

"Why are you still holding it!?"

Rocket, who had been brought out by Groot in advance to save his life, suddenly let out a sharp scream when he saw Gamora still holding the cosmic spirit ball containing the power gem.

Gamora repeated what she just said to Star-Lord:

"This thing is too dangerous. We must not let it fall into the hands of Ronan or Thanos! We have to hand it over to the Nova Corps!"

"Is there something wrong with your brain? We are still wanted by the Nova Corps! And what does this thing have to do with us? Ronan can have it if he wants it!"

Rocket shouted pointing at the cosmic spirit ball.

He didn't want to be blown to ashes by this mobile bomb.

Star-Lord had a different opinion: "Give it to Ronan, and the universe will be hopeless!"

"If you can't save it, you can't save it! Quill! You're not a fucking hero! You're a criminal! What does it have to do with us if the universe is gone!"

"Because we fucking live in this universe!!!"

Star-Lord and Rocket kept arguing, but Gamora had no intention of talking to the two.

She held the cosmic spirit ball in her hand tightly, slowly raised her head to look at the sky, and murmured:

"...It's over, Ronan is here."


Star-Lord and Rocket stopped arguing at the same time and looked up at the sky. Sure enough, they saw Ronan's spaceships falling from the sky one by one and heading this way.

On the ground, Drax held up two daggers that he didn't know where they came from, and shouted excitedly to the sky:

"Hahaha! Ronan, your death has come!"

"It's our time to die!! You idiot!!"

Star-Lord couldn't help but roared at Drax:

"You actually sent a message to Ronan?! Is all shit in your head?!"

"Peter, it's time for me to escape. I must escape!"

Unlike Star-Lord's anger, Gamora knew they had to escape now.

First, they couldn't beat Ronan at all, and second, they absolutely couldn't let Ronan get the Cosmic Spirit Ball!

Kevin felt like he was floating in the deep ocean.

In the very deep sea, you can only see the faint light coming from above through the endless water.

His body no longer hurt as it did at first, but instead there was a special power warming his whole body.

It felt like returning to my mother's arms.

Kevin seems to have become a son of the sea.

However, Kevin knew that he was not in the deep sea. He was changing jobs in the land of ignorance. At this moment, he was conscious, so he probably changed jobs successfully.

Thinking this, Kevin opened his eyes slightly.

A little light came into view, and the light green light formed a grid in front of him, forming a line of tall trees with a dot as the base point.

Kevin knew that this was his own skill tree, a brand new skill tree.

Sure enough, he succeeded in changing jobs.

The skill tree does not immediately send Kevin back to the Black Robe World. Kevin has the right to choose to stay in the Marvel World, and the Marvel World here will become another world where Kevin can come and experience at any time.

With just a few skill points exchanged, Kevin can travel between the two worlds.

This is what the skill tree tells him.

In addition, the profession [Superhuman] disappeared and was replaced by the profession [Deep Sea Fighter], and the skill tree also took on a new look.

The previous skills of [Deep Sea Fighter] still exist, but there are no class transfer icons for [Ocean Mage] and [Poseidon Messenger].

Some skills have also been slightly changed.

The four skills [Accelerated Self-Healing], [Underwater Sprint], [Superhuman Heart and Lungs] and [Superhuman Physique] all turned into a new skill after the transfer.

[Fighter's Body].

And it is a fighter's body directly at the LV4 level.

This level of physique is basically equivalent to Kevin's previous level five superhuman physique, and even exceeds it.

And after the Fighter's Body, the skill tree no longer requires you to light up the skill to know the next stage of the skill.

All the skills of [Deep Sea Fighter], including the next career change, were clearly displayed in front of Kevin.

Behind the fighter's body are connected the two skills [Heart of the Deep Sea] and [Immortal Body of the Deep Sea].

Parallel to the fighter body is the [Fighter's Fighting Technique] skill. The extension of [Fighter's Fighting Technique] is the two systems of [Fighter's Dance] and [Swordsmanship] and [Magic Pattern].

Behind the two major systems are active skills based on these two major systems.

After this, there will be the next job change icon.

[Occupation: Ocean Lord]

[Conditions for job transfer:

1. Completely master all the skills of a certain system of swordsmanship or magic patterns.

2. Master the second career.

3. Obtain key items in the mission world. 】

"The first turn is followed by the second does this look like tainted milk powder..."

Looking at the second-level skill icon, Kevin couldn't help but complain.

But let’s not mention the complaints. After officially changing jobs, Kevin was quite satisfied with a revised version of the skill tree.

That is, after each skill, there is a detailed skill description, as well as skill classification, and the highest level of the skill that can be seen.

There are two types of skills in the skill tree.

One is [Basic Skills].

[Fighter's Body], [Heart of the Deep Sea], [Deep Sea Immortality], [Deep Sea Combat Technique] and later [Sword Technique] and [Magic Pattern] are all considered basic skills.

This type of skill strictly follows the skill point distribution of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64.

The highest level is level seven, and level seven is the pinnacle.

Secondly, there are active skills extended from various skills, similar to active skills such as [Water Sword] and [Fighter's Dance].

The skill points are added according to the skill points of 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, and 7 to upgrade.

A maximum of ten skill points will be consumed, and the number of skill points will not be increased. The maximum level of each level is ten.

In addition to these, the skill tree also adds a very considerate function.

Task function.

The skill tree will be calculated to form tasks that can earn skill points based on the things Kevin comes into contact with. Kevin can choose to do it or not.

If you do it, you'll get a guaranteed skill point. If you don't do it, Kevin won't lose anything, but he won't get anything.

"It's better than nothing. At least there will be a way to steadily obtain skill points in the future... By the way, how many skill points do I have left now..."

Kevin looked at his skill points.

Because [Fighter's Body] includes many of Kevin's previous skills, and Kevin has allocated skill points for these skills, so after being fused with [Fighter's Body], some of the skill points are returned to Kevin.

There weren't many, only three, but it was better than nothing.

The three here, plus the three left by Kevin before, make a total of seven skill points, which is okay...

Um? Wait a moment.

Seven? ?

Kevin thought he had seen it wrong at first, but after looking at it again, it was indeed seven skill points.

"...In other words, if I participate in the plot of this world and change the plot of this world, I can also gain skill points? This is good news."

Previously, in order to prevent the plot from changing too much and causing his career change to fail, Kevin spent most of his time following the plot, and even if there were changes, they wouldn't be too much.

He thought he would never get any more skill points in this world, but he didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain.

In this case...Kevin may come to this world more often in the future and try to get as many skill points as possible.

Starting a second career and making a second turn require a lot of skill points, and this Marvel world is just right.

"It's almost done, it's time to go out."

Stretching, Kevin's muscles and bones made crisp sounds.

He didn't know how long it took for him to change his profession, but he thought that the plot of the Guardians of the Galaxy should have almost come to an end.

After you go out, you can go over and see if you can get a few skill points.

After breaking the crystal that wrapped himself, Kevin had just stepped out of the crystal cocoon when a communicator fell in front of Kevin. It seemed that this thing had been hanging on Kevin's cocoon just now.

"This is……?"

Kevin tentatively picked up the communicator, but as soon as he picked it up, the roar of rockets came from inside:

"Oh my God! You sleeping beauty is finally willing to fucking wake up! When you wake up, come to Xandar to help!! Thanos is going to destroy this place!!"

Listening to Rocket's voice, Kevin could subconsciously imagine the angry look on Rocket's little raccoon face.

He smiled softly and was about to talk:

"It's just Ronan, you shouldn't..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that something was not right:

"...Wait a minute, who did you say was going to destroy Xandar?"

"You just woke up and your head is still awake, right?!

"Okay, I repeat! It's Thanos!! Gamora's dad! Thanos, the most vicious criminal in the universe!! And the one who got the damn gem!

"Do you understand now!? If you understand, come over to us and help! Otherwise you will have to come over and collect the bodies for us!!"

Following a hail of bullets from the communicator, Rocket hung up the communication.

Kevin still held the communicator. Even if Rocket hung up the communication, he couldn't recover for a long time.

If this is the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy, then the next person to attack Xandar should be Ronan who has obtained the Power Stone. How could it be Thanos?

How could it be Thanos?

This...shouldn't be right?

Kevin felt confused for a moment.

(The traveler from the unknown universe finally realized at this moment that the development of things seemed to deviate slightly from the history he knew.)

When Kevin was confused, the noise he heard on the road sounded again.

But it was different from when I only heard a bunch of gibberish before.

This time Kevin heard clearly.

Someone was indeed speaking in his ear.

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