Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 22: Everything is to survive! Nothing wrong!

Chapter 22 It’s all about survival! Nothing wrong!


"I have been in the army for half a year. According to the two-year service limit, I can go home in one and a half years." Zhao Feng smiled and didn't care.

The reason why Zhao Feng asked Wang Yan was a bit playful. If he could really be allowed to go back early, that would be great. If he couldn't go back, there was nothing he could do.

You can't be a deserter. The punishment is very serious and you will be sent to hard labor.

Wang Yan asked with some confusion: "With your skill and strength, you should have been a sharp soldier when you were assigned. Why were you assigned to the logistics army?"

"What skills I have are just for the sake of survival." Zhao Feng gave a haha.


Zhao Feng also deliberately hid his clumsiness when he was in the new barracks.

Listening to Zhao Feng's answer, Wang Yan couldn't help but roll her eyes.

If Zhao Feng had killed a few enemies, he might have been forced out, but after killing nearly 300 enemy soldiers and also rushing into the enemy formation to kill Bao Yuan, could he still have been forced out?

"Don't you want to make great achievements?"

"With your strength, you will definitely become a very popular minister in the future." Wang Yan couldn't help but ask.

Deep down in her heart, she really didn't understand what Zhao Feng was thinking.

It is clear that he has the ability to make achievements but does not want to make achievements.

Zhao Feng did not answer.

Instead, he ate roast lamb.

After joining the army, Zhao Feng didn't eat meat for a long time. Although the Qin State treated the army very well, it was only for the real warriors, and the food for the logistics army was just for food and clothing.

Qin Wangzheng attaches great importance to the warriors who work for him, but he does not value the logistics army that does not need to go into battle to kill the enemy.

In the words of later generations.

The sharp soldiers are the regular army, while the logistics army is some miscellaneous army.

After eating a few pieces of meat, Zhao Feng took a sip of the wine given by Master Chen.


Zhao Fencai looked at Wang Yan and said: "Compared to making contributions, I want to live more."

Wang Yan frowned and said: "As a man of the Qin Dynasty, shouldn't he expand the territory for the country and be loyal to the emperor and serve the country?"

Regarding this statement.

Zhao Feng smiled faintly: "Be loyal to the king and serve the country, maybe! If an enemy invades my home, I will take up arms and fight him to the death!"

"But opening up territory and expanding territory is what the powerful people who are connected to the royal power want. The larger the Qin State's territory, the more the powerful people will gain. Opening up territory and expanding territory can also gain greater benefits, but for us ordinary people , What does it have to do with us to expand our territory? What can we gain? It’s nothing more than filling it with our lives and ultimately becoming a stepping stone for the interests of the powerful.”

"The expansion of territory makes the powerful and powerful smile."

"But for nine out of ten ordinary people, the final result is to receive some compensation for those who died in war, and their loved ones at home have an extra tombstone to bury their cries on."


These few words made Wang Yan's face change. These few words made the education Wang Yan received since childhood completely different.


This is Wang Yan's first exposure to the perspective of ordinary civilians.

She wanted to argue, but she didn't know how to argue at the moment.

After going on for quite a while.

"The Qin Dynasty opened up its territory for the sake of the world."

"As long as the six kingdoms are destroyed, there will be no more wars in the world, and the people of the world can live and work in peace and contentment. As long as the world is unified, everyone can live in peace. This is the great wish of the old Qin people of all generations. For this great wish, everyone can Death, don’t you understand?”

After thinking for a long time, Wang Yan stared at Zhao Feng and said.

"This is just what the superior thinks."

"In the past, the people of Lao Qin fought to the death just to have their own foundation. In order to protect their homeland, naturally everyone fought to the death to retaliate."


"The unification of the Qin Dynasty you mentioned may be able to stop the war and bring peace to the world."

"But for ordinary people, it is best not to go to the battlefield and die." "Not everyone wants to gain fame and wealth, but they just can't help themselves."

"Just like me, I didn't want to join the army at all. I was just old enough to be drafted into the army."

"If I have a choice, I will fulfill my filial piety first." Zhao Feng smiled faintly, with a sense of helplessness.

If it weren't for his mother's concern, perhaps Zhao Feng wouldn't be so resistant.

Unify the world!

In my previous life, as a descendant, I really admired Qin Shihuang's monumental achievements.

Zhao Feng also had great respect and admiration for Qin Shihuang.

Because as far as future generations of China are concerned, if Qin Shihuang did not rule the world, future generations of China would also fall apart and fail to achieve ethnic integration and cultural unity.

all in all!

Later generations' evaluation of Qin Shihuang was that he was one emperor through the ages, and his merits lasted for thousands of years.

But there is another saying before the merit lies in the future, the sin lies in the present!

Because the people in this era are too miserable.

Damn the name of Qin!

Maybe people after the end of the Qin Dynasty threw dirty water on Qin Shihuang, but there was also a large part of the reason. The people really couldn't live anymore, and the people were calling for violence against the Qin Dynasty.

Only by living in this era can we know how difficult this era is.

Reborn in this era, he became a Qin citizen, and even served on the battlefield. Zhao Feng deeply understood how cruel it was, and how human life was really worthless. In the present moment, Zhao Feng stayed away from the battlefield.

It was just that he had no choice but to go to the battlefield.

Even though Zhao Feng's current strength is good, he is not sure whether he can survive under thousands of troops. Even he is like this, let alone ordinary soldiers.

This era!

How cruel!

Some people may be unwilling to remain silent and want to gain fame and rank among the rich and powerful by virtue of their military exploits, but that is too difficult.

The vast majority of people were forcibly recruited and had to go to the battlefield.

Listen to Zhao Feng's words.

Wang Yan was silent again. It seemed that she really didn't know how to speak at this moment.

The brief meeting was no more than a stick of incense, but Wang Yan's heart was also filled with an inexplicable feeling.

"Judging from the appearance of the military commander, he must have come from a powerful family."

"With the personal protection of a general only, you are naturally full of ambitions. You want to expand territory for the imperial court and make contributions to your family."

"As far as you're concerned, there's nothing wrong with that."

"But for me, and for countless soldiers who came from ordinary people, the pursuit of the greatest is not power, but to live, to prevent the mother from crying, and to be filial to her mother."

"One general's success will make a thousand bones wither."

"As a civilian, I can not starve to death and take care of my whole family."

"As a conscripted soldier, you can avoid dying in battle."

"This is what I, as a civilian, think, and perhaps what countless civilians think too."

"In general."

"As a king, there is nothing wrong with wanting to rule the world and create a victory that has never been achieved before."

"As a powerful minister, there is nothing wrong with wanting to expand territory and make contributions to the country."

"But as a civilian, as a soldier, you want to survive, want to live, and want to be filial to your mother. This is not wrong." Zhao Feng smiled and said with emotion.

Listen to Zhao Feng's words.

Wang Yan's eyes also became complicated, and she seemed to understand.

Zhao Feng didn't speak again, but quietly ate the barbecue on the campfire.

After eating.

Zhao Feng stood up slowly and looked at Wang Yan thoughtfully.

PS: Fellow veterans, do you really not have any recommendation votes? It’s okay to catch up on reading every day, okay?

(End of chapter)

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