Become Onoda in Yowamushi Pedal

Chapter 152 The end of the road

Chapter 152 The end of the road

"Hey, it's nice to meet here"

On the way to the north, they finally caught up with the leading climbers Maami and Hibiki, and the two slowly rode side by side on this undulating road.

Their mission has ended, and they are only waiting for their teammates in the rear to recover, so the two have been chatting.

As if hearing the movement from behind, Zhenami turned his head to look, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Here"

At this time, Dimu didn't look back. He felt that his failure was particularly unworthy of Zongbei. Although the backup members were comforting him, it was Zongbei's first defeat that he brought, so he felt a little guilty for Onoda, who was catching up. dare not look back.

"Hypocritical, I rushed out in such a hurry, and it failed."

Imaizumi rode to the side of Kasugagi and snorted.

"Cut, why are the other seniors doing fine, damn it?"

Hiroki spoke in annoyance, and then Hiroki spoke to Onoda again: "Sorry, General Onoda, I didn't complete the mission."

"Hyprosium, hard work, let's wait for recycling"

Onoda didn't look at him, the decisive battle had already begun at this time, the partner's defeat, he just had to make up for it himself.

"Go, Imaizumi"

Onoda spoke to Imaizumi, who had paused for a while, and although he wanted to comfort Hibaraki more, the two of them now had more important things on their shoulders.

"It's really hard work to be hypocritical," Imaizumi said slowly. When he passed by the Hibiscus tree just now, the water vapor all over his body wouldn't lie.

"That appearance of trying so hard is the proof of a man's fierce battle. But, Imaizumi, aren't you trying to get rid of them? Now that you are brought closer by the box school, what are you doing?"

Onoda also recognizes the efforts of Dysprosium, but he is more concerned about the final victory and defeat, and it is what he needs to do most now to send this Zongbei jersey to the finish line.

"It doesn't matter, although I was delayed for 0.5 seconds just now because of being hypocritical, but even the juniors are working so hard, how can I not be excited?"

Imaizumi opened his mouth and said something very out of character to Onoda, but this is true of Imaizumi. Since he came to Sobei and trained with the former third grade for a year, he has gradually abandoned the loner he used to be. Now he is very concerned about his companions.

This pause also brought Hakone closer, and Kuroda quickly rode behind Maami.

"Well done, Maami" Kuroda happily patted Maami on the back and rode forward without a single pause.

"We all saw the final performance"

Ashikiba, who was closely following Kuroda, looked at Maunami with a smile and said.

"Thank you." Zhenbo responded with a smile to the two who left.

"Uh, you can't see it at all, it's 108,000 miles away."

Only then did Kuroda react, and what Reikiba said, he complained.

"Hey, I just wanted to say something that fits my senior's status," Ashikiba explained a little embarrassedly.

"Then don't lie, you are so tall, that sentence sounds like the truth"

Kuroda continued to complain about this natural trump card. Indeed, the height of Weikiba was too confusing. After all, a height of more than two meters was rare in this country.

"No matter how tall I am, I can't see it, haha" Wei Muchang said again.

"Okay, there is still a distance, let's catch up, use my cat-like muscles"

Kuroda turned Ashigiba's attention to the game, and then shouted to the two of Onoda who were not far in front of him: "Should we decide the outcome, Sobei. Let's see who is this year's champion"

"Huh" Onoda laughed and snorted, and didn't pay much attention to it. With this physical strength, it is better to act more. Moreover, from the very beginning, the contest between the two teams began.

Kuroda's strength is still there, maybe a little worse than Imaizumi's all-around, but his strong muscles still give him the ability to pursue.

"As expected of the duo who won the championship in the high school league last year, they are really strong."

Kuroda breathed a little and said, Kuroda looked at the two ace-assist combinations of the North General at this moment.

0・・Flowers 0...

Although they lost the championship last year, in Kuroda's eyes, the two of them accounted for more of the third grade last year.

"Although I didn't participate in last year's high school league, Box Learning is worthy of being the king of the past. The background is really strong. Any two third graders can be the trump card. I remember that last year, Kuroda-senpai was defeated by the real wave. Now I have confidence. Was it shattered by a real wave?"

Onoda sneered, meaning that he couldn't do it last year, and this year he was taller than short.

"Che, the kid really can say that as long as I can participate in the high school league, I can transform into any position, I can do it. Didn't you just lose just now, this year's box school is for revenge, and the strength is stronger than last year"


Kuroda clearly understood what Onoda meant, and said angrily.

"The flat track is coming to an end soon. I admit your strength on the flat track, but there is a climb behind it. This is a more suitable track for me."

Looking at the uphill not far away, Kuroda spoke again, but this time his smile was very bright.

Although he has transformed, his climbing in the first two years is not in vain. Although he has failed, he is more confident in his climbing compared to the all-around player Imaizumi.

"I can beat you on the flat road, and I will never lose on the uphill." Imaizumi understood what Kuroda meant, and responded unwillingly.

"Really, it's true that you are stronger than me on the flat track, but my legs, these elastic muscles like cat feet, are definitely more suitable for climbing after long-distance riding."

Kuroda is very confident in his legs. Although he lacks full explosive power, endurance is definitely his strong point.

Sure enough, on the subsequent uphill, Kuroda took the lead in changing the gear ratio, converting the original large chainring into a small chainring, and the flywheel was lifted up, rushing up the ramp as if there was no deceleration at all.

"Don't try to run!" Imaizumi roared, quickly switching gear ratios, moving forward quickly, trying to continue suppressing box learning three.

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